/* * * lodLive 1.0 * is developed by Diego Valerio Camarda, Silvia Mazzini and Alessandro Antonuccio * * Licensed under the MIT license * * plase tell us if you use it! * * geodimail@gmail.com * */ var debugOn = false; (function($, lodLiveProfile) { $.jsonp.setup({ cache : true, callbackParameter : 'callback', callback : 'lodlive', pageCache : true, timeout : 30000 }); var globalInfoPanelMap = {}; var globalInnerPageMap = {}; var context; var methods = { init : function(firstUri) { context = this; context.append(''); // inizializzo il contenitore delle variabili di ambiente var storeIdsCleaner = $.jStorage.index(); for (var int = 0; int < storeIdsCleaner.length; int++) { if (storeIdsCleaner[int].indexOf("storeIds-") == 0) { $.jStorage.deleteKey(storeIdsCleaner[int]); } } $.jStorage.set('imagesMap', {}); $.jStorage.set('mapsMap', {}); $.jStorage.set('infoPanelMap', {}); // $.jStorage.set('storeIds',{}); // template della query // creo il primo box, lo aggiungo al documento e lo posiziono // orizzontalmente nel centro var firstBox = $($.jStorage.get('boxTemplate')); methods.centerBox(firstBox); context.append(firstBox); firstBox.attr("id", MD5(firstUri)); firstBox.attr("rel", firstUri); firstBox.css({ 'zIndex' : 1 }); // inizializzo la mappa delle classi $.jStorage.set('classMap', { // randomize first color counter : Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1 }); // imposto le dimensioni dell'area di lavoro // context.height($(document).height()); // context.width($(document).width()); // attivo le funzioni per il drag methods.renewDrag(context.children('.boxWrapper')); // carico il primo documento methods.openDoc(firstUri, firstBox); methods.controlPanel('init'); // methods.controlPanel('move'); methods.msg('', 'init'); // methods.msg('', 'move'); $(window).bind('scroll', function() { methods.docInfo(null, 'move'); methods.controlPanel('move'); }); $(window).bind('resize', function() { methods.docInfo('', 'close'); $('#controlPanel').remove(); methods.controlPanel('init'); // $(".tipsy").remove(); }); }, close : function() { document.location = document.location.href.substring(0, document.location.href.indexOf("?")); }, composeQuery : function(resource, module, testURI) { if (debugOn) { start = new Date().getTime(); } var url = ""; var res = ""; var endpoint = ""; $.each(lodLiveProfile.connection, function(key, value) { var keySplit = key.split(","); for (var a = 0; a < keySplit.length; a++) { if (( testURI ? testURI : resource).indexOf(keySplit[a]) == 0) { res = getSparqlConf(module, value, lodLiveProfile).replace(/\{URI\}/ig, resource.replace(/^.*~~/, '')); if (value.proxy) { url = value.proxy + '?endpoint=' + value.endpoint + "&" + (value.endpointType ? $.jStorage.get('endpoints')[value.endpointType] : $.jStorage.get('endpoints')['all']) + "&query=" + encodeURIComponent(res); } else { url = value.endpoint + "?" + (value.endpointType ? $.jStorage.get('endpoints')[value.endpointType] : $.jStorage.get('endpoints')['all']) + "&query=" + encodeURIComponent(res); } endpoint = value.endpoint; return false; } } }); if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' composeQuery '); } if (url == '') { url = 'http://system/dummy?' + resource; } if (endpoint && $.jStorage.get('showInfoConsole')) { methods.queryConsole('log', { title : endpoint, text : res, id : url, uriId : resource }); } return url; }, guessingEndpoint : function(uri, onSuccess, onFail) { var base = uri.replace(/(^https?:\/\/[^\/]+\/).+/, "$1"); var guessedEndpoint = base + "sparql?" + $.jStorage.get('endpoints')['all'] + "&query=" + encodeURIComponent("select * where {?a ?b ?c} LIMIT 1"); $.jsonp({ url : guessedEndpoint, success : function(data) { if (data && data.results && data.results.bindings[0]) { var connections = lodLiveProfile.connection; connections[base] = { endpoint : base + "sparql" }; lodLiveProfile.connection = connections; onSuccess(); } else { onFail(); } }, error : function() { onFail(); } }); }, doStats : function(uri) { if ($('#stats').length == 0) { $('body').append('
'); } else if ($('#stats').children('iframe').length == 10) { $('#stats').empty(); $('#stats').append(''); } else { $('#stats').append(''); } }, msg : function(msg, action, type, endpoint, inverse) { // area dei messaggi var msgPanel = $('#msg'); if (action == 'init') { if (msgPanel.length == 0) { msgPanel = $('
'); context.append(msgPanel); } } else if (action == 'move') { msgPanel.hide(); msgPanel.css({ display : 'none' }); } else if (action == 'hide') { msgPanel.hide(); } else { msgPanel.empty(); msg = msg.replace(/http:\/\/.+~~/g, ''); msg = msg.replace(/nodeID:\/\/.+~~/g, ''); msg = msg.replace(/_:\/\/.+~~/g, ''); msg = breakLines(msg); msg = msg.replace(/\|/g, '
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" + endpoint + "
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" + (msgs[0].length > 200 ? msgs[0].substring(0, 200) + "..." : msgs[0]) + "
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" + msgs[1] + "
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" + msgs[0] + "
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'); infoMap[id] = panel; globalInfoPanelMap = infoMap; } else if (action == 'log') { if (toLog.resource) { panel.append('

' + toLog.resource + ' 

'); panel.children("h3").children("a").click(function() { methods.queryConsole('close', { uriId : toLog.uriId }); }).hover(function() { $(this).setBackgroundPosition({ x : -641 }); }, function() { $(this).setBackgroundPosition({ x : -611 }); }); } if (panel) { if (toLog.title) { var h4 = $('

' + toLog.title + '

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' + (toLog.text).replace(//gi, ">") + '
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' + lang('options') + '

