var link =; prefixes = queryManager['prefixes']['all']; query = prefixes + (queryManager['querySchedaPersona']['queryInfo']).replace('{URI}', link); doJsonQuery(query).done(function(data) { handle_data(data); }); queryURL = prefixes + (queryManager['querySchedaPersona']['query']).replace('{URI}', link); doJsonQuery(queryURL).done(function(data) { handle_map(data); }); queryEx = prefixes + (queryManager['querySchedaPersona']['queryLetters']).replace('{URI}', link); doJsonQuery(queryEx).done(function(data) { handle_Letters(data); }); queryOA = prefixes + (queryManager['querySchedaPersona']['queryOpere']).replace('{URI}', link); doJsonQuery(queryOA).done(function(data) { handle_Artwork(data); }); queryOt = prefixes + (queryManager['querySchedaPersona']['queryOtherDoc']).replace('{URI}', link); doJsonQuery(queryOt).done(function(data) { handle_Other_Documents(data); }); queryGt = prefixes + (queryManager['querySchedaPersona']['queryGettatelliEv']).replace('{URI}', link); doJsonQuery(queryGt).done(function(data) { handle_Gettatelli(data); }); queryInfoGt = prefixes + (queryManager['querySchedaPersona']['queryInfoGettatelli']).replace('{URI}', link); doJsonQuery(queryInfoGt).done(function(data) { handle_InfoGettatelli(data); }); queryRel = prefixes + (queryManager['querySchedaPersona']['queryRelazioni']).replace('{URI}', link); doJsonQuery(queryRel).done(function(data) { handle_Relazioni(data); }); queryRelIn = prefixes + (queryManager['querySchedaPersona']['queryRelazioniInverse']).replace('{URI}', link); doJsonQuery(queryRelIn).done(function(data) { handle_RelazioniInverse(data); }); queryCom = prefixes + (queryManager['querySchedaPersona']['queryCompagnia']).replace('{URI}', link); doJsonQuery(queryCom).done(function(data) { handle_Compagnia(data); }); queryEv = prefixes + (queryManager['querySchedaPersona']['queryEventi']).replace('{URI}', link); doJsonQuery(queryEv).done(function(data) { handle_Events(data); }); queryCon = prefixes + (queryManager['querySchedaPersona']['queryContrassegni']).replace('{URI}', link); doJsonQuery(queryCon).done(function(data) { handle_Contrassegni(data); }); queryRif = prefixes + (queryManager['querySchedaPersona']['queryRiferimenti']).replace('{URI}', link); doJsonQuery(queryRif).done(function(data) { handle_Riferimenti(data); }); queryOcc = prefixes + (queryManager['querySchedaPersona']['queryOccupazione']).replace('{URI}', link); doJsonQuery(queryOcc).done(function(data) { handle_Occupations(data); }); var labelName = ""; function handle_data(json) { var graph = ""; var label = ""; if ("givenName" in json.results.bindings) { givenName = value['givenName']['value']; } $.each( json['results']['bindings'], function (index, value) { var graph = value['graph']['value']; var uri = value['uri']['value']; var label = value['label']['value']; var name = value['name']['value']; var givenName = ""; var familyName = ""; var alias = ""; var gender = ""; var patronymic = ""; var occupation = ""; var relative2 = ""; var relative3 = ""; var identifier = ""; var id_type = ""; var birth_date = ""; var birth_place = ""; var death_date = ""; var death_place = ""; var qualification = ""; var group = ""; var type = ""; var provenence = ""; var variants = ""; if ((value.hasOwnProperty('identifier')) && (value.hasOwnProperty('id_type'))) { $("#identifier").css("display", "flex"); identifier = value['identifier']['value']; id_type = value['id_type']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('givenName')) { $("#givenName").css("display", "flex"); givenName = value['givenName']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('familyName')) { $("#familyName").css("display", "flex"); familyName = value['familyName']['value'].toLowerCase(); familyName = familyName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + familyName.slice(1); } if (value.hasOwnProperty('alias')) { $("#aliasName").css("display", "flex"); alias = value['alias']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('gender')) { $("#gender").css("display", "flex"); gender = value['gender']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('patronymic')) { $("#patronymic").css("display", "flex"); patronymic = value['patronymic']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('provenienza')) { $("#PlaceProvenence").css("display", "flex"); provenence = value['provenienza']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('occupation')) { $("#occupation").css("display", "flex"); occupation = value['occupation']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('relative2')) { relative2 = value['relative2']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('relative3')) { relative3 = value['relative3']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('qualification')) { $("#honorific").css("display", "flex"); qualification = value['qualification']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('person_type')) { $("#type").css("display", "flex"); type = value['person_type']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('Birth_Date')) { $("#BirthDate").css("display", "flex"); birth_date = value['Birth_Date']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('Birth_Place')) { $("#BirthPlace").css("display", "flex"); birth_place = value['Birth_Place']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('Death_Date')) { $("#DeathDate").css("display", "flex"); death_date = value['Death_Date']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('Death_Place')) { $("#DeathPlace").css("display", "flex"); death_place = value['Death_Place']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('group')) { $("#groups").css("display", "flex"); group = value['group']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('variants')) { if (value['variants']['value'] != "| ") { alert(value['variants']['value']); $("#otherNames").css("display", "flex"); let strings = value['variants']['value']; variants = strings.split(";"); } } var dataset = get_dataset_name(graph); var second_name = patronymic; if (relative2 != "") { second_name = second_name + " " + relative2; } if (relative3 != "") { second_name = second_name + " " + relative3; } if (familyName != "") { second_name = second_name + " " + familyName; } var first_name = ""; if ((givenName != "") || (second_name != "") || (provenence != "")) { first_name = givenName + " " + second_name + " " + provenence; } else { first_name = name; } first_name = first_name.replace(",", ""); first_name = titleCase(first_name); name = titleCase(name); givenName = titleCase(givenName); var name_string = ""; if (variants.length>0) { for (var i=0; i" + chunk[1] + "
"; } } labelName = first_name; var Buttons = createHeaderButtons(uri); var id_snippet = "
" + id_type + ":
" + identifier + "
"; document.getElementById("grafo").innerHTML = dataset; document.getElementById("nome_persona").innerHTML = first_name; document.getElementById("nome").innerHTML = name; document.getElementById("genere").innerHTML = gender; document.getElementById("nome_proprio").innerHTML = givenName; document.getElementById("nome_famiglia").innerHTML = familyName; document.getElementById("patronimico").innerHTML = second_name.replace("di ", ""); document.getElementById("provenienza").innerHTML = provenence; document.getElementById("identifier").innerHTML = id_snippet; document.getElementById("alias").innerHTML = alias; document.getElementById("tipologia").innerHTML = type; document.getElementById("variants").innerHTML = name_string; document.getElementById("qualifica").innerHTML = qualification; document.getElementById("occupazione").innerHTML = occupation; document.getElementById("data_nascita").innerHTML = birth_date; document.getElementById("data_morte").innerHTML = death_date; document.getElementById("luogo_nascita").innerHTML = birth_place; document.getElementById("luogo_morte").innerHTML = death_place; document.getElementById("gruppi_appartenenza").innerHTML = group; document.getElementById("link_buttons").innerHTML = Buttons; const collection = document.getElementsByClassName("PN"); for (var i=0; i

