 * jQuery Pagination
 * Author: Austin Wulf (@austinwulf)
 * Call the paginate method on an array
 * of elements. Accepts # of items per page
 * as an argument. Defaults to 5.
 * Example:
 *     $(selector).paginate(3);
 * Released under the MIT License.
 * v 1.0

    var paginate = {
        startPos: function(pageNumber, perPage) {
            // determine what array position to start from
            // based on current page and # per page
            return pageNumber * perPage;

        getPage: function(items, startPos, perPage) {
            // declare an empty array to hold our page items
            var page = [];

            // only get items after the starting position
            items = items.slice(startPos, items.length);

            // loop remaining items until max per page
            for (var i=0; i < perPage; i++) {
                page.push(items[i]); }

            return page;

        totalPages: function(items, perPage) {
            // determine total number of pages
            return Math.ceil(items.length / perPage);

        createBtns: function(totalPages, currentPage) {
            // create buttons to manipulate current page
            var pagination = $('<div class="pagination" />');

            // add a "first" button
            pagination.append('<span class="pagination-button">&laquo;</span>');

            // add pages inbetween
            for (var i=1; i <= totalPages; i++) {
                // truncate list when too large
                if (totalPages > 5 && currentPage !== i) {
                    // if on first two pages
                    if (currentPage === 1 || currentPage === 2) {
                        // show first 5 pages
                        if (i > 5) continue;
                    // if on last two pages
                    } else if (currentPage === totalPages || currentPage === totalPages - 1) {
                        // show last 5 pages
                        if (i < totalPages - 4) continue;
                    // otherwise show 5 pages w/ current in middle
                    } else {
                        if (i < currentPage - 2 || i > currentPage + 2) {
                            continue; }

                // markup for page button
                var pageBtn = $('<span class="pagination-button page-num" />');

                // add active class for current page
                if (i == currentPage) {
                    pageBtn.addClass('active'); }

                // set text to the page number

                // add button to the container

            // add a "last" button
            pagination.append($('<span class="pagination-button">&raquo;</span>'));

            return pagination;

        createPage: function(items, currentPage, perPage) {
            // remove pagination from the page

            // set context for the items
            var container = items.parent(),
                // detach items from the page and cast as array
                items = items.detach().toArray(),
                // get start position and select items for page
                startPos = this.startPos(currentPage - 1, perPage),
                page = this.getPage(items, startPos, perPage);

            // loop items and readd to page
            $.each(page, function(){
                // prevent empty items that return as Window
                if (this.window === undefined) {
                    container.append($(this)); }

            // prep pagination buttons and add to page
            var totalPages = this.totalPages(items, perPage),
                pageButtons = this.createBtns(totalPages, currentPage);


    // stuff it all into a jQuery method!
    $.fn.paginate = function(perPage) {
        var items = $(this);

        // default perPage to 5
        if (isNaN(perPage) || perPage === undefined) {
            perPage = 5; }

        // don't fire if fewer items than perPage
        if (items.length <= perPage) {
            return true; }

        // ensure items stay in the same DOM position
        if (items.length !== items.parent()[0].children.length) {
            items.wrapAll('<div class="pagination-items" />');

        // paginate the items starting at page 1
        paginate.createPage(items, 1, perPage);

        // handle click events on the buttons
        $(document).on('click', '.pagination-button', function(e) {
            // get current page from active button
            var currentPage = parseInt($('.pagination-button.active').text(), 10),
                newPage = currentPage,
                totalPages = paginate.totalPages(items, perPage),
                target = $(e.target);

            // get numbered page
            newPage = parseInt(target.text(), 10);
            if (target.text() == '«') newPage = 1;
            if (target.text() == '»') newPage = totalPages;

            // ensure newPage is in available range
            if (newPage > 0 && newPage <= totalPages) {
                paginate.createPage(items, newPage, perPage); }


/* This part is just for the demo,
not actually part of the plugin */