"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 25,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# Utilities to read/write csv files\n",
"import csv\n",
"# Utilities to handle character encodings\n",
"import unicodedata\n",
"# Ordered Dicts\n",
"from collections import OrderedDict\n",
"import json\n",
"# For timestamping/simple speed tests\n",
"from datetime import datetime\n",
"# Random number generator\n",
"from random import *\n",
"# System & command line utilities\n",
"import sys\n",
"# Json for the dictionary\n",
"import json"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 26,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import_dir = '/Users/federicaspinelli/TEAMOVI/Parser/DATA/ASPO/CSV/datini/'\n",
"export_dir = '/Users/federicaspinelli/TEAMOVI/Parser/DATA/ASPO/RDF/datini/'"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 27,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# Custom class to store URIs + related infos for the ontologies/repositories\n",
"class RDFcoords:\n",
" def __init__(self, uri, prefix, code = None):\n",
" self.uri = uri\n",
" self.prefix = prefix\n",
" self.code = code\n",
"# Repositories\n",
"datiniCoords = RDFcoords('', 'dt:')\n",
"# W3/CIDOC Predicates\n",
"hasTypeCoords = RDFcoords('', 'tp:')\n",
"hasTypePCoords = RDFcoords('', 'te:')\n",
"carriesCoords = RDFcoords('', 'ca:')\n",
"identifiedByCoords = RDFcoords('', 'ib:')\n",
"labelCoords = RDFcoords('', 'lb:')\n",
"hasNoteCoords = RDFcoords('', 'no:')\n",
"hasTypeNCoords = RDFcoords('', 'tn:')\n",
"hasCurrentPermanentLocationCoords = RDFcoords('', 'ap:')\n",
"hasCurrentOwnerCoords = RDFcoords('', 'ow:')\n",
"# CIDOC Objects\n",
"manMadeObjectCoords = RDFcoords('', 'mo:', 'E22')\n",
"informationObjectCoords = RDFcoords('', 'io:', 'E73')\n",
"titleCoords = RDFcoords('', 'ti:' ,'E35')\n",
"placeAppellationCoords = RDFcoords('', 'pa:', 'E44')\n",
"identifierCoords = RDFcoords('', 'id:', 'E42')\n",
"typeCoords = RDFcoords('', 'ty:', 'E55')\n",
"stringCoords = RDFcoords('', 'sr:', 'E62')\n",
"placeCoords = RDFcoords('', 'pl:', 'E53')\n",
"groupCoords = RDFcoords('', 'gp:', 'E74')"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 28,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# Basic functions for triples / shortened triples in TTL format\n",
"def triple(subject, predicate, object1):\n",
" line = subject + ' ' + predicate + ' ' + object1\n",
" return line\n",
"def doublet(predicate, object1):\n",
" line = ' ' + predicate + ' ' + object1\n",
" return line\n",
"def singlet(object1):\n",
" line = ' ' + object1\n",
" return line\n",
"# Line endings in TTL format\n",
"continueLine1 = ' ;\\n'\n",
"continueLine2 = ' ,\\n'\n",
"closeLine = ' .\\n'"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 29,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def writeTTLHeader(output):\n",
" output.write('@prefix ' + datiniCoords.prefix + ' ' + datiniCoords.uri + closeLine)\n",
" output.write('@prefix ' + hasTypeCoords.prefix + ' ' + hasTypeCoords.uri + closeLine)\n",
" output.write('@prefix ' + hasTypePCoords.prefix + ' ' + hasTypePCoords.uri + closeLine)\n",
" output.write('@prefix ' + manMadeObjectCoords.prefix + ' ' + manMadeObjectCoords.uri + closeLine)\n",
" output.write('@prefix ' + carriesCoords.prefix + ' ' + carriesCoords.uri + closeLine)\n",
" output.write('@prefix ' + informationObjectCoords.prefix + ' ' + informationObjectCoords.uri + closeLine)\n",
" output.write('@prefix ' + identifiedByCoords.prefix + ' ' + identifiedByCoords.uri + closeLine)\n",
" output.write('@prefix ' + titleCoords.prefix + ' ' + titleCoords.uri + closeLine)\n",
" output.write('@prefix ' + labelCoords.prefix + ' ' + labelCoords.uri + closeLine)\n",
" output.write('@prefix ' + identifierCoords.prefix + ' ' + identifierCoords.uri + closeLine)\n",
" output.write('@prefix ' + typeCoords.prefix + ' ' + typeCoords.uri + closeLine)\n",
" output.write('@prefix ' + hasNoteCoords.prefix + ' ' + hasNoteCoords.uri + closeLine)\n",
" output.write('@prefix ' + hasTypeNCoords.prefix + ' ' + hasTypeNCoords.uri + closeLine)\n",
" output.write('@prefix ' + stringCoords.prefix + ' ' + stringCoords.uri + closeLine)\n",
" output.write('@prefix ' + hasCurrentPermanentLocationCoords.prefix + ' ' + hasCurrentPermanentLocationCoords.uri + closeLine)\n",
