$(function() { var spriteHome = 'spriteHome'; if ($.jStorage.get('selectedLanguage') == 'en') { spriteHome = 'spriteHomeEn'; } else if ($.jStorage.get('selectedLanguage') == 'fr') { spriteHome = 'spriteHomeFr'; } else if ($.jStorage.get('selectedLanguage') == 'gl') { spriteHome = 'spriteHomeEn'; } function myAlert(msg) { var alert = $('
' + msg + '
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' + lang('choose') + '
'; $.each($.jStorage.get('profile').connection, function(key, value) { var examples = value.examples; // index++; var aBox = $('

' + key.replace(/,.*/g, '').replace(/http:\/\//gi, '') + '

'); $('#startPanel').children('#boxes').children('#boxesCont').append(aBox); var descr = value.description[$.jStorage.get('selectedLanguage')]; if (!descr) { descr = value.description['en']; } var descrBox = $('

' + key.replace(/,.*/g, '').replace(/http:\/\//gi, '') + '

' + descr + '

'); $('#startPanel').children('#boxes').children('#boxesCont').append(descrBox); var form = $(formTemplate); aBox.append(form); aBox.children('h1').children('span').click(function() { descrBox.css({ position : 'absolute', top : aBox.position().top, left : aBox.position().left }); descrBox.fadeIn('fast'); if ($('div.selectionList', form).length > 0) { form.find('div.select').click(); } }); descrBox.click(function() { descrBox.fadeOut('fast'); }); form.bind('submit', function() { var value = $(this).find('input[name=startFrom]').val(); if (value != '') { document.location = '?' + $.trim(value); } else { myAlert(lang('impostaUnaURI')); } return false; }); form.find('div.select').click(function() { if ($(this).data('show')) { $('div.selectionList', form).remove(); $(this).data('show', false); } else { $(this).data('show', true); var ele = $(this); var jExemples = $('
'); form.append(jExemples); jExemples.append('
' + lang('addUri') + '
'); jExemples.append('
' + lang('findResource') + '
'); if (examples) { for (var a = 0; a < examples.length; a++) { jExemples.append('
' + lang('example') + ' - ' + examples[a].label + '
'); } } jExemples.hover(function() { }, function() { ele.click(); }); form.find('.selectEle').click(function() { ele.click(); var label = $(this).attr('rel'); if (label == 'cerca') { form.parent().setBackgroundPosition({ y : -320 }); if ($('div.cerca', form).length == 0) { var cerca = $('
' + lang('choose') + '
'); form.find('input[name=startFrom]').val('').attr('readonly', 'readonly').css({ background : '#bdbdbd', color : '#575757' }).parent().css({ background : '#bdbdbd' }).before(cerca); form.find('.inviaForm').attr("style", 'top: 20px;'); var jClasses = $(''); var template = '
'; $("#aSpace").lodlive('allClasses', form.parent().attr('rel'), cerca.find('div.select > span:first'), jClasses, template); cerca.find('div.select').click(function() { if ($(this).data('show')) { $('.slimScrollDiv', cerca).remove(); // $('div.selectionList', cerca).remove(); $(this).data('show', false); } else { $(this).data('show', true); cerca.append(jClasses); var ele2 = $(this); cerca.find('.selectEle').click(function() { ele2.click(); var label = $(this).text(); ele2.find('span:first').text(label); cerca.find('input[name=classFrom]').val('').removeAttr('readonly').css({ background : '#fff', color : '#000' }).focus().parent().css({ background : '#fff' }); }); var invia2 = $('
'); if (cerca.find('.inviaForm2').length != 0) { cerca.find('.inviaForm2').remove(); } invia2.click(function() { $("#aSpace").lodlive('findSubject', form.parent().attr('rel'), "http://" + ele2.find('span:first').text(), cerca.find('input[name=classFrom]').val(), form.find('input[name=startFrom]'), form.find('input[name=startFrom]')); }); cerca.append(invia2); invia2.hover(function() { cerca.parent().parent().setBackgroundPosition({ x : -630 }); }, function() { cerca.parent().parent().setBackgroundPosition({ x : -10 }); }); $('.slimScrollDiv', cerca).remove(); jClasses.css({ display : 'block' }); jClasses.slimScroll({ height : 8 * 20, width : 260, color : '#000' }); $('.slimScrollDiv', cerca).css({ position : 'absolute', display : 'block', left : ele2.position().left, top : ele2.position().top + 60 }); $('.slimScrollDiv', cerca).hover(function() { }, function() { ele2.click(); }); } }); } } else if (label == 'inserisci') { form.find('input[name=startFrom]').val('').removeAttr('readonly').css({ background : '#fff', color : '#575757' }).focus().parent().css({ background : '#fff' }); $('.cerca', form).remove(); form.find('.inviaForm').attr("style", ''); form.parent().setBackgroundPosition({ y : -10 }); } else { form.find('input[name=startFrom]').attr('readonly', 'readonly').css({ background : '#bdbdbd', color : '#575757' }).val(label).parent().css({ background : '#bdbdbd' }); $('.cerca', form).remove(); form.find('.inviaForm').attr("style", ''); form.parent().setBackgroundPosition({ y : -10 }); } form.find('div.select > span:first').text($(this).find('span').text()); }); jExemples.css({ position : 'absolute', zIndex : '9999', left : ele.position().left, top : ele.position().top + 60 }); } }); var invia = $('
'); invia.click(function() { form.submit(); }); form.append(invia); invia.hover(function() { $(this).parent().parent().setBackgroundPosition({ x : -320 }); }, function() { $(this).parent().parent().setBackgroundPosition({ x : -10 }); }); }); var firstLine = $('#firstLineBoxes'); liveOnlodLive($('#startPanel').children('#boxes').children('#boxesCont')); orangeBox(firstLine, formTemplate); blueBox(firstLine, formTemplate); //firstLine.append('

