Alessia преди 2 години
променени са 1 файла, в които са добавени 881 реда и са изтрити 0 реда
  1. 881 0

+ 881 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,881 @@
+const choiceArray = [
+	["Label", "Object, OA, Person, Letter, Place", "label"],
+	["Identificatore", "Object, OA, Person, Letter, Place", "identifier"], 
+	["Dimensione", "Object, OA", "dimension"],
+	["Materia", "Object, OA", "material"],
+	["Localizzazione", "Object, OA", "localization"],
+	["Tecnica", "OA", "technique"],
+	["Artista", "OA", "artist"],
+	["Soggetto", "OA", "subject"],
+	["Titolo", "Object, Inf", "title"],
+	["Tipo", "Object, Inf", "type"],
+	["Note", "Object, OA", "notes"],
+	["Riferimenti", "Object, Inf", "references"],
+	["Nome proprio", "Person", "givenName"],
+	["Nome di famiglia", "Person", "familyName"],
+	["Patronimico", "Person", "patronymic"],
+	["Luogo di Nascita", "Person", "birthPlace"],
+	["Luogo di Morte", "Person", "deathPlace"],
+	["Genere", "Person", "sex"],
+	["Data di Nascita", "Person", "birthDate"],
+	["Data di Morte", "Person", "deathDate"],
+	["Occupazione", "Person", "occupation"],
+	["Qualifica", "Person", "qualification"],
+	["Gruppi di appartenenza", "Person", "groups"],
+	["Mittente", "Letter", "sender"],
+	["Destinatario", "Letter", "receiver"],
+	["Luogo di Partenza", "Letter", "startPlace"],
+	["Luogo di Arrivo", "Letter", "endPlace"],
+	["Data partenza", "Letter", "startDate"],
+	["Data arrivo", "Letter", "endDate"],
+	["Lingua", "Letter", "language"],
+	["Area linguistica", "Letter", "languageArea"],
+	["Edizione", "Letter", "edition"],
+	["Antroponimo", "Letter", "antroponym"],
+	["Toponimo", "Letter", "toponym"],
+	["Data", "Object, OA", "date"]
+	];
+const typeArray = [
+	["Oggetto", "Object"], 
+	["Lettera", "Letter"],
+	["Opera d'Arte", "OA"],
+	["Persona", "Person"],
+	["Luogo", "Place"]
+	];
+const graphArray = [
+	["ASPO - Datini", ""], 
+	["ASPO - Ospedale", ""],
+	["ASPO - Marcovaldi", ""],
+	["ASPO - Gettatelli", ""],
+	["ASPO - Autori ASPO", ""],
+	["MPP - Collezione Martini", ""],
+	["MPP - Collezione Ospedale", ""],
+	["MPP - Collezione Datini", ""],
+	["OVI - Lettere", ""]
+	];
+const objectArray = [];
+const personArray = [];
+const placeArray = [];
+const oaArray = [];
+const letterArray = [];
+$(document).ready(function () {
+	//#######################################
+	var type_selector = document.getElementById("type_selector");
+	var collection_selector = document.getElementById("collection_selector");
+	let x = typeArray.length;
+	for(var i=0; i<x; i++) {
+		   var opt = document.createElement("option");
+		   opt.value= typeArray[i][1];
+		   opt.innerHTML = typeArray[i][0]; // whatever property it has
+		   // then append it to the select element
+		   type_selector.add(opt);
+		}
+	let y = graphArray.length;
+	for(var i=0; i<y; i++) {
+		   var opt = document.createElement("option");
+		   opt.value= graphArray[i][1];
+		   opt.innerHTML = graphArray[i][0]; // whatever property it has
+		   // then append it to the select element
+		   collection_selector.add(opt);
+		}
+	let z = choiceArray.length;
+	for(var i=0; i<z; i++) {
+			var cat = choiceArray[i][1];
+			if (cat.includes("Object")) {
+				objectArray.push(choiceArray[i]);
+			}
+			if (cat.includes("OA")) {
+				oaArray.push(choiceArray[i]);
+			}
+			if (cat.includes("Person")) {
+				personArray.push(choiceArray[i]);
+			}
+			if (cat.includes("Letter")) {
+				letterArray.push(choiceArray[i]);
+			}
+			if (cat.includes("Place")) {
+				placeArray.push(choiceArray[i]);
+			}
+		}
+	$("#type_selector").change(function(){
+        $(this).find("option:selected").each(function(){
+            var optionValue = $(this).attr("value");
+            if(optionValue){
+                $(".box").not("." + optionValue).hide();
+                $("." + optionValue).show();
+            } else{
+                $(".box").hide();
+            }
+        });
+    }).change();
+    /*$('[name=sel-parent]').on('change', function() {
+	   $(this).attr("id", 'example' + $(this).name());
+	});*/
+function populateOptions(selector, myArray) {
+	var choice_selector = document.getElementById(selector);