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{ action : "autofit" } : {}); } } close.css({ position : 'absolute', left : panelContent.width() + 1, top : 0 }); } else { methods.highlight(panel.children('.maps'), 2, 200, '-565px -450px'); } } }, updateImagePanel : function(panel) { if ($.jStorage.get('doCollectImages', true)) { var imagePanel = $('#imagePanel', panel).children("span"); if ($("#imagePanel:visible", panel).length > 0) { var panelContent = $('#panel2Content', panel); var close = $('.close2', panel); var imageMap = $.jStorage.get('imagesMap'); var mapSize = 0; for (var prop in imageMap) { if (imageMap.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { mapSize++; } } if (mapSize > 0) { imagePanel.children('.amsg').remove(); var counter = 0; for (var prop in imageMap) { if (imageMap.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { for (var a = 0; a < imageMap[prop].length; a++) { for (var key in imageMap[prop][a]) { if (($.jStorage.get('noImagesMap', {})[prop + counter])) { counter--; } else if (imagePanel.children('.img-' + prop + '-' + counter).length == 0) { var img = $('"'); img.attr("data-prop", prop); imagePanel.prepend(img); img.fancybox({ 'transitionIn' : 'elastic', 'transitionOut' : 'elastic', 'speedIn' : 400, 'type' : 'image', 'speedOut' : 200, 'hideOnContentClick' : true, 'showCloseButton' : false, 'overlayShow' : false }); img.children('img').error(function() { $(this).parent().remove(); counter--; if (counter < 3) { panelContent.width(148); } else { var tot = (counter / 3 + (counter % 3 > 0 ? 1 : 0) + '').split('.')[0]; if (tot > 7) { tot = 7; } panelContent.width(20 + (tot) * 128); } close.css({ position : 'absolute', left : panelContent.width() + 1, top : 0 }); var noImage = $.jStorage.get('noImagesMap', {}); noImage[prop + counter] = true; $.jStorage.set('noImagesMap', noImage); close.css({ position : 'absolute', left : panelContent.width() + 1, top : 0 }); }); img.children('img').load(function() { var titolo = $(this).attr('rel'); if ($(this).width() < $(this).height()) { $(this).height($(this).height() * 113 / $(this).width()); $(this).width(113); } else { $(this).css({ width : $(this).width() * 113 / $(this).height(), height : 113, marginLeft : -(($(this).width() * 113 / $(this).height() - 113) / 2) }); } var controls = $('' + titolo + ''); $(this).parent().append(controls); $(this).parent().hover(function() { $(this).children('img').hide(); }, function() { $(this).children('img').show(); }); controls.children('.imgControlZoom').hover(function() { $(this).parent().parent().setBackgroundPosition({ x : -1955 }); }, function() { $(this).parent().parent().setBackgroundPosition({ x : -1825 }); }); controls.children('.imgControlCenter').hover(function() { $(this).parent().parent().setBackgroundPosition({ x : -2085 }); }, function() { $(this).parent().parent().setBackgroundPosition({ x : -1825 }); }); controls.children('.imgControlCenter').click(function() { $('.close2', panel).click(); methods.highlight($('#' + $(this).parent().parent().attr("data-prop")).children('.box'), 8, 100, '0 0'); // -390px return false; }); if (counter < 3) { panelContent.width(148); } else { var tot = (counter / 3 + (counter % 3 > 0 ? 1 : 0) + '').split('.')[0]; if (tot > 7) { tot = 7; } panelContent.width(20 + (tot) * 128); close.css({ position : 'absolute', left : panelContent.width() + 1, top : 0 }); } }); } counter++; } } } } } else { panelContent.width(148); if (imagePanel.children('.amsg').length == 0) { imagePanel.append('' + lang('imagesNotFound') + ''); } } close.css({ position : 'absolute', left : panelContent.width() + 1, top : 0 }); } else { methods.highlight(panel.children('.images'), 2, 200, '-610px -450px'); } } }, highlight : function(object, times, speed, backmove) { if (times > 0) { times--; var css = object.css('background-position'); object.doTimeout(speed, function() { object.css({ 'background-position' : backmove }); object.doTimeout(speed, function() { object.css({ 'background-position' : css }); methods.highlight(object, times, speed, backmove); }); }); } }, renewDrag : function(aDivList) { if (debugOn) { start = new Date().getTime(); } aDivList.each(function() { if ($(this).attr("class").indexOf('ui-draggable') == -1) { $(this).draggable({ // handle:'.boxTitle', stack : '.boxWrapper', containment : "parent", start : function() { $(".toolBox").remove(); $('#line-' + $(this).attr("id")).clearCanvas(); var generatedRev = $.jStorage.get('storeIds-generatedByRev-' + $(this).attr("id")); if (generatedRev) { for (var a = 0; a < generatedRev.length; a++) { generated = $.jStorage.get('storeIds-generatedBy-' + generatedRev[a]); $('#line-' + generatedRev[a]).clearCanvas(); } } }, drag : function(event, ui) { }, stop : function(event, ui) { methods.drawAllLines($(this)); } }); } }); if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' renewDrag '); } }, centerBox : function(aBox) { if (debugOn) { start = new Date().getTime(); } var top = ($(context).height() - 65) / 2 + ($(context).scrollTop() || 0); var left = ($(context).width() - 65) / 2 + ($(context).scrollLeft() || 0); var props = { position : 'absolute', left : left, top : top }; window.scrollBy(-context.width(), -context.height()); window.scrollBy($(context).width() / 2 - $(window).width() / 2 + 25, $(context).height() / 2 - $(window).height() / 2 + 65); try { aBox.animate(props, 1000); } catch (e) { aBox.css(props); } if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' centerBox '); } }, autoExpand : function(obj) { if (debugOn) { start = new Date().getTime(); } $.each(globalInnerPageMap, function(key, element) { if (element.children(".relatedBox:not([class*=exploded])").length > 0) { if (element.parent().length == 0) { context.append(element); } element.children(".relatedBox:not([class*=exploded])").each(function() { var aId = $(this).attr("relmd5"); var newObj = context.children('#' + aId); if (newObj.length > 0) { $(this).click(); } }); context.children('.innerPage').detach(); } }); context.find(".relatedBox:not([class*=exploded])").each(function() { var aId = $(this).attr("relmd5"); var newObj = context.children('#' + aId); if (newObj.length > 0) { $(this).click(); } }); if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' autoExpand '); } }, addNewDoc : function(obj, ele, callback) { if (debugOn) { start = new Date().getTime(); } var aId = ele.attr("relmd5"); var newObj = context.find('#' + aId); var isInverse = ele.attr("class").indexOf("inverse") != -1; var exist = true; // verifico se esistono box