@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-# %%
-import json
-import csv
-with open('.dat/man_draft.json', 'r') as in_file:
- data = json.load(in_file)
-with open('entities_in.csv', 'r') as csv_in_1:
- reader = csv.DictReader(csv_in_1)
- ent_csv_in = [row for row in reader]
-with open('relations_in.csv', 'r') as csv_in_2:
- reader = csv.DictReader(csv_in_2)
- rel_csv_in = [row for row in reader]
-# %%
-# Consistency check
-entity_rels = {ent for rel in data['Relazioni'] for ent in [rel['Entità 1'], rel['Entità 2']]}
-entities = set(data['Entità'].keys())
-entities.add('#any') # For compatibility
-if not entity_rels.issubset(entities):
- print(entity_rels.difference(entities))
-# %%
-# USE A DIRTY SHORTCUT: paste entity/relation info on a precompiled rdf template file.
-# Load template
-with open('template_2.rdf', 'r') as in_file:
- raw_rdf = in_file.read()
-# Defined rdf snippets; info will replace placeholder tags (in uppercase between '#')
-entity_template = '''
- <!-- http://www.h2iosc.it/onto##NAME# -->
- <owl:Class rdf:about="&h2iosc;#NAME#">
- <rdfs:label>#LABEL#</rdfs:label>
- <rdfs:subClassOf>#PARENT#</rdfs:subClassOf>
- <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="#URI#"/>
- </owl:Class>
-subclass_string = " <rdfs:subClassOf>#PARENT#</rdfs:subClassOf>\n"
-class_defined_string = ' <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="#URI#"/>\n'
-object_property_template = '''
- <!-- http://www.h2iosc.it/onto##NAME# -->
- <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="&h2iosc;#NAME#">
- <rdfs:label>#LABEL#</rdfs:label>
- <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&h2iosc;#RANGE#"/>
- <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&h2iosc;#DOMAIN#"/>
- <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="#URI#"/>
- </owl:ObjectProperty>
-object_property_inverse_template = '''
- <!-- http://www.h2iosc.it/onto##NAME# -->
- <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="&h2iosc;#NAME#">
- <rdfs:label>#LABEL#</rdfs:label>
- <owl:inverseOf rdf:resource="&h2iosc;#INV#"/>
- <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&h2iosc;#RANGE#"/>
- <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&h2iosc;#DOMAIN#"/>
- <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="#URI#"/>
- </owl:ObjectProperty>
-object_defined_string = ' <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="#URI#"/>\n'
-datatype_property_template = '''
- <!-- http://www.h2iosc.it/onto##NAME# -->
- <owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:about="&h2iosc;#NAME#" rdf:isDefinedBy="#URI#">
- <rdfs:label>#LABEL#</rdfs:label>
- <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&h2iosc;#DOMAIN#"/>
- <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="#URI#"/>
- </owl:DatatypeProperty>
-datatype_defined_string = ' <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="#URI#"/>\n'
-# Define a normalization function for rdf labels for easier portability
-def label_to_name(label):
- return label.replace(' ', '_').replace('à', 'a').replace('è', 'e').replace('é', 'e').replace('ì', 'i').replace('ò', 'o').replace('ù', 'u')
-# Generic ('propietary') datatypes to std. xsd datatypes mapping
-datatype_xsd = {
- "#string": 'string',
- '#uri': '#uri',
- '#number': 'decimal',
- '#date': 'date',
- '#coordinates': '#coordinates'
-# %%
-# Map entity info to dedicated lists
-entities_rdf_list = []
-entities_csv = []
-datatype_properties_rdf_list = []
-same_as = list(data['Same_as'].keys())
-for label, ent in data['Entità'].items():
- entity_name = label_to_name(label)
- entity_rdf = entity_template.replace('#LABEL#', label).replace('#NAME#', entity_name)
- # Try to find entity in extra csv, see if there is CIDOC info and if so, map it
- entity_in_csv = next((ent for ent in ent_csv_in if ent['ENTITÀ']==label), None)
- cidoc_class = None
- if entity_in_csv is not None:
- cidoc_class = entity_in_csv.get('CIDOC-LINK')
- if cidoc_class is not None and cidoc_class!='':
- entity_rdf = entity_rdf.replace('#URI#', cidoc_class)
- else:
- entity_rdf = entity_rdf.replace(class_defined_string, '')
- # Subclasses
- if 'Sottoclasse di' in ent.keys():
- parent = ent['Sottoclasse di']
- data['Relazioni'].append({"Entità 1": label,
- "Entità 2": parent,
- "Etichetta": "is_subclass_of", "Inversa": "is_superclass_of"})
- entity_rdf = entity_rdf.replace('#PARENT#', label_to_name(parent))
- else:
- entity_rdf = entity_rdf.replace(subclass_string, '')
- entities_rdf_list.append(entity_rdf)
- #
- if label in same_as:
- entities_csv.append( [label, "", ', '.join(data['Same_as'][label])] )
- else:
- entities_csv.append([label, "", ""])
- for datatype_label, datatype_val in ent.items():
- if not isinstance(datatype_val, str) or not datatype_val.startswith('#'):
- continue
- entities_csv.append(["", datatype_label, ""])
- datatype_name = label_to_name(datatype_label)
- datatype_rdf = datatype_property_template.replace('#LABEL#', datatype_label).replace('#NAME#', datatype_name).replace('#DOMAIN#', entity_name)
- # Try to find entity in extra csv, see if there is CIDOC info and if so, map it
- datatype_in_csv = next((ent for ent in ent_csv_in if ent['ATTRIBUTO (LITERAL)']==datatype_label), None)
- cidoc_class = None
- if datatype_in_csv is not None:
- cidoc_class = datatype_in_csv.get('CIDOC-LINK')
- if cidoc_class is not None and cidoc_class!='':
- datatype_rdf = datatype_rdf.replace('#URI#', cidoc_class)
- else:
- datatype_rdf = datatype_rdf.replace(datatype_defined_string, '')
- datatype_properties_rdf_list.append(datatype_rdf)
-# Map relation info to dedicated lists
-relations_rdf_list = []
-relations_csv = []
-for rel in data['Relazioni']:
- label = rel['Etichetta']
- inverse_label = rel['Inversa']
- domain = label_to_name(rel['Entità 1'])
- range1 = label_to_name(rel['Entità 2'])
- relations_csv.append([rel['Entità 1'], rel['Entità 2'], rel['Etichetta'], rel['Inversa']])
- name = domain + '_' + label_to_name(label) + '_' + range1
- inverse_name = range1 + '_' + label_to_name(inverse_label) + '_' + domain
- # Try to find entity in extra csv, see if there is CIDOC info and if so, map it
- relation_in_csv = next((rel_csv for rel_csv in rel_csv_in if (rel_csv['ENTITÀ 1']==rel['Entità 1'] and rel_csv['ENTITÀ 2']==rel['Entità 2']) ), None)
- cidoc_class = None
- #
- relation_rdf = object_property_template.replace('#NAME#', name).replace('#LABEL#', label).replace('#DOMAIN#', domain).replace('#RANGE#', range1)
- #
- if relation_in_csv is not None:
- cidoc_class = relation_in_csv.get('CIDOC-LINK')
- if cidoc_class is not None and cidoc_class!='':
- relation_rdf = relation_rdf.replace('#URI#', cidoc_class)
- else:
- relation_rdf = relation_rdf.replace(object_defined_string, '')
- #
- relation_inverse_rdf = object_property_inverse_template.replace('#NAME#', inverse_name).replace('#LABEL#', inverse_label).replace('#DOMAIN#', range1).replace('#RANGE#', domain).replace('#INV#', name)
- #
- if cidoc_class is not None and cidoc_class!='':
- relation_inverse_rdf = relation_inverse_rdf.replace('#URI#', cidoc_class)
- else:
- relation_inverse_rdf = relation_inverse_rdf.replace('<rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="#URI#"/>', '')
- #
- relation_full_rdf = relation_rdf + '\n\n\n' + relation_inverse_rdf
- relations_rdf_list.append(relation_full_rdf)
-# Write info to template and export it to output file
-with open('draft.rdf', 'w') as out_file:
- to_out = raw_rdf.replace(entity_template, '\n\n\n'.join(entities_rdf_list)).replace(datatype_property_template, '\n\n\n'.join(datatype_properties_rdf_list)).replace(object_property_inverse_template, '\n\n\n'.join(relations_rdf_list))
- out_file.write(to_out)
-# %%
-# Write info to two csv files (one for Entities, one for Relations) for extra human readability
-with open('entities.csv', 'w') as out_csv:
- writer = csv.writer(out_csv)
- writer.writerow(['ENTITÀ', 'ATTRIBUTO (LITERAL)', 'SAME AS'])
- writer.writerows(entities_csv)
-with open('relations.csv', 'w') as out_csv:
- writer = csv.writer(out_csv)
- writer.writerows(relations_csv)
-# %%
-# %%
-entity_template in raw_rdf
-# %%
-# %%