+	let k = myArray.length;
+	for(var i=0; i<k; i++) {
+		   var opt = document.createElement("option");
+		   opt.value= myArray[i][1];
+		   opt.innerHTML = myArray[i][0]; // whatever property it has
+		   // then append it to the select element
+		   choice_selector.add(opt);
+		}
+	$('#' + selector).on( "change", function() {
+		var numberId= selector.split("-")[1]
+		var inputText=  $( this ).find(":selected").text();
+		/*$('#inputchoiceSelector_' +  numberId).val(inputText);
+		$('#inputchoiceSelector_' +  numberId).id(inputText);*/
+	});
+var val = 0;
+function addToList() {
+	val = val+1;
+	var sel = '<div class="container_choise"><div class="choise_box"><select id ="choice_selector-' + val + '" value=' + val + ' name="sel-parent" class="advanced-form-select" aria-label="Default select example"> \
+			  <option selected value="0">Scegli un\'opzione</option> \
+			  <input type="text" id="inputchoiceSelector_'+ val +'" class="selected_option" placeholder="Enter search terms" aria-label="Enter search terms" aria-describedby="button-addon2"> \
+			</select></div></div>';
+	$('#drop-down-content').append(sel);
+	var selector = 'choice_selector-' + val;
+	populateOptions(selector, choiceArray);
+function addToListObject() {
+	val = val+100;
+	var sel = '<div class="container_choise"><div class="choise_box"><select id ="choice_selector-' + val + '" value=' + val + ' name="sel-parent" class="advanced-form-select" aria-label="Default select example"> \
+			  <option selected value="0">Scegli un\'opzione</option> \
+			  <input type="text" id="inputchoiceSelector_'+ val +'" class="selected_option" placeholder="Enter search terms" aria-label="Enter search terms" aria-describedby="button-addon2"> \
+			</select></div></div>';
+	$('#drop-down-content-object').append(sel);
+	var selector = 'choice_selector-' + val;
+	populateOptions(selector, objectArray);
+function addToListOA() {
+	val = val+200;
+	var sel = '<div class="container_choise"><div class="choise_box"><select id ="choice_selector-' + val + '" value=' + val + ' name="sel-parent" class="advanced-form-select" aria-label="Default select example"> \
+			  <option selected value="0">Scegli un\'opzione</option> \
+			  <input type="text" id="inputchoiceSelector_'+ val +'" class="selected_option" placeholder="Enter search terms" aria-label="Enter search terms" aria-describedby="button-addon2"> \
+			</select></div></div>';
+	$('#drop-down-content-oa').append(sel);
+	var selector = 'choice_selector-' + val;
+	populateOptions(selector, oaArray);
+function addToListPerson() {
+	val = val+300;
+	var sel = '<div class="container_choise"><div class="choise_box"><select id ="choice_selector-' + val + '" value=' + val + ' name="sel-parent" class="advanced-form-select" aria-label="Default select example"> \
+			  <option selected value="0">Scegli un\'opzione</option> \
+			  <input type="text" id="inputchoiceSelector_'+ val +'" class="selected_option" placeholder="Enter search terms" aria-label="Enter search terms" aria-describedby="button-addon2"> \
+			</select></div></div>';
+	$('#drop-down-content-person').append(sel);
+	var selector = 'choice_selector-' + val;
+	populateOptions(selector, personArray);
+function addToListLetter() {
+	val = val+400;
+	var sel = '<div class="container_choise"><div class="choise_box"><select id ="choice_selector-' + val + '" value=' + val + ' name="sel-parent" class="advanced-form-select" aria-label="Default select example"> \
+			  <option selected value="0">Scegli un\'opzione</option> \
+			  <input type="text" id="inputchoiceSelector_'+ val +'" class="selected_option" placeholder="Enter search terms" aria-label="Enter search terms" aria-describedby="button-addon2"> \
+			</select></div></div>';
+	$('#drop-down-content-letter').append(sel);
+	var selector = 'choice_selector-' + val;
+	populateOptions(selector, letterArray);
+function addToListPlace() {
+	val = val+500;
+	var sel = '<div class="container_choise"><div class="choise_box"><select id ="choice_selector-' + val + '" value=' + val + ' name="sel-parent" class="advanced-form-select" aria-label="Default select example"> \
+			  <option selected value="0">Scegli un\'opzione</option> \
