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tentativi con EVT, parziali, 2

kora 2 years ago
2 changed files with 263 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 50 0
  2. 213 0

+ 50 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<TEI xmlns="">
+   <teiHeader>
+      <fileDesc>
+         <titleStmt>
+            <title>Lettera di Francesco di Marco Datini a Margherita</title>
+         </titleStmt>
+         <editionStmt>
+            <edition>Le lettere di Francesco Datini alla moglie Margherita (1385-1410), a cura di Elena Cecchi. Presentazione di Franco Cardini, Prato, Società Pratese di Storia Patria, 1990, pp. 35-36, n. 2.
+            </edition>
+         </editionStmt>
+         <sourceDesc>
+            <msDesc>
+               <msIdentifier>
+                  <country>Italy</country>
+                  <settlement>Prato</settlement>
+                  <repository>Archivio di Stato di Prato</repository>
+                  <idno>99b</idno>
+               </msIdentifier>
+            </msDesc>
+         </sourceDesc>
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+   <text xml:id="text" n="Datini">
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+         <!-- informazioni generali sul codice -->
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+    <body>
+      <div xml:id="div" n="DATINI">
+         <p>
+         <!-- #######################################    ####################################### -->
+            <pb n='84' xml:id="84"/>
+            A dì 24 di gienaio 1390<lb/>
+            Per <persName ref="#bonaiutodisecolodacapraia"><w><lem ref="#antr">Benauto di Secolo</lem></w></persName> da <placeName ref="#capraia"><lem ref="#ng">Capraia</lem></placeName> vi mando questo d <lem ref="#sf" type='pesi e misure'>botti</lem> 10 e uno <lem ref="#sm" type='pesi e misure'>charatello</lem> di<lb/>
+            vostro sevo date per <lem ref='#sf' type='pesi e misure'>botte</lem> soldi 35 per sua vetura rendete scharichatura e fondachato<lb/>
+            soldi dieci per <lem ref='#sf' type='pesi e misure'>botte</lem>. Cristo vi guardi.<lb/>
+            Per <persName ref="#bartolodinicolo"><lem ref='#antr.' type='0'><w>Bartolo di Niccholò</w></lem></persName>, al <placeName ref="#portoasigna"><w><lem ref='#ng' type='0'>porto a Signa</lem></w></placeName>, salute.<lb/>
+         </p>
+      </div>
+    </body>
+  </text>