Physical object

'; } document.getElementById("scheda_anagrafica").innerHTML = card; document.getElementById("btn_scheda").innerHTML = button_obj; } function handle_Gettatelli(json) { //console.log(json); var generic = ""; var find = ""; var reunite = ""; var adoption = ""; $.each( json['results']['bindings'], function (index, value) { var event_type = value['event_type']['value']; var data = value['time_span']['value']; if (event_type == "Evento generico") { $("#generic_event").css("display", "flex"); generic = data; } else if (event_type == "Ritrovamento") { $("#find_event").css("display", "flex"); find = data; } else if (event_type == "Ricongiungimento") { $("#reunion_event").css("display", "flex"); reunite = data; } else if (event_type == "Adozione") { $("#adoption_event").css("display", "flex"); adoption = data; } }); document.getElementById("anno").innerHTML = generic; document.getElementById("ritrovamento").innerHTML = find; document.getElementById("ricongiungimento").innerHTML = reunite; document.getElementById("adozione").innerHTML = adoption; } function handle_Relazioni(json) { //console.log(json); var Relazioni = ""; const myArray = [] $.each( json['results']['bindings'], function (index, value) { var tipo = value['relation_type']['value']; var uri_person = value['uri_person']['value']; var nome = value['name']['value']; var principale = ""; var givenName = ""; var familyName = ""; var patronymic = ""; var provenence = ""; if (value.hasOwnProperty('givenName')) { givenName = value['givenName']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('note')) { principale = " principale"; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('familyName')) { familyName = value['familyName']['value'].toLowerCase(); familyName = familyName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + familyName.slice(1) } if (value.hasOwnProperty('patronymic')) { patronymic = value['patronymic']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('provenienza')) { provenence = value['provenienza']['value']; } var type = tipo.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + tipo.slice(1) + principale; if ((type == "Socio") || (type == "Socio principale")) { type = "Società"; } if (type == "Mano lettera") { type = "Altre collaborazioni" } var first_name = ""; if ((givenName != "") || (patronymic != "") || (familyName != "") || (provenence != "")) { first_name = givenName + " " + patronymic + " " + familyName + " " + provenence; } else { first_name = nome; } myArray.push([type, first_name, uri_person]); }); const checkRel = []; for (var i=0; i", type).replace("", id); return htmlCode; } function createColRelazione(text, link) { htmlCode = '\
\ \
\ '.replace("", text).replace("", link); return htmlCode; } function handle_Events(json) { let events = {}; var i = 0; $.each( json['results']['bindings'], function (index, value) { var event_type = value['event_type']['value']; var role = value['role']['value']; var uri_document = value['uri_document']['value']; var document = value['document']['value']; var time_span = ""; var uri_place1 = ""; var uri_place2 = ""; var uri_place3 = ""; var uri_place4 = ""; var place1 = ""; var place2 = ""; var place3 = ""; var place4 = ""; var coords1 = ""; var coords2 = ""; var coords3 = ""; var coords4 = ""; if (value.hasOwnProperty('time_span')) { time_span = value['time_span']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('uri_place')) { uri_place1 = value['uri_place']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('coords')) { coords1 = value['coords']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('place')) { place1 = value['place']['value']; place1 = titleCase(place1); } if (value.hasOwnProperty('uri_place2')) { uri_place2 = value['uri_place2']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('coords2')) { coords2 = value['coords2']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('place2')) { place2 = value['place2']['value']; place2 = titleCase(place2); } if (value.hasOwnProperty('uri_place3')) { uri_place3 = value['uri_place3']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('coords3')) { coords3 = value['coords3']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('place3')) { place3 = value['place3']['value']; place3 = titleCase(place3); } if (value.hasOwnProperty('uri_place4')) { uri_place4 = value['uri_place4']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('coords4')) { coords4 = value['coords4']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('place4')) { place4 = value['place4']['value']; place4 = titleCase(place4); } let cells = {"evento": event_type, "ruolo": role, "data": time_span, "uri_documento": uri_document, "documento": document, "uri_luogo1": uri_place1, "luogo1": place1, "coords1": coords1, "uri_luogo2": uri_place2, "luogo2": place2, "coords2": coords2, "uri_luogo3": uri_place3, "luogo3": place3, "coords3": coords3, "uri_luogo4": uri_place4, "luogo4": place4, "coords4": coords4}; events[i] = cells; i++; }); var thead = '' + 'Evento' + 'Ruolo' + 'Data' + 'Luogo' + 'Documento' + ''; var EventsTable = thead; EventsTable += ''; console.log(events); for (i in events) { console.log(events); var sniPlace = ""; var sniPlace1 = ""; var sniPlace2 = ""; var sniPlace3 = ""; var sniPlace4 = ""; if (events[i]['coords1'] != "") { sniPlace1 = '' + events[i]['luogo1'] + ''; } else { sniPlace1 = events[i]['luogo1']; } if (events[i]['coords2'] != "") { sniPlace2 = '' + events[i]['luogo2'] + ''; } else { sniPlace2 = events[i]['luogo2']; } if (events[i]['coords3'] != "") { sniPlace3 = '' + events[i]['luogo3'] + ''; } else { sniPlace3 = events[i]['luogo3']; } if (events[i]['coords4'] != "") { sniPlace4 = '' + events[i]['luogo4'] + ''; } else { sniPlace4 = events[i]['luogo4']; } if (sniPlace1 != "") { sniPlace = sniPlace1; } if (sniPlace2 != "") { sniPlace = sniPlace + " < " + sniPlace2; } if (sniPlace3 != "") { sniPlace = sniPlace + " < " + sniPlace3; } if (sniPlace4 != "") { sniPlace = sniPlace + " < " + sniPlace4; } EventsTable += '' + '' + events[i]['evento'] + '' + '' + events[i]['ruolo'] + '' + '' + events[i]['data'] + '' + '' + sniPlace + '' + '' + events[i]['documento'] + '' + ''; } EventsTable += ''; if (Object.keys(events).length != 0) { document.getElementById("res_events").innerHTML = EventsTable; } else { var eventIcon = "
\ \ \ \ \ \