+			  <input type="text" id="inputchoiceSelector_'+ val +'" class="selected_option" placeholder="Enter search terms" aria-label="Enter search terms" aria-describedby="button-addon2"> \
+			</select></div></div>';
+	$('#drop-down-content-place').append(sel);
+	var selector = 'choice_selector-' + val;
+	populateOptions(selector, placeArray);
+//Get parameters from select and input options to build the query
+function getParameters() {
+	const arr = [];
+	const collection = document.getElementsByClassName("advanced-form-select");
+	for (let i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {
+	  var x = collection[i].id;
+	  var t = document.getElementById(x);
+	  var e = t.options[t.selectedIndex].text;
+	  var numberId= x.split("-")[1]
+	  var inputId = "inputchoiceSelector_" + numberId;
+	  var inputText = document.getElementById(inputId).value;
+	  var el = [e, inputText];
+	  arr.push(el);
+	}
+	constructQuery(arr);
+	/*$('#query_results').append(arr);
+	testo = $('input#writeText').val();*/
+//Build query with harvested parametes
+function constructQuery(params) {
+	var g = document.getElementById("collection_selector");
+	var graph = g.value;
+	var search_graph = "?g";
+	if (graph != "") {
+		search_graph = '<' + graph + '>';
+	} 
+	var search_type = "";
+	var ct = document.getElementById("type_selector");
+	var choosen_type = ct.value;
+	console.log(choosen_type);
+	if (choosen_type == "Object") {
+		search_type = "?subject rdf:type crm:E22_Man-Made_Object . ";
+	}
+	/*if (choosen_type == "Person") {
+		search_type = "?subject rdf:type crm:E21_Person . ";
+	}
+	if (choosen_type == "Place") {
+		search_type = "?subject rdf:type crm:E53_Place . ";
+	}*/
+	//Letter, OA, Person, Place
+	var label = ""; //
+	var identificatore = ""; //
+	var dimensione = ""; //
+	var materia = ""; //
+	var localizzazione = ""; //
+	var tecnica = ""; //
+	var artista = ""; //
+	var soggetto = ""; //
+	var titolo = ""; //
+	var tipo = ""; //
+	var note = ""; //
+	var riferimenti = ""; //
+	var nome_proprio = ""; //
+	var nome_di_famiglia = ""; //
+	var patronimico = ""; //
+	var luogo_di_Nascita = ""; //
+	var luogo_di_Morte = ""; //
+	var genere = ""; //
+	var data_di_Nascita = ""; //
+	var data_di_Morte = ""; //
+	var occupazione = ""; //
+	var qualifica = ""; //
+	var gruppi_di_appartenenza = ""; //
+	var mittente = ""; //
+	var destinatario = ""; //
+	var luogo_di_Partenza = ""; //
+	var luogo_di_Arrivo = ""; //
+	var data_partenza = ""; //
+	var data_arrivo = ""; //
+	var lingua = ""; //
+	var area_linguistica = ""; //
+	var edizione = ""; //
+	var antroponimo = ""; //
+	var toponimo = ""; //
+	var data = ""; //
+	var letter_event = ""; //
+	var infObj = ""; //
+	var id = ""; //
+	var dm = ""; //
+	var mt = ""; //
+	var loc = ""; //
+	var tec = ""; //
+	var at = ""; //
+	var sg = ""; //
+	var tt = ""; //
+	var tp = ""; //
+	var nt = ""; //
+	var rf = ""; //
+	var np = ""; //
+	var nf = ""; //
+	var pt = ""; //
+	var ln = ""; //
+	var lm = ""; //
+	var gr = ""; //
+	var dn = ""; //
+	var dts = ""; //
+	var oc = ""; //
+	var qf = ""; //
+	var ga = ""; //
+	var mit = ""; //
+	var des = ""; //
+	var lp = ""; //
+	var la = ""; //
+	var dp = ""; //
+	var da = ""; //
+	var lin = ""; //
+	var alin = ""; //
+	var ed = ""; //
+	var antr = ""; //
+	var topo = ""; //
+	var dt = ""; //
+	for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
+		if(params[i][0] == "Label" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			label = "?label bif:contains \"\' "+ params[i][1] + " \'\" . ";
+		}
+		if(params[i][0] == "Identificatore" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			id = " ?identifier";
+			identificatore = "?subject crm:P1_is_identified_by ?uri_identifier . \
+			?uri_identifier rdfs:label ?identifier . \
+			?identifier bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" . ";
+		}
+		if(params[i][0] == "Dimensione" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			dm = " ?dimension";
+			dimensione = "?subject crm:P43_has_dimension ?uri_dimension . \
+			?uri_dimension rdfs:label ?dimension . \
+			?dimension bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" ."
