- Based on Python Flask
- Subfolder 'flask_be'

To get flask running (use Python 3, any version should do!):

1. [Optional but recommendend] Create and activate virtual environment by:

	- Going to the flask_be subdirectory
	- Executing: **python** (or python3 or py depending on your system) **-m venv [virtual_environment_name]**
	- Executing: **source [virtual_environment_name]/bin/activate**

2. Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt OR pip install -r requirements_freezed.txt

3. [Optional] Activate Debug Mode by setting the environment variable:

	- FLASK_ENV=development (for instance by executing **export FLASK_ENV=development** in bash)

4. Start the app by executing:

	- **flask run**

(vscode can do 3. and 4. automatically, and possibly the venv setup too)


- Plain HTML + Javascript, uses some basic Jquery functions
- Subfolder 'site2'

To avoid annoying CORS errors, if the PC complains, serve the site through a local server, for instance http-server on node.js