' + lang('insertData') + '

'); $('#menu').find('a[href^=#]').click(function() { var text = $('

' + $(this).text() + '

' + $($(this).attr("href")).children('p').html() + '
'); text.click(function() { $(this).remove(); }); if ($('.text').length > 0) { $('.text').remove(); } $('body').append(text); return false; }); } if (!$.support.canvas) { myAlert(lang('noIe')); } function showDescrBox(aBox, descrBox) { aBox.children('h1').children('span').click(function() { descrBox.css({ position : 'absolute', top : aBox.position().top, left : aBox.position().left }); descrBox.fadeIn('fast'); if ($('div.selectionList', form).length > 0) { form.find('div.select').click(); } }); descrBox.click(function() { descrBox.fadeOut('fast'); }); } function addSubmit(form) { var invia = $('
'); invia.click(function() { form.submit(); }); form.append(invia); invia.hover(function() { $(this).parent().parent().setBackgroundPosition({ x : -320 }); }, function() { $(this).parent().parent().setBackgroundPosition({ x : -10 }); }); form.bind('submit', function() { var value = $(this).find('*[name=startFrom]').val(); if (value != '') { document.location = '?' + $.trim(value); } else { myAlert(lang('impostaUnaURI')); } return false; }); } function blueBox(firstLine, formTemplate) { var aBox = $('

LodLive for


This is the LodLive instance of the IPERION-HS project. Here you can browse the resources as graphs \ and explore their connections through their properties. You can enter the link of a resource that you \ have viewed on the IPERION website inside the box on the side, then launch LodLive to explore to see the \ resulting graph. \ To start try to copy into the box on the side one of the following links and launch LodLive:\


' + lang('insertUri') + '

'); firstLine.append(aBox); var descrBox = $('

' + lang('insertUri') + '

' + lang('insertUriDescription') + '

'); firstLine.append(descrBox); showDescrBox(aBox, descrBox); var form = $(formTemplate); var input = form.find('div.input'); var textarea = $("
"); input.before(textarea); input.remove(); form.children('.select').remove(); form.find('input').attr("readonly", false); firstLine.children('#boxB').append(form); addSubmit(form); form.find('.inviaForm').attr("style", 'top: 138px'); } function liveOnlodLive(dest) { var aBox = $('


Select an example from those proposed to get started

'); dest.prepend(aBox); var form = $('
' + lang('choose') + '
'); //aBox.append(form); aBox.find('div.select').click(function() { if ($(this).data('show')) { $(this).data('show', false); $('.slimScrollDiv', form).remove(); } else { $(this).data('show', true); var ele = $(this); var jEndpoints = $('
'); $.each($.jStorage.get('profile').connection, function(key, value) { jEndpoints.append('
' + key.replace(/,.*/g, '').replace(/http:\/\//gi, '') + '
'); }); form.append(jEndpoints); jEndpoints.css({ left : ele.position().left }); form.find('.selectEle').click(function() { ele.click(); var label = $(this).attr('rel'); var selBox = $("div[rel='" + label + "'].startBox:first").position().left + 310; var pag = (selBox / 930 + "").indexOf(".") > 0 ? parseInt(selBox / 930 + "".replace(/\.[0-9]*/, '')) + 1 : selBox / 930; for (var a = 0; a < pag - 1; a++) { $.doTimeout(205 * a, function() { nextSpeed = 0; fadeSpeed = 0; $("#nextPage").click(); }); } }); $('.slimScrollDiv', form).remove(); jEndpoints.css({ display : 'block' }); jEndpoints.slimScroll({ height : 5 * 20, width : 200, color : '#000' }); $('.slimScrollDiv', form).css({ position : 'absolute', display : 'block', zIndex : '9999', left : ele.position().left, top : ele.position().top + 280 }); $('.slimScrollDiv', form).hover(function() { }, function() { aBox.find('div.select').click(); }); } }) } function orangeBox(firstLine, formTemplate) { var aBox = $('