+		}
+		if(params[i][0] == "Materia" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			mt = " ?material";
+			materia = "?subject crm:P45_consists_of ?uri_material . \
+			?uri_material rdfs:label ?material . \
+			?material bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" ."
+		}
+		if(params[i][0] == "Localizzazione" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			loc = " ?location";
+			localizzazione = "?subject crm:P54_has_current_permanent_location ?uri_location . \
+			?uri_location rdfs:label ?location . \
+			?location bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" ."
+		}
+		if(params[i][0] == "Tecnica" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			tec = " ?technique";
+			tecnica = "?subject ?property ?event . \
+			?event crm:P32_used_general_technique ?uri_technique . \
+			?uri_technique rdfs:label ?technique . \
+			?technique bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" . "
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Artista" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			at = " ?artist";
+			artista = "?subject rdfs:label ?label .	\
+			?production crm:P108_has_produced ?subject . \
+			?pc crm:P01_has_domain ?production . \
+			?pc crm:P02_has_range ?range . \
+			?range rdfs:label ?artist . \
+			?artist bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" ."
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Soggetto" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			sg = " ?depiction";
+			soggetto = "?subject crm:P62_depicts ?uri_depiction . \
+			?uri_depiction rdfs:label ?depiction . \
+			?depiction bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" ."
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Titolo" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			tt = " ?title";
+			infObj = "?subject crm:P128_carries ?information_object .";
+			titolo = "?information_object crm:P1_is_identified_by ?uri_title . \
+			?uri_title rdfs:label ?title . \
+			?title bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" ."
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Tipo" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			tp = " ?type";
+			infObj = "?subject crm:P128_carries ?information_object .";
+			tipo = "?information_object crm:P2_has_type ?uri_type . \
+			?uri_type rdfs:label ?type . \
+			?type bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" ."
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Note" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			nt = " ?note";
+			note = "?subject crm:P3_has_note ?uri_note . \
+			?uri_note rdfs:label ?note . \
+			?note bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" .";
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Riferimenti" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			rf = " ?ref";
+			riferimenti = "?subject crm:P67_refers_to ?uri_ref . \
+			?uri_ref rdfs:label ?ref . \
+			?ref bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" . "
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Nome proprio" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			np = " ?givenName";
+			nome_proprio = "?subject foaf:givenName ?givenName . \
+			?givenName bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" . "
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Nome di famiglia" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			nf = " ?familyName";
+			nome_di_famiglia = "?subject foaf:familyName ?familyName . \
+			?familyName bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" . "
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Patronimico" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			pt = " ?patronymic";
+			patronimico = "?subject person:patronymicName ?patronymic . \
+			?patronymic bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" . "
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Luogo di Nascita" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			ln = " ?birthPlace";
+			luogo_di_Nascita = "?subject crm:P98i_was_born ?Birth . \
+			?Birth crm:P7_took_place_at ?uri_birthPlace . \
+			?uri_birthPlace rdfs:label ?birthPlace . \
+			?birthPlace bif:contains \""+ params[i][1] +"\" . "
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Luogo di Morte" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			lm = " ?deathPlace";
+			luogo_di_Morte = "?subject crm:P100i_died_in ?Death . \
+			?Death crm:P7_took_place_at ?uri_deathPlace . \
+			?uri_deathPlace rdfs:label ?deathPlace \
+			?deathPlace bif:contains \""+ params[i][1] +"\" .	"
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Genere" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			gr = "?genere";
+			genere = "?subject foaf:gender ?genere . \
+			?genere bif:contains \""+ params[i][1] +"\" . "
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Data di Nascita" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			dn = " ?Birth_TS";
+			data_di_Nascita = "?subject crm:P98i_was_born ?Birth . 	\
+			?Birth crm:P4_has_time-span ?Birth_TS . \
+			?Birth_TS rdfs:label \""+ params[i][1] +"\" ."