rappresentativi dello stesso documento // nella pagina if (newObj.length == 0) { newObj = $($.jStorage.get('boxTemplate')); exist = false; } var originalCircus = $("#" + ele.attr("data-circleId")); if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' addNewDoc 01 '); } if (!isInverse) { if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' addNewDoc 02 '); } var connected = $.jStorage.get('storeIds-generatedBy-' + originalCircus.attr("id")); if (!connected) { connected = [aId]; } else { if ($.inArray(aId, connected) == -1) { connected.push(aId); } else { return; } } if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' addNewDoc 03 '); } $.jStorage.set('storeIds-generatedBy-' + originalCircus.attr("id"), connected); connected = $.jStorage.get('storeIds-generatedByRev-' + aId); if (!connected) { connected = [originalCircus.attr("id")]; } else { if ($.inArray(originalCircus.attr("id"), connected) == -1) { connected.push(originalCircus.attr("id")); } } if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' addNewDoc 04 '); } $.jStorage.set('storeIds-generatedByRev-' + aId, connected); } var propertyName = ele.attr("data-property"); newObj.attr("id", aId); newObj.attr("rel", ele.attr("rel")); var fromInverse = isInverse ? 'div[data-property="' + ele.attr("data-property") + '"][rel="' + obj.attr("rel") + '"]' : null; if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' addNewDoc 05 '); } // nascondo l'oggetto del click e carico la risorsa successiva $(ele).hide(); if (!exist) { if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' addNewDoc 06 '); } var pos = parseInt(ele.attr("data-circlePos"), 10); var parts = parseInt(ele.attr("data-circleParts"), 10); // var chordsListExpand = this.lodlive('circleChords', // ele.attr("data-circleParts") > 10 ? (pos % 2 > 0 ? // originalCircus.width() * 3 : originalCircus.width() * 2) : // originalCircus.width() * 5 / 2, // parseInt(ele.attr("data-circleParts"), 10) + 4, // originalCircus.position().left + obj.width() / 2, // originalCircus.position().top + originalCircus.height() / 2, // pos + 1); var chordsListExpand = methods.circleChords(parts > 10 ? 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} if ($.jStorage.get('doInverse')) { methods.openDoc($(ele).attr("rel"), newObj, fromInverse); } else { methods.openDoc($(ele).attr("rel"), newObj); } methods.drawaLine(obj, newObj, propertyName); } else { if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' addNewDoc 09 '); } methods.openDoc($(ele).attr("rel"), newObj, fromInverse); } // }); } else { if (!isInverse) { if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' addNewDoc 10 '); } methods.renewDrag(context.children('.boxWrapper')); methods.drawaLine(obj, newObj, propertyName); } else { if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' addNewDoc 11 '); } try { // $(fromInverse).click(); } catch (e) { } } } if (callback) { callback(); } if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' addNewDoc '); } return false; }, removeDoc : function(obj, callback) { if (debugOn) { start = new Date().getTime(); } $(".toolBox").remove(); // $(".tipsy").remove(); var id = obj.attr("id"); methods.queryConsole('remove', { uriId : obj.attr('rel') }); 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    ' + shortKey + ": " + value.object.value + '
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    "); } }); }, error : function(e, b, v) { destBox.find('span').html(''); } }); if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' resolveBnodes '); } return val; }, format : function(destBox, values, uris, inverses) { if (debugOn) { start = new Date().getTime(); } var containerBox = destBox.parent('div'); var thisUri = containerBox.attr('rel'); // recupero il doctype per caricare le configurazioni specifiche var docType = methods.getJsonValue(uris, 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type', 'default'); if (thisUri.indexOf("~~") != -1) { docType = 'bnode'; } // carico le configurazioni relative allo stile var aClass = methods.getProperty("document", "className", docType); if (docType == 'bnode') { aClass = 'bnode'; } // destBox.addClass(aClass); if (aClass == null || aClass == 'standard' || aClass == '') { if ($.jStorage.get('classMap')[docType]) { aClass = $.jStorage.get('classMap')[docType]; } else { var classMap = $.jStorage.get('classMap'); aClass = "box" + $.jStorage.get('classMap').counter; if ($.jStorage.get('classMap').counter == 13) { classMap.counter = 1; $.jStorage.set('classMap', classMap); } else { classMap.counter = classMap.counter + 1; $.jStorage.set('classMap', classMap); } classMap[docType] = aClass; $.jStorage.set('classMap', classMap); } } containerBox.addClass(aClass); // ed ai path da mostrare nel titolo del box var titles = methods.getProperty("document", "titleProperties", docType); // ed ai path degli oggetti di tipo immagine var images = methods.getProperty("images", "properties", docType); // ed ai path dei link esterni var weblinks = methods.getProperty("weblinks", "properties", docType); // e le latitudini var lats = methods.getProperty("maps", "lats", docType); // e le longitudini var longs = methods.getProperty("maps", "longs", docType); // e punti var points = methods.getProperty("maps", "points", docType); // se la proprieta' e' stata scritta come stringa la trasformo in un // array if ( typeof titles == typeof '') { titles = [titles]; } if ( typeof images == typeof '') { images = [images]; } if ( typeof weblinks == typeof '') { weblinks = [weblinks]; } if ( typeof lats == typeof '') { lats = [lats]; } if ( typeof longs == typeof '') { longs = [longs]; } if ( typeof points == typeof '') { points = [points]; } // gestisco l'inserimento di messaggi di sistema come errori o altro titles.push('http://system/msg'); // aggiungo al box il titolo var result = "