No event found

"; document.getElementById("res_events_container").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("res_events_no_res").innerHTML = eventIcon; } } function handle_Compagnia(json) { //console.log(json); var denominazione = ""; var sede = ""; var uri_sede = ""; var uri_place = ""; $.each( json['results']['bindings'], function (index, value) { if (value.hasOwnProperty('denomination')) { $("#type_society").css("display", "flex"); denominazione = value['denomination']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('uri_place')) { $("#sede").css("display", "flex"); uri_place = value['uri_place']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('uri_sede')) { $("#sede").css("display", "flex"); uri_sede = value['uri_sede']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('sede')) { sede = value['sede']['value']; } }); } function handle_Contrassegni(json) { console.log(json); var id_image = ""; var name_image = ""; var uri = ""; $.each( json['results']['bindings'], function (index, value) { if (value.hasOwnProperty('image')) { $("#mark_image").css("display", "block"); id_image = value['image']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('contrassegno')) { name_image = value['contrassegno']['value']; } uri = value['uri_image']['value']; }); var Image = '
' document.getElementById("contrassegno").innerHTML = Image; document.getElementById("nome_contrassegno").innerHTML = titleCase(name_image); } function handle_Letters(json) { //console.log(json); const send = []; const receive = []; var i=0; var j=0; $.each( json['results']['bindings'], function (index, value) { type = value['type']['value']; uri = value['document_uri']['value']; title = value['document_name']['value']; segnatura = value['segnatura']['value']; var data = ""; var InfObj = ""; if (value.hasOwnProperty('time_span')) { data = value['time_span']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('InfObj')) { InfObj = value['InfObj']['value']; } if (type == "Invio") { send.push([uri, title, segnatura, data, InfObj]); i++; } else { receive.push([uri, title, segnatura, data, InfObj]); j++; } }); var Send_Letters = ""; var Receive_Letters = ""; //POPULATE SEND LETTERS BOX for (var i=0; i'+ send[i][1] + ''; object_type = "lettera"; infObject_button += ''; } else { letter = '

'+ send[i][1] + ''; object_type = "object"; infObject_button += ''; } if (send[i][2] != "") { letter = letter + "
Mark: " + send[i][2]; } if (send[i][3] != "") { letter = letter + "
Date: " + send[i][3]; } letter = letter + '

'; Send_Letters += '
'+ letter + '
' + infObject_button + '' + '' + '
'; } //POPULATE RECEIVE LETTERS BOX for (var i=0; i'+ receive[i][1] + ''; object_type = "lettera"; infObject_button += ''; } else { letter = '

'+ receive[i][1] + ''; object_type = "object"; infObject_button += ''; } if (receive[i][2] != "") { letter = letter + "
Mark: " + receive[i][2]; } if (receive[i][3] != "") { letter = letter + "
Date: " + receive[i][3]; } letter = letter + '

'; Receive_Letters += '
'+ letter + '
' + infObject_button + '' + '' + '
'; } document.getElementById("l_send").innerHTML = send.length; document.getElementById("l_receive").innerHTML = receive.length; document.getElementById("letters_send").innerHTML = Send_Letters; document.getElementById("letters_receive").innerHTML = Receive_Letters; if (send.length==0) { var messaggio = "

No resource found for this query

"; document.getElementById("letters_send").innerHTML = messaggio; } if (receive.length==0) { var messaggio = "