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Data di Morte" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			dts = " ?Death_TS";
+			data_di_Morte = "?subject crm:P100i_died_in ?Death . \
+			?Death crm:P4_has_time-span ?Death_TS . \
+			?Death_TS rdfs:label \""+ params[i][1] +"\" . "
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Qualifica" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			qf = " ?qualification";
+			qualifica = "?subject schema:honorificPrefix ?qualification . \
+			?qualification bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" . "
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Occupazione" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			oc = " ?occupation";
+			occupazione = "?subject schema:hasOccupation ?uriOccupation . \
+			?uriOccupation rdf:type schema:Occupation; \
+			rdfs:label ?occupation . \
+			?occupation bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" . "
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Gruppi di appartenenza" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			ga = " ?group";
+			gruppi_di_appartenenza = "?subject crm:P107i_is_current_or_former_member_of ?uriGroup . \
+			?uriGroup rdfs:label ?group . \
+			?group bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" . "
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Mittente" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			mit = " ?mittente";
+			letter_event = "?subject crm:P25i_moved_by ?mov_ev . \
+			?send rdfs:subClassOf ?mov_ev ; \
+			rdf:type crm:EL2_Send_Letter . \
+			?receive rdfs:subClassOf ?mov_ev; \
+			rdf:type crm:EL3_Receive_Letter . ";
+			mittente = "?send crm:P01_has_domain ?pcS . \
+			?pcS crm:P02_has_range ?uriSender . \
+			?uriSender rdfs:label ?mittente . \
+			?mittente bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" .	 "
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Destinatario" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			des = " ?destinatario";
+			letter_event = "?subject crm:P25i_moved_by ?mov_ev . \
+			?send rdfs:subClassOf ?mov_ev ; \
+			rdf:type crm:EL2_Send_Letter . \
+			?receive rdfs:subClassOf ?mov_ev; \
+			rdf:type crm:EL3_Receive_Letter . ";
+			destinatario = "?receive crm:P01_has_domain ?pcR . \
+			?pcR crm:P02_has_range ?uriReceiver . \
+			?uriReceiver rdfs:label ?destinatario . \
+			?destinatario bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" .	"
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Luogo di Partenza" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			lp = " ?luogo_partenza";
+			letter_event = "?subject crm:P25i_moved_by ?mov_ev . \
+			?send rdfs:subClassOf ?mov_ev ; \
+			rdf:type crm:EL2_Send_Letter . \
+			?receive rdfs:subClassOf ?mov_ev; \
+			rdf:type crm:EL3_Receive_Letter . ";
+			luogo_di_Partenza = "?send crm:P27_moved_from ?uriLuogoPartenza . \
+			?uriLuogoPartenza rdfs:label ?luogo_partenza . \
+			?luogo_partenza bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" . "
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Luogo di Arrivo" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			la = " ?luogo_arrivo";
+			letter_event = "?subject crm:P25i_moved_by ?mov_ev . \
+			?send rdfs:subClassOf ?mov_ev ; \
+			rdf:type crm:EL2_Send_Letter . \
+			?receive rdfs:subClassOf ?mov_ev; \
+			rdf:type crm:EL3_Receive_Letter . ";
+			luogo_di_Arrivo = "?receive crm:P26_moved_to ?uriLuogoArrivo . \
+			?uriLuogoArrivo rdfs:label ?luogo_arrivo . \
+			?luogo_arrivo bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" . "
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Data partenza" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			dp = " ?timeSpanSend";
+			letter_event = "?subject crm:P25i_moved_by ?mov_ev . \
+			?send rdfs:subClassOf ?mov_ev ; \
+			rdf:type crm:EL2_Send_Letter . \
+			?receive rdfs:subClassOf ?mov_ev; \
+			rdf:type crm:EL3_Receive_Letter . ";
+			data_partenza = "?send crm:P4_has_time-span ?time_spanS . \
+			?time_spanS rdfs:label ?timeSpanSend . \
+			?timeSpanSend bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" . "
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Data arrivo" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			da = " ?timeSpanReceive";
+			letter_event = "?subject crm:P25i_moved_by ?mov_ev . \
+			?send rdfs:subClassOf ?mov_ev ; \
+			rdf:type crm:EL2_Send_Letter . \
+			?receive rdfs:subClassOf ?mov_ev; \
+			rdf:type crm:EL3_Receive_Letter . ";
+			data_arrivo = "?receive crm:P4_has_time-span ?time_spanR . \
+			?time_spanR rdfs:label ?timeSpanReceive .\
+			?timeSpanReceive bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" . "
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Lingua" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			lin = " ?lingua";
+			infObj = "?subject crm:P128_carries ?information_object .";
+			lingua = "?information_object crm:P72_has_language ?language . \
+			?language rdfs:label ?lingua . \
+			?lingua bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" ."