    "; var maxTitles = 3; for (var a = 0; a < titles.length && maxTitles > 0; a++) { var resultArray = methods.getJsonValue(values, titles[a], titles[a].indexOf('http') == 0 ? '' : titles[a]); if (titles[a].indexOf('http') != 0) { if (result.indexOf($.trim(unescape(titles[a])) + " \n") == -1) { result += $.trim(unescape(titles[a])) + " \n"; maxTitles--; } } else { for (var af = 0; af < resultArray.length; af++) { if (result.indexOf(unescape(resultArray[af]) + " \n") == -1) { result += unescape(resultArray[af]) + " \n"; maxTitles--; } } } } if ((values.length == 0 && uris.length == 0) || containerBox.attr("data-endpoint").indexOf("http://system/dummy") == 0) { if (containerBox.attr("data-endpoint").indexOf("http://system/dummy") != -1) { containerBox.attr("data-endpoint", lang('endpointNotConfigured')); } if (uris.length == 0 && values.length == 0) { result = "
    " + thisUri + ""; } } result += "
    "; var jResult = $(result); if (jResult.text() == '' && docType == 'bnode') { jResult.text('[blank node]'); } else if (jResult.text() == '') { jResult.text(lang('noName')); } destBox.append(jResult); if (!jResult.children().html() || jResult.children().html().indexOf(">") == -1) { jResult.ThreeDots({ max_rows : 3 }); } var el = jResult.find('.threedots_ellipsis'); if (el.length > 0) { el.detach(); jResult.children('span').append(el); } var resourceTitle = jResult.text(); // posiziono il titolo al centro del box jResult.css({ 'marginTop' : jResult.height() == 13 ? 58 : jResult.height() == 26 ? 51 : 45, 'height' : jResult.height() + 5 }); destBox.hover(function() { methods.msg(jResult.attr("threedots") == '' ? jResult.text() : jResult.attr("threedots") + " \n " + thisUri, 'show', 'fullInfo', containerBox.attr("data-endpoint")); }, function() { methods.msg(null, 'hide'); }); // calcolo le uri e le url dei documenti correlati var connectedDocs = []; var invertedDocs = []; var propertyGroup = {}; var propertyGroupInverted = {}; var connectedImages = []; var connectedLongs = []; var connectedLats = []; var sameDocControl = []; $.each(uris, function(key, value) { for (var akey in value) { // escludo la definizione della classe, le proprieta' // relative alle immagini ed ai link web if (lodLiveProfile.uriSubstitutor) { $.each(lodLiveProfile.uriSubstitutor, function(skey, svalue) { value[akey] = value[akey].replace(svalue.findStr, svalue.replaceStr); }); } if ($.inArray(akey, images) > -1) { eval('connectedImages.push({\'' + value[akey] + '\':\'' + escape(resourceTitle) + '\'})'); // to expand types } else if (akey != // 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type' && // $.inArray(akey, weblinks) == -1) { } else if ($.inArray(akey, weblinks) == -1) { // controllo se trovo la stessa relazione in una // proprieta' diversa if ($.inArray(value[akey], sameDocControl) > -1) { var aCounter = 0; $.each(connectedDocs, function(key2, value2) { for (var akey2 in value2) { if (value2[akey2] == value[akey]) { eval('connectedDocs[' + aCounter + '] = {\'' + akey2 + ' | ' + akey + '\':\'' + value[akey] + '\'}'); } } aCounter++; }); } else { eval('connectedDocs.push({\'' + akey + '\':\'' + value[akey] + '\'})'); sameDocControl.push(value[akey]); } } } }); if (inverses) { sameDocControl = []; $.each(inverses, function(key, value) { for (var akey in value) { if (docType == 'bnode' && value[akey].indexOf("~~") != -1) { continue; } if (lodLiveProfile.uriSubstitutor) { $.each(lodLiveProfile.uriSubstitutor, function(skey, svalue) { value[akey] = value[akey].replace(escape(svalue.findStr), escape(svalue.replaceStr)); }); } // controllo se trovo la stessa relazione in una // proprieta' diversa if ($.inArray(value[akey], sameDocControl) > -1) { var aCounter = 0; $.each(invertedDocs, function(key2, value2) { for (var akey2 in value2) { if (value2[akey2] == value[akey]) { var theKey = akey2; if (akey2 != akey) { theKey = akey2 + ' | ' + akey; } eval('invertedDocs[' + aCounter + '] = {\'' + theKey + '\':\'' + value[akey] + '\'}'); return false; } } aCounter++; }); } else { eval('invertedDocs.push({\'' + akey + '\':\'' + value[akey] + '\'})'); sameDocControl.push(value[akey]); } } }); } if ($.jStorage.get('doDrawMap', true)) { for (var a = 0; a < points.length; a++) { var resultArray = methods.getJsonValue(values, points[a], points[a]); for (var af = 0; af < resultArray.length; af++) { if (resultArray[af].indexOf(" ") != -1) { eval('connectedLongs.push(\'' + unescape(resultArray[af].split(" ")[1]) + '\')'); eval('connectedLats.push(\'' + unescape(resultArray[af].split(" ")[0]) + '\')'); } else if (resultArray[af].indexOf("-") != -1) { eval('connectedLongs.push(\'' + unescape(resultArray[af].split("-")[1]) + '\')'); eval('connectedLats.push(\'' + unescape(resultArray[af].split("-")[0]) + '\')'); } } } for (var a = 0; a < longs.length; a++) { var resultArray = methods.getJsonValue(values, longs[a], longs[a]); for (var af = 0; af < resultArray.length; af++) { eval('connectedLongs.push(\'' + unescape(resultArray[af]) + '\')'); } } for (var a = 0; a < lats.length; a++) { var resultArray = methods.getJsonValue(values, lats[a], lats[a]); for (var af = 0; af < resultArray.length; af++) { eval('connectedLats.push(\'' + unescape(resultArray[af]) + '\')'); } } if (connectedLongs.length > 0 && connectedLats.length > 0) { var mapsMap = $.jStorage.get("mapsMap", {}); mapsMap[containerBox.attr("id")] = { longs : connectedLongs[0], lats : connectedLats[0], title : thisUri + "\n" + escape(resourceTitle) }; $.jStorage.set('mapsMap', mapsMap); methods.updateMapPanel($('#controlPanel')); } } if ($.jStorage.get('doCollectImages', true)) { if (connectedImages.length > 0) { var imagesMap = $.jStorage.get("imagesMap", {}); imagesMap[containerBox.attr("id")] = connectedImages; $.jStorage.set('imagesMap', imagesMap); methods.updateImagePanel($('#controlPanel')); } } var totRelated = connectedDocs.length + invertedDocs.length; // se le proprieta' da mostrare sono troppe cerco di accorpare // quelle uguali if (totRelated > 16) { $.each(connectedDocs, function(key, value) { for (var akey in value) { if (propertyGroup[akey]) { var t = propertyGroup[akey]; t.push(value[akey]); propertyGroup[akey] = t; } else { propertyGroup[akey] = [value[akey]]; } } }); $.each(invertedDocs, function(key, value) { for (var akey in value) { if (propertyGroupInverted[akey]) { var t = propertyGroupInverted[akey]; t.push(value[akey]); propertyGroupInverted[akey] = t; } else { propertyGroupInverted[akey] = [value[akey]]; } } }); totRelated = 0; for (var prop in propertyGroup) { if (propertyGroup.