// Raccatto i parametri dall'URL -- mi aspetto un parametro di nome 'link'!
thisUrlParams = {};
window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) {
thisUrlParams[key] = value;
//console.log('URL get params: ', thisUrlParams);
// Funzioni per eseguire le queries
function prepareQueryURL(query){
sparqlEndpoint = 'http://dev.restore.ovi.cnr.it:8890/sparql/';
sparqlUrlParams = '?default-graph-uri=&query=' + encodeURIComponent(query) + '&output=json&callback=?';
return sparqlEndpoint + sparqlUrlParams;
function doJsonQuery(query){
queryURL = prepareQueryURL(query);
response = $.ajax({//OGGETTO
url: queryURL,
dataType: "json",
success: function (data){},
error: function (e) {}
return response;
// Funzioni per raccattare + stringhificare l'output
queryStringOutput = "";
function stringifyResponse(val){
resultArray = val['results']['bindings'];
out = "";
for(i = 0; i < resultArray.length; i++){
out = out + JSON.stringify(resultArray[i])
queryStringOutput = (queryStringOutput + out).replace("}{",",");
prefixes = "PREFIX rdfs: \
PREFIX rdf: \
PREFIX crm: \
PREFIX owl: \
PREFIX schema: \
PREFIX foaf: \
PREFIX person: "
query = prefixes + " SELECT DISTINCT ?place ?label ?tipo ?coordinates COUNT(?pc) AS ?count \
VALUES ?uri {<" + thisUrlParams.link + ">} \
{?pc crm:P02_has_range ?uri . \
?event_from crm:P01_has_domain ?pc ; \
rdf:type crm:EL3_Receive_Letter; \
rdfs:label ?tipo ; \
crm:P26_moved_to ?place_from . \
?place_from rdf:type crm:E53_Place ; \
owl:sameAs ?place . \
?place rdfs:label ?label ; \
crm:P168_place_is_defined_by ?coordinates . \
} UNION { \
?pc crm:P02_has_range ?uri . \
?event_from crm:P01_has_domain ?pc ; \
rdf:type crm:EL2_Send_Letter; \
rdfs:label ?tipo ; \
crm:P27_moved_from ?place_from . \
?place_from rdf:type crm:E53_Place ; \
owl:sameAs ?place . \
?place rdfs:label ?label ; \
crm:P168_place_is_defined_by ?coordinates . \
} UNION { \
?uri crm:P100i_died_in ?uri_death . \
?uri_death crm:P7_took_place_at ?uri_place . \
?uri_place rdf:type crm:E53_Place ; \
owl:sameAs ?place . \
?place rdfs:label ?label ; \
crm:P168_place_is_defined_by ?coordinates . \
} UNION { \
?uri crm:P98i_was_born ?uri_birth . \
?uri_birth crm:P7_took_place_at ?uri_place . \
?uri_place rdf:type crm:E53_Place ; \
owl:sameAs ?place . \
?place rdfs:label ?label ; \
crm:P168_place_is_defined_by ?coordinates . \
} \
?pc crm:P02_has_range ?uri . \
?uri_event crm:P01_has_domain ?pc; \
crm:P7_took_place_at ?uri_place ; \
crm:P2_has_type ?uri_type . \
?uri_type rdfs:label ?tipo . \
?uri_place rdf:type crm:E53_Place ; \
rdfs:label ?label . \
?place owl:sameAs ?uri_place ; \
crm:P168_place_is_defined_by ?coordinates . \
} \
queryInfo = prefixes + " SELECT DISTINCT ?uri ?graph ?label ?identifier ?id_type ?name ?givenName ?familyName ?relative2 ?relative3 ?provenienza (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT(?variant, '| ', ?otherName) ; SEPARATOR = ';') AS ?variants) ?gender ?Birth_Date ?Birth_Place ?Death_Date ?Death_Place ?patronymic ?occupation ?qualification ?group \
VALUES ?uri {<" + thisUrlParams.link + ">} \
GRAPH ?graph {?uri rdfs:label ?label} \
?uri foaf:name ?name . \
OPTIONAL {?uri crm:P1_is_identified_by ?id . \
?id rdfs:label ?identifier ; \
crm:P2_has_type ?id_type .} \
OPTIONAL {?uri foaf:givenName ?givenName} \
OPTIONAL {?uri foaf:familyName ?familyName} \
OPTIONAL {?uri foaf:gender ?gender} \
OPTIONAL {?uri person:patronymicName ?patronymic } \