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Area linguistica" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			alin = " ?area_linguistica";
+			infObj = "?subject crm:P128_carries ?information_object .";
+			area_linguistica = "?information_object crm:P72_has_language ?language . \
+			?language crm:P3_has_note ?area . \
+			?area rdfs:label ?area_linguistica .\
+			?area_linguistica bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" ."
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Edizione" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			ed = " ?edizione";
+			infObj = "?subject crm:P128_carries ?information_object .";
+			edizione = "?edition crm:P70_documents ?information_object ; \
+			crm:P1_is_identified_by ?edition_id . \
+			?edition_id rdfs:label ?edizione . \
+			?edizione bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" ."
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Toponimo" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			topo = " ?toponimo";
+			infObj = "?subject crm:P128_carries ?information_object .";
+			toponimo = "?information_object crm:P67_refers_to ?link_toponimo . \
+			?link_toponimo rdfs:label ?toponimo ; \
+			crm:P2_has_type 'Toponimo' . \
+			?toponimo bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" ."
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Antroponimo" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			antr = " ?antroponimo";
+			infObj = "?subject crm:P128_carries ?information_object .";
+			antroponimo = "?information_object crm:P67_refers_to ?link_antroponimo . \
+			?link_antroponimo rdfs:label ?antroponimo; \
+			crm:P2_has_type 'Antroponimo' . \
+			?antroponimo bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" ."
+		}
+		if (params[i][0] == "Data" && (params[i][1] != "")) {
+			dt = " ?date";
+			data = "?subject ?property ?event . \
+			?event crm:P4_has_time-span ?uri_date . \
+			?uri_date rdfs:label ?date . \
+			?date bif:contains \"\'"+ params[i][1] +"\'\" ."
+		}
+	}
+	prefixes = "PREFIX rdfs: <> \
+	PREFIX rdf: <> \
+	PREFIX crm: <> \
+	PREFIX owl: <> \
+	PREFIX schema: <> \
+	PREFIX foaf: <> \
+	PREFIX person: <>"
+	query = prefixes + " SELECT DISTINCT ?subject ?label" + id + dm + mt + loc + tec + at
+	+ sg + tt + tp + nt + rf + np + nf + pt + ln + lm + gr + dn + dts + oc + qf + ga + mit 
+	+ des + lp + la + dp + da + lin + alin + ed + antr + topo + dt + " \
+	WHERE {GRAPH " + search_graph + " {?subject ?property ?object } \
+	?subject rdfs:label ?label . " 
+	+ infObj + letter_event + label + search_type + identificatore + dimensione + materia + localizzazione + tecnica 
+	+ artista + titolo + tipo + note + riferimenti + nome_proprio + nome_di_famiglia
+	+ patronimico + luogo_di_Nascita + luogo_di_Morte + genere + data_di_Nascita 
+	+ data_di_Morte + qualifica + occupazione + gruppi_di_appartenenza + mittente + destinatario 
+	+luogo_di_Partenza + luogo_di_Arrivo + data_partenza + data_arrivo + lingua 
+	+ area_linguistica + edizione + toponimo + antroponimo + data + "}"
+	var query_url = '' + encodeURIComponent(query) + '&output=json';
+	console.log(query);
+	$.ajax({
+			url: query_url + '&callback=?',
+			dataType: "json",
+			success: function (data) {
+				query_handle_json(data);
+			},
+			error: function (e) {}
+		});
+function query_handle_json(json) {
+	console.log(json); 
+		$('#query_results').text("");
+		var i = 0;
+		const first_row = [];
+		$.each(
+			json['head']['vars'],
+			function (index, value) {
+				first_row.push(value);
+		});
+		var t_head = '<div class="row t_head">';
+		for (let k = 0; k < first_row.length; k++) {
+			t_head += '<div class="col">' + first_row[k] + '</div>';
+		}
+		t_head += '</div>';
+		$('#query_results').append(t_head);
+		$.each(
+			json['results']['bindings'],
+			function (index, value) {
+				var object = ""; 
+				var link = value['subject']['value'];
+				var label = value['label']['value'];
+				object += '<div class="row"><div class="col">' + link + '</div><div class="col">' + label + '</div>';
+				if (value.hasOwnProperty('identifier')) {
+		          identifier = value['identifier']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + identifier + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('dimension')) {
+		          dimension = value['dimension']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + dimension + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('material')) {
+		          material = value['material']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + material + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('location')) {
+		          location = value['location']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + location + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('technique')) {
+		          technique = value['technique']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + technique + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('artist')) {
+		          artist = value['artist']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + artist + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('depiction')) {