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { totRelated++; } } for (var prop in propertyGroupInverted) { if (propertyGroupInverted.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { totRelated++; } } } // calcolo le parti in cui dividere il cerchio per posizionare i // link // var chordsList = this.lodlive('circleChords', // destBox.width() / 2 + 12, ((totRelated > 1 ? totRelated - 1 : // totRelated) * 2) + 4, destBox.position().left + destBox.width() / // 2, destBox.position().top + destBox.height() / 2, totRelated + // 4); var chordsList = methods.circleChords(75, 24, destBox.position().left + 65, destBox.position().top + 65); var chordsListGrouped = methods.circleChords(95, 36, destBox.position().left + 65, destBox.position().top + 65); // aggiungo al box i link ai documenti correlati var a = 1; var inserted = {}; var counter = 0; var innerCounter = 1; var objectList = []; var innerObjectList = []; $.each(connectedDocs, function(key, value) { if (counter == 16) { counter = 0; } if (a == 1) { } else if (a == 15) { a = 1; } for (var akey in value) { var obj = null; if (propertyGroup[akey] && propertyGroup[akey].length > 1) { if (!inserted[akey]) { innerCounter = 1; inserted[akey] = true; // var objBox = $("
    " + (propertyGroup[akey].length) + // "
    "); var objBox = $("
    "); // containerBox.append(objBox); var akeyArray = akey.split(" "); if (unescape(propertyGroup[akey][0]).indexOf('~~') != -1) { objBox.addClass('isBnode'); } else { for (var i = 0; i < akeyArray.length; i++) { if (lodLiveProfile.arrows[akeyArray[i]]) { objBox.addClass(lodLiveProfile.arrows[akeyArray[i]]); } } } objBox.attr('style', 'top:' + (chordsList[a][1] - 8) + 'px;left:' + (chordsList[a][0] - 8) + 'px'); objectList.push(objBox); // containerBox.append('
    '); a++; counter++; } // var alredyInserted = $('.relatedBox', // containerBox).length; // if (alredyInserted < // document.lodliveVars['relationsLimit']) { if (innerCounter < 25) { obj = $("
    "); // containerBox.append(obj); obj.attr('style', 'display:none;position:absolute;top:' + (chordsListGrouped[innerCounter][1] - 8) + 'px;left:' + (chordsListGrouped[innerCounter][0] - 8) + 'px'); obj.attr("data-circlePos", innerCounter); obj.attr("data-circleParts", 36); obj.attr("data-circleId", containerBox.attr('id')); } /* * } else if (alredyInserted == document.lodliveVars['relationsLimit']) { $('.' + MD5(akey), containerBox).append('[...]'); } */ innerCounter++; } else { obj = $("
    "); // containerBox.append(obj); obj.attr('style', 'top:' + (chordsList[a][1] - 8) + 'px;left:' + (chordsList[a][0] - 8) + 'px'); obj.attr("data-circlePos", a); obj.attr("data-circleParts", 24); a++; counter++; } if (obj) { obj.attr("data-circleId", containerBox.attr('id')); obj.attr("data-property", akey); // se si tratta di un Bnode applico una classe diversa var akeyArray = akey.split(" "); if (obj.attr('rel').indexOf('~~') != -1) { obj.addClass('isBnode'); } else { for (var i = 0; i < akeyArray.length; i++) { if (lodLiveProfile.arrows[akeyArray[i]]) { obj.addClass(lodLiveProfile.arrows[akeyArray[i]]); } } } if (obj.hasClass("aGrouped")) { innerObjectList.push(obj); } else { objectList.push(obj); } } } }); inserted = {}; $.each(invertedDocs, function(key, value) { if (counter == 16) { counter = 0; } if (a == 1) { } else if (a == 15) { a = 1; } for (var akey in value) { var obj = null; if (propertyGroupInverted[akey] && propertyGroupInverted[akey].length > 1) { if (!inserted[akey]) { innerCounter = 1; inserted[akey] = true; // var objBox = $("
    " + (propertyGroup[akey].length) + // "
    "); var objBox = $("
    "); // containerBox.append(objBox); var akeyArray = akey.split(" "); if (unescape(propertyGroupInverted[akey][0]).indexOf('~~') != -1) { objBox.addClass('isBnode'); } else { for (var i = 0; i < akeyArray.length; i++) { if (lodLiveProfile.arrows[akeyArray[i]]) { objBox.addClass(lodLiveProfile.arrows[akeyArray[i]]); } } } objBox.attr('style', 'top:' + (chordsList[a][1] - 8) + 'px;left:' + (chordsList[a][0] - 8) + 'px'); // containerBox.append('
    '); objectList.push(objBox); a++; counter++; } // var alredyInserted = $('.relatedBox', // containerBox).length; // if (alredyInserted < // document.lodliveVars['relationsLimit']) { if (innerCounter < 25) { var destUri = unescape(value[akey].indexOf('~~') == 0 ? thisUri + value[akey] : value[akey]); obj = $("
    "); // containerBox.append(obj); obj.attr('style', 'display:none;position:absolute;top:' + (chordsListGrouped[innerCounter][1] - 8) + 'px;left:' + (chordsListGrouped[innerCounter][0] - 8) + 'px'); obj.attr("data-circlePos", innerCounter); obj.attr("data-circleParts", 36); obj.attr("data-circleId", containerBox.attr('id')); } /* * } else if (alredyInserted == document.lodliveVars['relationsLimit']) { $('.' + MD5(akey), containerBox).append('[...]'); } */ innerCounter++; } else { obj = $("
    "); // containerBox.append(obj); obj.attr('style', 'top:' + (chordsList[a][1] - 8) + 'px;left:' + (chordsList[a][0] - 8) + 'px'); obj.attr("data-circlePos", a); obj.attr("data-circleParts", 24); a++; counter++; } if (obj) { obj.attr("data-circleId", containerBox.attr('id')); obj.attr("data-property", akey); // se si tratta di un sameas applico una classe diversa var akeyArray = akey.split(" "); if (obj.attr('rel').indexOf('~~') != -1) { obj.addClass('isBnode'); } else { for (var i = 0; i < akeyArray.length; i++) { if (lodLiveProfile.arrows[akeyArray[i]]) { obj.addClass(lodLiveProfile.arrows[akeyArray[i]]); } } } if (obj.hasClass("aGrouped")) { innerObjectList.push(obj); } else { objectList.push(obj); } } } }); var page = 0; var totPages = objectList.length > 14 ? (objectList.length / 14 + (objectList.length % 14 > 0 ? 1 : 0)) : 1; for (var i = 0; i < objectList.length; i++) { if (i % 14 == 0) { page++; var aPage = $(''); if (page > 1 && totPages > 1) { aPage.append("
    "); } if (totPages > 1 && page < totPages - 1) { aPage.append("