+ 213 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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+                       title="Carteggio Datini" 
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+                <title>Carteggio Datini</title>
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+                    <resp>Edited by</resp>
+                    <name ></name>
+                </respStmt>
+                <respStmt>
+                    <resp>Text Encoding by</resp>
+                    <name></name>
+                </respStmt>
+                <respStmt>
+                    <resp>Changes for EVT testing purposes by</resp>
+                    <name ></name>
+                </respStmt>
+            </titleStmt>
+            <editionStmt>
+                <edition>
+                </edition>
+            </editionStmt>
+            <publicationStmt>
+                <p></p>
+            </publicationStmt>
+            <notesStmt>
+                <note>
+                </note>
+            </notesStmt>
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+                <msDesc>
+                <msIdentifier>
+                    <country>Italy</country>
+                    <settlement>Prato</settlement>
+                    <repository>Archivio di Stato di Prato</repository>
+                    <idno>99b</idno>
+                </msIdentifier>
+                </msDesc>
+                <!-- ########## Lista Persone - Antroponimi ########## -->
+                <listPerson>
+                    <head>Lista antroponimi</head>
+                    <!-- ########## A ########## -->
+                    <person xml:id="bonaiutodisecolodacapraia">
+                        <persName>bonaiuto di secolo da capraia</persName>
+                        <sex>M</sex>
+                    </person>
+                    <person xml:id="bartolodinicolo">
+                        <persName>bartolo di niccolò</persName>
+                        <sex>M</sex>
+                    </person>
+                    <person xml:id="">
+                        <persName></persName>
+                        <sex></sex>
+                    </person>
+                </listPerson>
+                <!-- ########## Lista dei luoghi - toponimi ########## -->
+                <listPlace>
+                    <head>Lista toponimi</head>
+                    <place xml:id="portoasigna">
+                        <settlement type="">porto a signa</settlement>
+                        <note></note>
+                    </place>
+                    <place xml:id="capraia">
+                        <settlement type="">capraia</settlement>
+                        <note></note>
+                    </place>
+                    <place xml:id="">
+                        <settlement type=""></settlement>
+                        <note></note>
+                    </place>
+                </listPlace>
+                <!-- ########## Lista dei lemmi ########## -->
+                <list xml:id="POS">
+                    <item xml:id="AGG">
+                        <figure corresp="#aggettivo">
+                            <head>AGG</head>
+                            <figDesc/>
+                        </figure>
+                    </item>
+                    <item xml:id="NG">
+                        <figure corresp="#ng">
+                            <head>Nome geografico</head>
+                            <figDesc/>
+                        </figure>
+                    </item>
+                    <item xml:id="ANTR">
+                        <figure corresp="#antr">
+                            <head>Antroponimo</head>
+                            <figDesc/>
+                        </figure>
+                    </item>
+                    <item xml:id="SM">
+                        <figure corresp="#sm">
+                            <head>Singolare maschile</head>
+                            <figDesc/>
+                        </figure>
+                    </item>
+                    <item xml:id="SF">
+                        <figure corresp="#sf">
+                            <head>Singolare femminile</head>
+                            <figDesc/>
+                        </figure>
+                    </item>
+                    <!-- lista di tutti gli altri lemmi - finire di codificare
+                    <item xml:id="AGG">aggettivo</item>
+                    <item xml:id="AGGSM">aggettivo/sostantivo maschile</item>
+                    <item xml:id="ANT">antroponimo</item>
+                    <item xml:id="AVV">avverbio</item>
+                    <item xml:id="NG">nome di luogo</item>
+                    <item xml:id="NP">nome proprio</item>
+                    <item xml:id="SF">sostantivo femminile</item>
+                    <item xml:id="SFSM">sostantivo femminile/sostantivo maschile</item>
+                    <item xml:id="SMSF">sostantivo maschile/sostantivo femminile</item>
+                    <item xml:id="SM">sostantivo maschile</item>
+                    <item xml:id="SFPL">sostantivo femminile plurale</item>
+                    <item xml:id="SGI">sostantivo di genere incerto</item>
+                    <item xml:id="SMPL">sostantivo maschile plurale</item>
+                    <item xml:id="VB">verbo</item -->
+                </list>
+                <!-- LISTWIT - Lista dei testimoni per altre risorse eventuali diverse da carteggio Datini
+                <listWit>
+                    <witness xml:id=""> 
+                        <msDesc>
+                            <msIdentifier>
+                                <settlement></settlement>
+                                <repository></repository>
+                                <idno></idno>
+                            </msIdentifier>
+                        </msDesc>
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+                        <msDesc>
+                            <msIdentifier>
+                                <settlement></settlement>
+                                <repository></repository>
+                                <idno></idno> 
+                            </msIdentifier>
+                        </msDesc>
+                    </witness>
+                    <witness xml:id="">
+                        <msDesc>
+                            <msIdentifier>
+                                <settlement></settlement>
+                                <repository></repository>
+                                <idno></idno>
+                            </msIdentifier>
+                        </msDesc>
+                    </witness>     
+                </listWit> -->
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+                    <mapping type="diplomatic"></mapping> 
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+    <!-- FACSIMILE - Inserire qui le coordinate per il collegamento Testo-Immagine -->
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+    <!-- TEXT - richiamo le lettere mediante xinclude-->
+    <text>
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+            <xi:include href="lettere/99b.xml" xmlns:xi="" xpointer="99b_text"/>
+            <!-- <xi:include href="lettere/" xmlns:xi="" xpointer="_text"/>
+            <xi:include href="lettere/" xmlns:xi="" xpointer="_text"/>
+            <xi:include href="lettere/" xmlns:xi="" xpointer="_text"/>
+            <xi:include href="lettere/" xmlns:xi=""
+                xpointer="_text"/> -->
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+        <!-- NOTE - eventuali note -->
+        <back>
+            <div type="">
+                <note xml:id="">...</note>
+            </div>
+        </back>
+    </text>