' + lang('simpleSearch') + '

'); firstLine.append(aBox); var descrBox = $('

' + lang('simpleSearch') + '

' + lang('simpleSearchDescription') + '

'); firstLine.append(descrBox); showDescrBox(aBox, descrBox); var form = $(formTemplate); firstLine.children('#boxO').append(form); form.children('.input').before($('
')); form.find('div.select').click(function() { if ($(this).data('show')) { $(this).data('show', false); $('div.selectionList', form).remove(); } else { $(this).data('show', true); var ele = $(this); var jEndpoints = $('
'); jEndpoints.append('
'); jEndpoints.append('
'); jEndpoints.hover(function() { }, function() { ele.click(); }); form.append(jEndpoints); jEndpoints.css({ position : 'absolute', zIndex : '9999', left : ele.position().left, top : ele.position().top + 60 }); form.find('.selectEle').click(function() { ele.click(); var label = $(this).attr('rel'); var ele2 = form.find('input[name=classFrom]'); ele2.unbind('focus'); ele2.unbind('keyup'); ele2.val('').removeAttr('readonly').css({ background : '#fff', color : '#975E1C' }).focus().parent().css({ background : '#fff' }); var invia2 = $(''); var cerca = form.find('.inputClass'); var timer = null; ele2.keyup(function() { if ($(this).val().length > 0) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function() { invia2.click(); }, 250); } }); ele2.focus(function() { form.find('.selectionList').remove(); invia2.click(); }); invia2.click(function() { form.find('.selectionList').remove(); if (ele2.val().length > 0) { form.children('div.input').children('img').remove(); form.children('div.input').prepend(''); var results = []; results = findConcept(label, ele2.val(), function() { form.children('div.input').children('img').remove(); var jClasses = $('
'); for (var int = 0; int < results.length; int++) { var row = results[int]; jClasses.append('
' + row.label + '
'); } form.append(jClasses); jClasses.find('span').click(function() { ele2.val($(this).text()); form.find('input[name=startFrom]').val($(this).attr('title')); $('.selectionList').remove(); }); jClasses.hover(function() { }, function() { form.find('.selectionList').remove(); }); jClasses.css({ position : 'absolute', zIndex : '9999', display : 'block', left : ele2.position().left, top : ele2.position().top + 20 }); }, function() { form.children('div.input').children('img').remove(); }); } }); cerca.append(invia2); invia2.hover(function() { cerca.parent().parent().setBackgroundPosition({ x : -630 }); }, function() { cerca.parent().parent().setBackgroundPosition({ x : -10 }); }); /* * form.parent().setBackgroundPosition({ y : -10 }); */ form.children('div.select').children('span:first').text($(this).find('span').text()); }); } }) addSubmit(form); form.find('.inviaForm').attr("style", 'top: 60px'); } var connection = null; function findConcept(type, value, callback, onAbort) { try { connection.abort(); // onAbort(); } catch (e) { } var result = []; if (type == 'dbpedia') { connection = $.ajax({ url : 'http://lookup.dbpedia.org/api/search.asmx/PrefixSearch?QueryClass=&MaxHits=20&QueryString=' + value, async : true, success : function(data) { var xml = $(data); xml.find('Result').each(function() { result.push({ uri : $(this).children('URI').text(), label : $(this).children('Label').text() }); callback(); }); if (xml.find('Result').length == 0) { onAbort(); } }, complete : function(a, b) { if (b == 'error' || b == 'parsererror' || b == 'timeout') { myAlert(lang('enpointNotAvailableOrSLow') + "
https://lookup.dbpedia.org " + "(" + b + ")"); onAbort(); } } }); } else if (type == 'freebase') { connection = $.ajax({ url : 'https://www.googleapis.com/freebase/v1/search?query=' + value + '&mql_output={"id":null,"name":null}&lang=en&key=AIzaSyBtTcMfVJVhjmhh_MdzeBCnuIC4J0WzPXQ', async : true, success : function(json) { for (var int = 0; int < json.result.length; int++) { var row = json.result[int]; result.push({ uri : 'http://rdf.freebase.com/ns/' + row.id.replace(/^\//, '').replace(/\//g, '.'), label : row.name ? row.name : row.id }); callback(); } }, complete : function(a, b) { if (b == 'error' || b == 'parsererror' || b == 'timeout') { myAlert(lang('enpointNotAvailableOrSLow') + "
https://www.googleapis.com/freebase " + "(" + b + ")"); onAbort(); } } }); } return result; } });