    "); } containerBox.append(aPage); } containerBox.children('.page' + page).append(objectList[i]); } page = 0; totPages = innerObjectList.length / 24 + (innerObjectList.length % 24 > 0 ? 1 : 0); if (innerObjectList.length > 0) { containerBox.append('
    '); for (var i = 0; i < innerObjectList.length; i++) { containerBox.children('.innerPage').append(innerObjectList[i]); } } containerBox.children('.page1').fadeIn('fast'); containerBox.children('.page').children('.pager').click(function() { var pager = $(this); containerBox.find('.lastClick').removeClass('lastClick').click(); pager.parent().fadeOut('fast', null, function() { $(this).parent().children('.' + pager.attr("data-page")).fadeIn('fast'); }); }); { var obj = $("
    "); containerBox.append(obj); obj.hover(function() { $(this).parent().children('.box').setBackgroundPosition({ y : -260 }); }, function() { $(this).parent().children('.box').setBackgroundPosition({ y : 0 }); }); obj = $("
    "); containerBox.append(obj); obj.hover(function() { $(this).parent().children('.box').setBackgroundPosition({ y : -130 }); }, function() { $(this).parent().children('.box').setBackgroundPosition({ y : 0 }); }); } if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' format '); } }, circleChords : function(radius, steps, centerX, centerY, breakAt, onlyElement) { if (debugOn) { start = new Date().getTime(); } var values = []; var i = 0; if (onlyElement) { // ottimizzo i cicli evitando di calcolare elementi che non // servono i = onlyElement; var radian = (2 * Math.PI) * (i / steps); values.push([centerX + radius * Math.cos(radian), centerY + radius * Math.sin(radian)]); } else { for (; i < steps; i++) { // calcolo le coodinate lungo il cerchio del box per // posizionare // strumenti ed altre risorse var radian = (2 * Math.PI) * (i / steps); values.push([centerX + radius * Math.cos(radian), centerY + radius * Math.sin(radian)]); } } if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' circleChords '); } return values; // console.debug(xValues) // console.debug(yValues) }, getJsonValue : function(map, key, defaultValue) { if (debugOn) { start = new Date().getTime(); } var returnVal = []; $.each(map, function(skey, value) { for (var akey in value) { if (akey == key) { returnVal.push(unescape(value[akey])); } } }); if (returnVal == []) { returnVal = [defaultValue]; } if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' getJsonValue'); } return returnVal; }, getProperty : function(area, prop, context) { if (debugOn) { start = new Date().getTime(); } if ( typeof context == typeof '') { if (lodLiveProfile[context] && lodLiveProfile[context][area]) { if (prop) { return lodLiveProfile[context][area][prop] ? lodLiveProfile[context][area][prop] : lodLiveProfile['default'][area][prop]; } else { return lodLiveProfile[context][area] ? lodLiveProfile[context][area] : lodLiveProfile['default'][area]; } } } else { for (var a = 0; a < context.length; a++) { if (lodLiveProfile[context[a]] && lodLiveProfile[context[a]][area]) { if (prop) { return lodLiveProfile[context[a]][area][prop] ? lodLiveProfile[context[a]][area][prop] : lodLiveProfile['default'][area][prop]; } else { return lodLiveProfile[context[a]][area] ? lodLiveProfile[context[a]][area] : lodLiveProfile['default'][area]; } } } } if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' getProperty'); } if (lodLiveProfile['default'][area]) { if (prop) { return lodLiveProfile['default'][area][prop]; } else { return lodLiveProfile['default'][area]; } } else { return ''; } }, parseRawResource : function(destBox, resource, fromInverse) { var values = []; var uris = []; if (lodLiveProfile['default']) { // attivo lo sparql interno basato su sesame var res = getSparqlConf('documentUri', lodLiveProfile['default'], lodLiveProfile).replace(/\{URI\}/ig, resource); var url = lodLiveProfile['default'].endpoint + "?uri=" + encodeURIComponent(resource) + "&query=" + encodeURIComponent(res); if ($.jStorage.get('showInfoConsole')) { methods.queryConsole('log', { title : lang('endpointNotConfiguredSoInternal'), text : res, uriId : resource }); } $.jsonp({ url : url, beforeSend : function() { destBox.children('.box').html(''); }, success : function(json) { json = json['results']['bindings']; var conta = 0; $.each(json, function(key, value) { conta++; if (value.object.type == 'uri') { if (value.object.value != resource) { eval('uris.push({\'' + value['property']['value'] + '\':\'' + escape(value.object.value) + '\'})'); } } else { eval('values.push({\'' + value['property']['value'] + '\':\'' + escape(value.object.value) + '\'})'); } }); if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' openDoc eval uris & values'); } var inverses = []; var callback = function() { destBox.children('.box').html(''); methods.format(destBox.children('.box'), values, uris, inverses); methods.addClick(destBox, fromInverse ? function() { try { $(fromInverse).click(); } catch (e) { } } : null); if ($.jStorage.get('doAutoExpand')) { methods.autoExpand(destBox); } }; if ($.jStorage.get('doAutoSameas')) { var counter = 0; var tot = 0; $.each(lodLiveProfile.connection, function(key, value) { tot++; }); methods.findInverseSameAs(resource, counter, inverses, callback, tot); } else { callback(); } }, error : function(e, j, k) { // console.debug(e);console.debug(j); destBox.children('.box').html(''); var inverses = []; if (fromInverse) { eval('uris.push({\'' + fromInverse.replace(/div\[data-property="([^"]*)"\].*/, '$1') + '\':\'' + fromInverse.replace(/.*\[rel="([^"]*)"\].*/, '$1') + '\'})'); } methods.format(destBox.children('.box'), values, uris, inverses); methods.addClick(destBox, fromInverse ? function() { try { $(fromInverse).click(); } catch (e) { } } : null); if ($.jStorage.get('doAutoExpand')) { methods.autoExpand(destBox); } } }); } else { // console.debug(e);console.debug(j); destBox.children('.box').html(''); var inverses = []; if (fromInverse) { eval('uris.push({\'' + fromInverse.replace(/div\[data-property="([^"]*)"\].*/, '$1') + '\':\'' + fromInverse.replace(/.*\[rel="([^"]*)"\].