+		          depiction = value['depiction']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + depiction + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('title')) {
+		          title = value['title']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + title + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('type')) {
+		          type = value['type']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + type + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('note')) {
+		          note = value['note']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + note + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('ref')) {
+		          ref = value['ref']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + ref + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('givenName')) {
+		          givenName = value['givenName']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + givenName + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('familyName')) {
+		          familyName = value['familyName']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + familyName + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('patronymic')) {
+		          patronymic = value['patronymic']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + patronymic + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('birthPlace')) {
+		          birthPlace = value['birthPlace']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + birthPlace + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('deathPlace')) {
+		          deathPlace = value['deathPlace']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + deathPlace + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('genere')) {
+		          genere = value['genere']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + genere + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('Birth_TS')) {
+		          Birth_TS = value['Birth_TS']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + Birth_TS + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('Death_TS')) {
+		          Death_TS = value['Death_TS']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + Death_TS + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('qualification')) {
+		          qualification = value['qualification']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + qualification + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('occupation')) {
+		          occupation = value['occupation']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + occupation + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('group')) {
+		          group = value['group']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + group + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('mittente')) {
+		          mittente = value['mittente']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + mittente + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('destinatario')) {
+		          destinatario = value['destinatario']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + destinatario + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('luogo_partenza')) {
+		          luogo_partenza = value['luogo_partenza']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + luogo_partenza + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('luogo_arrivo')) {
+		          luogo_arrivo = value['luogo_arrivo']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + luogo_arrivo + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('timeSpanSend')) {
+		          timeSpanSend = value['timeSpanSend']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + timeSpanSend + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('timeSpanReceive')) {
+		          timeSpanReceive = value['timeSpanReceive']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + timeSpanReceive + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('lingua')) {
+		          lingua = value['lingua']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + lingua + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('area_linguistica')) {
+		          area_linguistica = value['area_linguistica']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + area_linguistica + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('edizione')) {
+		          edizione = value['edizione']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + edizione + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('toponimo')) {
+		          toponimo = value['toponimo']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + toponimo + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('antroponimo')) {
+		          antroponimo = value['antroponimo']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + antroponimo + '</div>';
+		        }
+		        if (value.hasOwnProperty('date')) {
+		          date = value['date']['value'];
+		          object += '<div class="col">' + date + '</div>';
+		        } 
+		        object += '</div>';
+				i++;
+				/*onclick=copy__Text("' + value['link']['value'] + '")*/
+				$('#query_results').append(object);
+			});
+		if (i==0) {
+			var message = '<p>Nessun risultato trovato</p>';
+			$('#query_results').append(message);
+		}