No resource found for this query

"; document.getElementById("letters_receive").innerHTML = messaggio; } } function handle_Artwork(json) { //console.log(json); const oa = []; $.each( json['results']['bindings'], function (index, value) { uri = value['subject']['value']; label = value['label']['value']; nct = value['nct']['value']; var data = ""; if (value.hasOwnProperty('time_span')) { data = value['time_span']['value']; } oa.push([uri, label, nct, data]); }); var Artworks = ""; for (var i=0; i' + oa[i][1] + '
NCT: ' + oa[i][2]; if (oa[i][3] != "") { artwork = artwork + "
Date: " + oa[i][3]; } var object_button = ''; Artworks += '

'+ artwork +'

' + '
' + object_button + '' + '' + '
'; } document.getElementById("n_oa").innerHTML = oa.length; document.getElementById("object_oa").innerHTML = Artworks; if (oa.length==0) { var messaggio = "

No resource found for this query

"; document.getElementById("object_oa").innerHTML = messaggio; } } function handle_Other_Documents(json) { //console.log(json); const doc = []; $.each( json['results']['bindings'], function (index, value) { uri = value['document']['value']; label = value['label']['value']; var data = ""; var id = ""; if (value.hasOwnProperty('time_span')) { data = value['time_span']['value']; } if (value.hasOwnProperty('id')) { id = value['id']['value']; } doc.push([uri, label, id, data]); }); var Documents = ""; for (var i=0; i'+ doc[i][1] + ''; var object_button = ''; if (doc[i][2] != "") { paper = paper + "
Mark: " + doc[i][2]; } if (doc[i][3] != "") { paper = paper + "
Date: " + doc[i][3]; } paper = paper + '

'; Documents += '
'+ paper + '
' + object_button + '' + '' + '
'; } document.getElementById("n_ass").innerHTML = doc.length; document.getElementById("other_documents").innerHTML = Documents; if (doc.length==0) { var messaggio = "

No resource found for this query

"; document.getElementById("other_documents").innerHTML = messaggio; } } function handle_Riferimenti(json) { var uri_same = ""; $.each( json['results']['bindings'], function (index, value) { if (value.hasOwnProperty('uri_same')) { $("#REF").css("display", "flex"); uri_same += '' + value['uri_same']['value'] + '
'; } }); console.log(uri_same); document.getElementById("same_as").innerHTML = uri_same; } function handle_Occupations(json) { var OW = ""; $.each( json['results']['bindings'], function (index, value) { var occupation = ""; var worklocation = ""; if (value.hasOwnProperty('occupation')) { $("#workHistory").css("display", "flex"); occupation = titleCase(value['occupation']['value']); } if (value.hasOwnProperty('worklocation')) { worklocation = " presso " + titleCase(value['worklocation']['value']); } OW += occupation + " " + worklocation + "
"; }); document.getElementById("jobs").innerHTML = OW; } function handle_map(json) { //console.log(json); const locations = []; const place_names = []; const place_events = []; const luoghi = []; var lat = 0; var long = 0; var i=0; var myPlaces = ""; $.each( json['results']['bindings'], function (index, value) { const loc = [] var uri = value['place']['value']; var label = value['label']['value']; var coord = value['coordinates']['value']; var evento = value['tipo']['value']; var count = value['count']['value']; place_events.push([uri, evento, count]); if (!place_names.includes(uri)) { place_names.push(uri); const coordinates = coord.split(", "); loc.push(uri); label = titleCase(label); loc.push(label); myPlaces += "
" + label + "
"; loc.push(coordinates[0]); lat += parseInt(coordinates[0]); loc.push(coordinates[1]); long += parseInt(coordinates[1].replace(/^(\.)/,"0.").replace("-.", "-0.")); locations.push(loc); i++; } }); for (var k=0; k"; for (var k=3; k" + dix + " occorrenze

"; } var marker = new L.Marker(new L.LatLng(a[1], a[2]), { title: title }); marker.bindPopup(title); markers.addLayer(marker); markerList.push(marker); } } populate(); map.addLayer(markers); $('.clickPlace').on('click', function(){ // parse lat and lng from the divs data attribute var latlng = $(this).data().point.split(','); var lat = latlng[0]; var lng = latlng[1]; var zoom = 10; // set the view map.setView([lat, lng], zoom); }); } function exchangeLetter(tipo, mittente, uri_mittente, destinatario, uri_destinatario) { var params = tipo + ";" + mittente + ";" + uri_mittente + ";" + destinatario + ";" + uri_destinatario;"results.html?params="+ params); }