*/, '$1') + '\'})'); } methods.format(destBox.children('.box'), values, uris, inverses); methods.addClick(destBox, fromInverse ? function() { try { $(fromInverse).click(); } catch (e) { } } : null); if ($.jStorage.get('doAutoExpand')) { methods.autoExpand(destBox); } } }, openDoc : function(anUri, destBox, fromInverse) { if (debugOn) { start = new Date().getTime(); } var uris = []; var values = []; if ($.jStorage.get('showInfoConsole')) { methods.queryConsole('init', { uriId : anUri }); methods.queryConsole('log', { uriId : anUri, resource : anUri }); } SPARQLquery = methods.composeQuery(anUri, 'documentUri'); if ($.jStorage.get('doStats')) { methods.doStats(anUri); } if (SPARQLquery.indexOf("endpoint=") != -1) { var endpoint = SPARQLquery.substring(SPARQLquery.indexOf("endpoint=") + 9); endpoint = endpoint.substring(0, endpoint.indexOf("&")); destBox.attr("data-endpoint", endpoint); } else { destBox.attr("data-endpoint", SPARQLquery.substring(0, SPARQLquery.indexOf("?"))); } if (SPARQLquery.indexOf("http://system/dummy") == 0) { // guessing endpoint from URI methods.guessingEndpoint(anUri, function() { methods.openDoc(anUri, destBox, fromInverse); }, function() { methods.parseRawResource(destBox, anUri, fromInverse); }); } else { $.jsonp({ url : SPARQLquery, beforeSend : function() { destBox.children('.box').html(''); }, success : function(json) { json = json['results']['bindings']; // var tot = json.length; var conta = 0; // var aSpan = $('
    gg0/' + // tot + '
    '); // destBox.children('.box').append(aSpan); // var control = {}; $.each(json, function(key, value) { conta++; if (value.object.type == 'uri' || value.object.type == 'bnode') { if (value.object.value != anUri) { if (value.object.type == 'bnode') { eval('uris.push({\'' + value['property']['value'] + '\':\'' + escape(anUri + '~~' + value.object.value) + '\'})'); } else { eval('uris.push({\'' + value['property']['value'] + '\':\'' + escape(value.object.value) + '\'})'); } } } else { eval('values.push({\'' + value['property']['value'] + '\':\'' + escape(value.object.value) + '\'})'); } }); if ($.jStorage.get('showInfoConsole')) { methods.queryConsole('log', { founded : conta, id : SPARQLquery, uriId : anUri }); } if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' openDoc eval uris & values'); } destBox.children('.box').html(''); if ($.jStorage.get('doInverse')) { SPARQLquery = methods.composeQuery(anUri, 'inverse'); var inverses = []; $.jsonp({ url : SPARQLquery, beforeSend : function() { destBox.children('.box').html(''); }, success : function(json) { json = json['results']['bindings']; var conta = 0; // var tot = json.length; // var aSpan = $('
    0/' + tot + // '
    '); // destBox.children('.box').append(aSpan); $.each(json, function(key, value) { conta++; eval('inverses.push({\'' + value['property']['value'] + '\':\'' + (value.object.type == 'bnode' ? anUri + '~~' : '') + escape(value.object.value) + '\'})'); // aSpan.text(conta + '/' + tot); }); if ($.jStorage.get('showInfoConsole')) { methods.queryConsole('log', { founded : conta, id : SPARQLquery, uriId : anUri }); } if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' openDoc inverse eval uris '); } var callback = function() { destBox.children('.box').html(''); methods.format(destBox.children('.box'), values, uris, inverses); methods.addClick(destBox, fromInverse ? function() { try { $(fromInverse).click(); } catch (e) { } } : null); if ($.jStorage.get('doAutoExpand')) { methods.autoExpand(destBox); } }; if ($.jStorage.get('doAutoSameas')) { var counter = 0; var tot = 0; $.each(lodLiveProfile.connection, function(key, value) { tot++; }); methods.findInverseSameAs(anUri, counter, inverses, callback, tot); } else { callback(); } }, error : function(e, b, v) { destBox.children('.box').html(''); methods.format(destBox.children('.box'), values, uris); if ($.jStorage.get('showInfoConsole')) { methods.queryConsole('log', { error : 'error', id : SPARQLquery, uriId : anUri }); } methods.addClick(destBox, fromInverse ? function() { try { $(fromInverse).click(); } catch (e) { } } : null); if ($.jStorage.get('doAutoExpand')) { methods.autoExpand(destBox); } } }); } else { methods.format(destBox.children('.box'), values, uris); methods.addClick(destBox, fromInverse ? function() { try { $(fromInverse).click(); } catch (e) { } } : null); if ($.jStorage.get('doAutoExpand')) { methods.autoExpand(destBox); } } }, error : function(e, b, v) { methods.errorBox(destBox); } }); } if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' openDoc'); } }, errorBox : function(destBox) { destBox.children('.box').addClass("errorBox"); destBox.children('.box').html(''); var jResult = $("
    " + lang('enpointNotAvailable') + "
    "); destBox.children('.box').append(jResult); jResult.css({ 'marginTop' : jResult.height() == 13 ? 58 : jResult.height() == 26 ? 51 : 45 }); var obj = $("
    "); obj.click(function() { methods.removeDoc(destBox); }); destBox.append(obj); destBox.children('.box').hover(function() { methods.msg(lang('enpointNotAvailableOrSLow'), 'show', 'fullInfo', destBox.attr("data-endpoint")); }, function() { methods.msg(null, 'hide'); }); }, allClasses : function(SPARQLquery, destBox, destSelect, template) { if (debugOn) { start = new Date().getTime(); } SPARQLquery = methods.composeQuery(SPARQLquery, 'allClasses'); var classes = []; $.jsonp({ url : SPARQLquery, beforeSend : function() { destBox.html(''); }, success : function(json) { destBox.html(lang('choose')); json = json['results']['bindings']; $.each(json, function(key, value) { var aclass = json[key].object.value; if (aclass.indexOf('http://www.openlinksw.com/') == -1) { aclass = aclass.replace(/http:\/\//, ""); classes.push(aclass); } }); for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { destSelect.append(template.replace(/\{CONTENT\}/g, classes[i])); } }, error : function(e, b, v) { destSelect.append(template.replace(/\{CONTENT\}/g, 'si è verificato un errore')); } }); if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' allClasses'); } }, findInverseSameAs : function(anUri, counter, inverse, callback, tot) { if (debugOn) { start = new Date().getTime(); } var innerCounter = 0; $.each(lodLiveProfile.connection, function(key, value) { if (innerCounter == counter) { var skip = false; var keySplit = key.split(","); if (!value.useForInverseSameAs) { skip = true; } else { for (var a = 0; a < keySplit.length; a++) { // salto i sameas interni allo stesso endpoint if (anUri.indexOf(keySplit[a]) != -1) { skip = true; } } } if (skip) { counter++; if (counter < tot) { methods.findInverseSameAs(anUri, counter, inverse, callback, tot); } else { callback(); } return false; } var SPARQLquery = value.endpoint + "?" + (value.endpointType ? $.jStorage.get('endpoints')[value.endpointType] : $.jStorage.get('endpoints')['all']) + "&query=" + escape(getSparqlConf('inverseSameAs', value, lodLiveProfile).replace(/\{URI\}/g, anUri)); if (value.proxy) { SPARQLquery = value.proxy + '?endpoint=' + value.endpoint + "&" + (value.endpointType ? $.jStorage.get('endpoints')[value.endpointType] : $.jStorage.get('endpoints')['all']) + "&query=" + escape(getSparqlConf('inverseSameAs', value, lodLiveProfile).replace(/\{URI\}/g, anUri)); } $.jsonp({ url : SPARQLquery, timeout : 3000, beforeSend : function() { if ($.jStorage.get('showInfoConsole')) { methods.queryConsole('log', { title : value.endpoint, text : getSparqlConf('inverseSameAs', value, lodLiveProfile).replace(/\{URI\}/g, anUri), id : SPARQLquery, uriId : anUri }); } }, success : function(json) { json = json['results']['bindings']; var conta = 0; $.each(json, function(key, value) { conta++; if (value.property && value.property.value) { eval('inverse.splice(1,0,{\'' + value.property.value + '\':\'' + escape(value.object.value) + '\'})'); } else { eval('inverse.splice(1,0,{\'' + 'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs' + '\':\'' + escape(value.object.value) + '\'})'); } }); if ($.jStorage.get('showInfoConsole')) { methods.queryConsole('log', { founded : conta, id : SPARQLquery, uriId : anUri }); } counter++; if (counter < tot) { methods.findInverseSameAs(anUri, counter, inverse, callback, tot); } else { callback(); } }, error : function(e, b, v) { if ($.jStorage.get('showInfoConsole')) { methods.queryConsole('log', { error : 'error', id : SPARQLquery, uriId : anUri }); } counter++; if (counter < tot) { methods.findInverseSameAs(anUri, counter, inverse, callback, tot); } else { callback(); } } }); if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' findInverseSameAs ' + value.endpoint); } } innerCounter++; }); if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' findInverseSameAs'); } }, findSubject : function(SPARQLquery, selectedClass, selectedValue, destBox, destInput) { if (debugOn) { start = new Date().getTime(); } $.each(lodLiveProfile.connection, function(key, value) { var keySplit = key.split(","); for (var a = 0; a < keySplit.length; a++) { if (SPARQLquery.indexOf(keySplit[a]) != -1) { SPARQLquery = value.endpoint + "?" + (value.endpointType ? $.jStorage.get('endpoints')[value.endpointType] : $.jStorage.get('endpoints')['all']) + "&query=" + escape(getSparqlConf('findSubject', value, lodLiveProfile).replace(/\{CLASS\}/g, selectedClass).replace(/\{VALUE\}/g, selectedValue)); if (value.proxy) { SPARQLquery = value.proxy + "?endpoint=" + value.endpoint + "&" + (value.endpointType ? $.jStorage.get('endpoints')[value.endpointType] : $.jStorage.get('endpoints')['all']) + "&query=" + escape(getSparqlConf('findSubject', value, lodLiveProfile).replace(/\{CLASS\}/g, selectedClass).replace(/\{VALUE\}/g, selectedValue)); } } } }); var values = []; $.jsonp({ url : SPARQLquery, beforeSend : function() { destBox.html(''); }, success : function(json) { destBox.html(''); json = json['results']['bindings']; $.each(json, function(key, value) { values.push(json[key].subject.value); }); for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { // console.debug(destInput) destInput.val(values[i]); } }, error : function(e, b, v) { destBox.html('errore: ' + e); } }); if (debugOn) { console.debug((new Date().getTime() - start) + ' findSubject'); } }, /* start lines */ standardLine : function(label, x1, y1, x2, y2, canvas, toId) { // eseguo i calcoli e scrivo la riga di connessione tra i cerchi var lineangle = (Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) * 180 / Math.PI) + 180; var x2bis = x1 - Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)) + 60; // canvas.detectPixelRatio(); canvas.rotateCanvas({ rotate : lineangle, x : x1, y : y1 }).drawLine({ strokeStyle : "#fff", strokeWidth : 1, strokeCap : 'bevel', x1 : x1 - 60, y1 : y1, x2 : x2bis, y2 : y1 }); if (lineangle > 90 && lineangle < 270) { canvas.rotateCanvas({ rotate : 180, x : (x2bis + x1) / 2, y : (y1 + y1) / 2 }); } label = $.trim(label).replace(/\n/g, ', '); canvas.drawText({// inserisco l'etichetta fillStyle : "#606060", strokeStyle : "#606060", x : (x2bis + x1 + ((x1 + 60) > x2 ? -60 : +60)) / 2, y : (y1 + y1 - ((x1 + 60) > x2 ? 18 : -18)) / 2, text : ((x1 + 60) > x2 ? " « " : "") + label + ((x1 + 60) > x2 ? "" : " » "), align : "center", strokeWidth : 0.01, fontSize : 11, fontFamily : "'Open Sans',Verdana" }).restoreCanvas().restoreCanvas(); // ed inserisco la freccia per determinarne il verso della // relazione lineangle = Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1); var angle = 0.79; var h = Math.abs(8 / Math.cos(angle)); var fromx = x2 - 60 * Math.cos(lineangle); var fromy = y2 - 60 * Math.sin(lineangle); var angle1 = lineangle + Math.PI + angle; var topx = (x2 + Math.cos(angle1) * h) - 60 * Math.cos(lineangle); var topy = (y2 + Math.sin(angle1) * h) - 60 * Math.sin(lineangle); var angle2 = lineangle + Math.PI - angle; var botx = (x2 + Math.cos(angle2) * h) - 60 * Math.cos(lineangle); var boty = (y2 + Math.sin(angle2) * h) - 60 * Math.sin(lineangle); canvas.drawLine({ strokeStyle : "#fff", strokeWidth : 1, x1 : fromx, y1 : fromy, x2 : botx, y2 : boty }); canvas.drawLine({ strokeStyle : "#fff", strokeWidth : 1, x1 : fromx, y1 : fromy, x2 : topx, y2 : topy }); } } /* end lines */; $.fn.lodlive = function(method) { if (methods[method]) { return methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } else if ( typeof method === 'object' || !method) { return methods.init.apply(this, arguments); } else { $.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.lodlive'); } }; })(jQuery, $.jStorage.get('profile'));