### Deploy using apache2 as a reverse proxy and a 'local' server for Flask, such as waitress 1. Install apache2 (no instructions given) 2. Copy the edited template site.conf, found in this same directory, into the sites-available dir of Apache 3. Enable reverse proxy apache mods: - `a2enmod proxy` - `a2enmod proxy_http` This can also be done by directly modifying Apache's conf files (I did this in the past). 4. Enable the site, through - `a2ensite site.conf` 5. Install a local server, for instance waitress (pip install waitress) 6. Run the server; in case of waitress, with: - `waitress-serve --host IP_ADDRESS --port PORT MODULE:APP` ('app:app', running from the app.py folder, normally works for me for the MODULE:APP part)