
Elimina 'Museo/CSV_to_RDF/CSV_to_RDF_mpp_Move.py'

Alessia 2 年 前
1 ファイル変更0 行追加322 行削除
  1. 0 322

+ 0 - 322

@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-# Utilities to read/write csv files
-import csv
-# Utilities to handle character encodings
-import unicodedata
-# Ordered Dicts
-from collections import OrderedDict
-import json
-# For timestamping/simple speed tests
-from datetime import datetime
-# Random number generator
-from random import *
-# System & command line utilities
-import sys
-# Json for the dictionary
-import json
-import_dir = '/Users/alessiaspadi/Documents/RESTORE/temp_MPP/tabelle/Ospedale/mod/'
-export_dir = '/Users/alessiaspadi/Documents/RESTORE/temp_MPP/tabelle/Ospedale/mod/E9_'
-# Custom class to store URIs + related infos for the ontologies/repositories
-class RDFcoords:
-    def __init__(self, uri, prefix, code=None):
-        self.uri = uri
-        self.prefix = prefix
-        self.code = code
-# Repositories
-museoCoords = RDFcoords('<http://palazzopretorio.comune.prato.it/it/le-opere/alcuni-capolavori/>', 'mpp:')
-cidocCoords = RDFcoords('<http://www.cidoc-crm.org/cidoc-crm/>', 'crm:')
-aatCoords = RDFcoords('<http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/>', 'aat:')
-nsCoords = RDFcoords('<http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>', 'rdf:')
-schemaCoords = RDFcoords('<http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>', 'rdfs:')
-# Basic functions for triples / shortened triples in TTL format
-def triple(subject, predicate, object1):
-    line = subject + ' ' + predicate + ' ' + object1
-    return line
-def doublet(predicate, object1):
-    line = '    ' + predicate + ' ' + object1
-    return line
-def singlet(object1):
-    line = '        ' + object1
-    return line
-# Line endings in TTL format
-continueLine1 = ' ;\n'
-continueLine2 = ' ,\n'
-closeLine = ' .\n'
-def writeTTLHeader(output):
-    output.write('@prefix ' + museoCoords.prefix + ' ' + museoCoords.uri + closeLine)
-    output.write('@prefix ' + cidocCoords.prefix + ' ' + cidocCoords.uri + closeLine)
-    output.write('@prefix ' + aatCoords.prefix + ' ' + aatCoords.uri + closeLine)
-    output.write('@prefix ' + schemaCoords.prefix + ' ' + schemaCoords.uri + closeLine)
-    output.write('@prefix ' + nsCoords.prefix + ' ' + nsCoords.uri + closeLine)
-    output.write('\n')
-filePrefix = 'SR20OA_'
-fileType = 'Ospedale'
-max_entries = 1000000000
-with open(import_dir + filePrefix + fileType + '.csv', newline="") as csv_file, open(
-        export_dir + filePrefix + fileType + '.ttl', 'w') as output:
-    reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file)
-    writeTTLHeader(output)
-    first = True
-    ii = 0
-    for row in reader:
-        # The index ii is used to process a limited number of entries for testing purposes
-        ii = ii + 1
-        if row['RVEL'] == '' or row['RVEL'] == '0':
-            # Triplify the 'codice' -- should exist for every entry
-            codice = ''
-            if (row['NCTR'] != '' and row['NCTN'] != ''):
-                codice = row['NCTR'] + row['NCTN']
-            url = row['URL']
-            # placeHolders
-            datplaceHolder = museoCoords.prefix + url
-            e53placeHolder = museoCoords.prefix + url + '_E53'
-            e9placeHolder = museoCoords.prefix + url + '_E9'
-            columnName = list(row)
-            tcl = []
-            for name in columnName:
-                if 'TCL' in name:
-                    tcl.append(name)
-            j=0
-            for el in tcl:
-                if row[el] != '':
-                    j = j+1
-            last = str(j-1)
-            n = len(tcl) - 1
-            for i in range(n - 1):
-                k = str(i + 1)
-                if i + 1 == 1:
-                    w = ''
-                else:
-                    w = i
-                f = str(w)
-                if row['TCL' + k] != '':
-                    pastLocation = ''
-                    newLocation = ''
-                    pl = ''
-                    if row['PRCD' + k] != '':
-                        newLocation = ' a ' + row['PRCD' + k]
-                    if row['PRCD' + f] != '':
-                        pastLocation = ' da ' + row['PRCD' + f]
-                        pl = row['PRCD' + f].replace(' ', '')
-                    newe9placeHolder = museoCoords.prefix + url + "_E9_" + k
-                    line = triple(datplaceHolder,
-                                  cidocCoords.prefix + 'P25i_moved_by',
-                                  newe9placeHolder) + closeLine
-                    output.write(line)
-                    line = triple(newe9placeHolder,
-                                  nsCoords.prefix + 'type',
-                                  cidocCoords.prefix + 'E9_Move') + closeLine
-                    output.write(line)
-                    line = triple(newe9placeHolder,
-                                  schemaCoords.prefix + 'label',
-                                  '\"Trasferimento di ' + row['SGTI'] + pastLocation +
-                                  newLocation + '\"') + closeLine
-                    output.write(line)
-                    timespan = ''
-                    ts = ''
-                    if row['PRDI' + f] != '':
-                        timespan = row['PRDI' + f]
-                    if row['PRDU' + f] != '':
-                        timespan = timespan + ' - ' + row['PRDU' + f]
-                    tt = timespan.replace(' ', '')
-                    ts = tt.replace('/', '')
-                    timespanPlaceholder = museoCoords.prefix + url + '_' + ts
-                    pastLocationPlaceholder = museoCoords.prefix + url + '_' + pl
-                    newLoc = row['PRCD' + k].replace(' ', '')
-                    newLocationPlaceholder = museoCoords.prefix + url + '_' + newLoc
-                    # E9 P4 E52
-                    line = triple(newe9placeHolder,
-                                  cidocCoords.prefix + 'P4_has_time-span',