" output.write('@prefix ' + placeCoords.prefix + ' ' + placeCoords.uri + closeLine)\n",
" output.write('@prefix ' + hasCurrentOwnerCoords.prefix + ' ' + hasCurrentOwnerCoords.uri + closeLine)\n",
" output.write('@prefix ' + groupCoords.prefix + ' ' + groupCoords.uri + closeLine)\n",
" output.write('\\n')\n"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 30,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"filePrefix = 'data_'\n",
"fileType = 'subfonds'\n",
"max_entries = 1000000000\n",
"with open(import_dir + filePrefix + fileType + '.csv', newline=\"\") as csv_file, open(export_dir + filePrefix + fileType + '.ttl', 'w') as output:\n",
" reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file)\n",
" writeTTLHeader(output)\n",
" first = True\n",
" ii = 0\n",
" E74placeHolder = ''\n",
" line = triple(E74placeHolder, hasTypeCoords.prefix, groupCoords.prefix ) + closeLine\n",
" output.write(line) \n",
" line = triple(E74placeHolder, labelCoords.prefix, \"\\\"Archivio di Stato di Prato\\\"\") + closeLine\n",
" output.write(line)\n",
" currentLocation = \"\\\"Fondo Datini, Archivio di Stato di Prato, Prato (PO)\\\"\"\n",
" for row in reader:\n",
" # The index ii is used to process a limited number of entries for testing purposes\n",
" ii = ii+1\n",
" # Skip the first line as it carries info we don't want to triplify\n",
" if(first):\n",
" first = False\n",
" continue\n",
" # E22 Man Made Object\n",
" line = triple(datiniCoords.prefix + row['id'], hasTypeCoords.prefix, manMadeObjectCoords.prefix) + closeLine\n",
" output.write(line)\n",
" line = triple(datiniCoords.prefix + row['id'], labelCoords.prefix, '\\\"Documento fisico: ' + row['titolo_aspo'].replace('\\\\','\\\\\\\\').replace('\"','\\\\\"')+ '\\\"') + closeLine\n",
" output.write(line)\n",
" # E73 Information Object\n",
" e73placeHolder = \"\"\n",
" line = triple(datiniCoords.prefix + row['id'], carriesCoords.prefix, e73placeHolder) + closeLine\n",
" output.write(line)\n",
" line = triple(e73placeHolder, hasTypeCoords.prefix, informationObjectCoords.prefix) + closeLine\n",
" output.write(line)\n",
" line = triple(e73placeHolder, labelCoords.prefix, '\\\"Contenuto informativo: ' + row['titolo_aspo'].replace('\\\\','\\\\\\\\').replace('\"','\\\\\"')+ '\\\"') + closeLine\n",
" output.write(line)\n",
" # E35 Title \n",
" if(row['titolo_aspo'] != 'None'):\n",
" e35placeHolder1 = \"\"\n",
" line = triple(e73placeHolder, identifiedByCoords.prefix, e35placeHolder1) + closeLine\n",
" output.write(line)\n",
" line = triple(e35placeHolder1, hasTypeCoords.prefix, titleCoords.prefix) + closeLine\n",
" output.write(line)\n",
" line = triple(e35placeHolder1, labelCoords.prefix, '\\\"' + row['titolo_aspo'].replace('\\\\','\\\\\\\\').replace('\"','\\\\\"')+ '\\\"') + closeLine\n",
" output.write(line)\n",
" # E55 Type\n",
" if(row['genere'] != ''):\n",
" tipologie = []\n",
" pipe = \"|\" \n",
" if pipe in row['genere']:\n",
" tipologie = row['genere'].split('|')\n",
" for type in tipologie:\n",
" tipo = type\n",
" e55placeHolder = \"\"\n",
" line = triple(datiniCoords.prefix + row['id'], hasTypePCoords.prefix, e55placeHolder) + closeLine\n",
" output.write(line)\n",
" else:\n",
" e55placeHolder = \"\"\n",
" line = triple(datiniCoords.prefix + row['id'], hasTypePCoords.prefix, e55placeHolder) + closeLine\n",
" output.write(line)\n",
" # E42 Identifier\n",
" e42placeHolderID = \"\"\n",
" line = triple(datiniCoords.prefix + row['id'], identifiedByCoords.prefix, e42placeHolderID) + closeLine\n",
" output.write(line)\n",
" line = triple(e42placeHolderID, hasTypeCoords.prefix, identifierCoords.prefix) + closeLine\n",
" output.write(line)\n",
" line = triple(e42placeHolderID, labelCoords.prefix, '\\\"' + row['id'].replace(\" \", \"\") + '\\\"') + closeLine \n",
" output.write(line) \n",
" # E22 - P52 - E74\n",
" line = triple(datiniCoords.prefix + row['id'], hasCurrentOwnerCoords.prefix, E74placeHolder) + closeLine\n",
" output.write(line)\n",
" # E22 - P54 - E53\n",
" line = triple(datiniCoords.prefix + row['id'], hasCurrentPermanentLocationCoords.prefix, currentLocation) + closeLine\n",
" output.write(line)\n",
" output.write('\\n')\n",
" #\n",
" # Limit number of entries processed (if desired)\n",
" if(ii>max_entries):\n",
" break\n",
" "
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