-                                  timespanPlaceholder) + closeLine
-                    output.write(line)
-                    line = triple(timespanPlaceholder,
-                                  nsCoords.prefix + 'type',
-                                  cidocCoords.prefix + 'E52_Time-Span') + closeLine
-                    output.write(line)
-                    line = triple(timespanPlaceholder,
-                                  schemaCoords.prefix + 'label',
-                                  '\"' + timespan + '\"') + closeLine
-                    output.write(line)
-                    # E9 P26 E53 (moved to)
-                    if newLocationPlaceholder != '':
-                        line = triple(newe9placeHolder,
-                                      cidocCoords.prefix + 'P26_moved_to',
-                                      newLocationPlaceholder) + closeLine
-                        output.write(line)
-                    # E9 P27 E53
-                    pastLocationLabel = row['PRCD' + f]
-                    if row['PRCU' + f] != '':
-                        pastLocationLabel = pastLocationLabel + ', ' + row['PRCU' + f]
-                    if row['PRVC' + f] != '':
-                        pastLocationLabel = pastLocationLabel + ', ' + row['PRVC' + f]
-                    if row['PRVP' + f] != '':
-                        pastLocationLabel = pastLocationLabel + ' (' + row['PRVP' + f] + ')'
-                    if row['PRVR' + f] != '':
-                        pastLocationLabel = pastLocationLabel + ', ' + row['PRVR' + f]
-                    if row['PRVS' + f] != '':
-                        pastLocationLabel = pastLocationLabel + ', ' + row['PRVS' + f]
-                    line = triple(newe9placeHolder,
-                                  cidocCoords.prefix + 'P27_moved_from',
-                                  pastLocationPlaceholder) + closeLine
-                    output.write(line)
-                    line = triple(pastLocationPlaceholder,
-                                  nsCoords.prefix + 'type',
-                                  cidocCoords.prefix + 'E74_Group') + closeLine
-                    output.write(line)
-                    line = triple(pastLocationPlaceholder,
-                                  schemaCoords.prefix + 'label',
-                                  '\"' + pastLocationLabel + '\"') + closeLine
-                    output.write(line)
-            pastLocation = ''
-            newLocation = ''
-            pl = ''
-            if row['LDCN'] != '':
-                newLocation = ' a ' + row['LDCN']
-            if row['PRCD' + last] != '':
-                pastLocation = ' da ' + row['PRCD' + last]
-                pl = row['PRCD' + last].replace(' ', '')
-            line = triple(datplaceHolder,
-                          cidocCoords.prefix + 'P25i_moved_by',
-                          e9placeHolder) + closeLine
-            output.write(line)
-            line = triple(e9placeHolder,
-                          nsCoords.prefix + 'type',
-                          cidocCoords.prefix + 'E9_Move') + closeLine
-            output.write(line)
-            line = triple(e9placeHolder,
-                          schemaCoords.prefix + 'label',
-                          '\"Trasferimento di ' + row['SGTI'] + pastLocation +
-                          newLocation + '\"') + closeLine
-            output.write(line)
-            timespan = ''
-            ts = ''
-            if row['PRDI' + last] != '':
-                timespan = row['PRDI' + last]
-            if row['PRDU' + last] != '':
-                timespan = timespan + ' - ' + row['PRDU' + last]
-            tt = timespan.replace(' ', '')
-            ts = tt.replace('/', '')
-            timespanPlaceholder = museoCoords.prefix + url + '_' + ts
-            pastLocationPlaceholder = museoCoords.prefix + url + '_' + pl
-            newLocationPlaceholder = e53placeHolder
-            # E9 P4 E52
-            line = triple(e9placeHolder,
-                          cidocCoords.prefix + 'P4_has_time-span',
-                          timespanPlaceholder) + closeLine
-            output.write(line)
-            line = triple(timespanPlaceholder,
-                          nsCoords.prefix + 'type',
-                          cidocCoords.prefix + 'E52_Time-Span') + closeLine
-            output.write(line)
-            line = triple(timespanPlaceholder,
-                          schemaCoords.prefix + 'label',
-                          '\"' + timespan + '\"') + closeLine
-            output.write(line)
-            # E9 P26 E53 (moved to)
-            if newLocationPlaceholder != '':
-                line = triple(e9placeHolder,
-                              cidocCoords.prefix + 'P26_moved_to',
-                              newLocationPlaceholder) + closeLine
-                output.write(line)
-            # E9 P27 E53
-            pastLocationLabel = row['PRCD' + last] + ', ' + row['PRCU' + last] + ', ' + row['PRVC' + last] \
-                                + ' (' + row['PRVP' + last] + '), ' + row['PRVR' + last] + \
-                                ', ' + row['PRVS' + last]
-            line = triple(e9placeHolder,
-                          cidocCoords.prefix + 'P27_moved_from',
-                          pastLocationPlaceholder) + closeLine
-            output.write(line)
-            line = triple(pastLocationPlaceholder,
-                          nsCoords.prefix + 'type',
-                          cidocCoords.prefix + 'E74_Group') + closeLine
-            output.write(line)
-            line = triple(pastLocationPlaceholder,
-                          schemaCoords.prefix + 'label',
-                          '\"' + pastLocationLabel + '\"') + closeLine
-            output.write(line)
-            output.write('\n')
-        #
-        #
-        # Limit number of entries processed (if desired)
-        if (ii > max_entries):
-            break