OPTIONAL {?uri crm:P74_has_current_or_former_residence ?uri_provenienza . \
?uri_provenienza crm:P2_has_type 'Provenienza'; \
rdfs:label ?provenienza . } \
OPTIONAL {?uri crm:P2_has_type ?uri_person_type . \
?uri_person_type rdfs:label ?person_type } \
OPTIONAL {?uri schema:hasOccupation ?uriOccupation . \
?uriOccupation rdf:type schema:Occupation; \
rdfs:label ?occupation } \
OPTIONAL {?uri schema:honorificPrefix ?qualification} \
OPTIONAL {?uri crm:P100i_died_in ?Death . \
OPTIONAL {?Death crm:P4_has_time-span ?Death_TS . \
?Death_TS rdfs:label ?Death_Date . } \
OPTIONAL {?Death crm:P7_took_place_at ?Place_D . \
?Place_D rdfs:label ?Death_Place } \
} \
OPTIONAL {?uri crm:P98i_was_born ?Birth . \
OPTIONAL {?Birth crm:P4_has_time-span ?Birth_TS . \
?Birth_TS rdfs:label ?Birth_Date . } \
OPTIONAL {?Birth crm:P7_took_place_at ?Place_B . \
?Place_B rdfs:label ?Birth_Place } \
} \
OPTIONAL {?uri crm:P107i_is_current_or_former_member_of ?uriGroup . \
?uriGroup rdfs:label ?group } \
OPTIONAL {?uri schema:alternateName ?alias . } \
OPTIONAL {?uri owl:sameAs ?variant . \
?variant foaf:name ?otherName . } \
OPTIONAL {?relation2 crm:P141_assigned ?uri ; \
crm:P42_assigned ?uri_rel_type2 . \
?uri_rel_type2 rdfs:label 'Avo di secondo grado' . \
?uri_relative2 crm:P141_assigned ?relation2; \
rdfs:label ?relative2 .} \
OPTIONAL {?relation3 crm:P141_assigned ?uri ; \
crm:P42_assigned ?uri_rel_type3 . \
?uri_rel_type3 rdfs:label 'Avo di terzo grado' . \
?uri_relative3 crm:P141_assigned ?relation3; \
rdfs:label ?relative3 .} \
} \
GROUP BY ?graph ?uri ?label ?identifier ?id_type ?name ?givenName ?familyName ?relative2 ?relative3 ?provenienza ?gender ?Birth_Date ?Birth_Place ?Death_Date ?Death_Place ?patronymic ?occupation ?qualification ?group \
queryInfoGettatelli = prefixes + " SELECT DISTINCT ?card ?uri_card \
VALUES ?uri {<" + thisUrlParams.link + ">} \
?documentation crm:P67_refers_to ?uri ; \
crm:P141_assigned ?uri_card . \
?uri_card rdfs:label ?card . \
} "
queryRelazioni = prefixes + " SELECT DISTINCT ?relation_type ?note ?uri_person ?name ?givenName ?familyName ?patronymic ?provenienza \
VALUES ?uri {<" + thisUrlParams.link + ">} \
?uri crm:P141_assigned ?relation . \
?relation crm:P42_assigned ?uri_type ; \
crm:P141_assigned ?uri_person . \
?uri_type rdfs:label ?relation_type . \
OPTIONAL {?uri_type crm:P3_has_note ?note } \
?uri_person foaf:name ?name . \
OPTIONAL {?uri_person foaf:givenName ?givenName} \
OPTIONAL {?uri_person foaf:familyName ?familyName} \
OPTIONAL {?uri_person person:patronymicName ?patronymic } \
OPTIONAL {?uri_person crm:P74_has_current_or_former_residence ?uri_provenienza . \
?uri_provenienza crm:P2_has_type 'Provenienza'; \
rdfs:label ?provenienza . } \
} "
queryRelazioniInverse = prefixes + " SELECT DISTINCT ?relation_type ?note ?uri_person SAMPLE(?name) AS ?name ?givenName ?familyName ?patronymic ?provenienza \
VALUES ?uri {<" + thisUrlParams.link + ">} \
?relation crm:P141_assigned ?uri; \
crm:P42_assigned ?uri_type . \
?uri_person crm:P141_assigned ?relation . \
?uri_type rdfs:label ?relation_type . \
OPTIONAL {?uri_type crm:P3_has_note ?note } \
OPTIONAL {?uri_person foaf:name ?name } \
OPTIONAL {?uri_person foaf:givenName ?givenName} \
OPTIONAL {?uri_person foaf:familyName ?familyName} \
OPTIONAL {?uri_person person:patronymicName ?patronymic } \
OPTIONAL {?uri_person crm:P74_has_current_or_former_residence ?uri_provenienza . \
?uri_provenienza crm:P2_has_type 'Provenienza'; \
rdfs:label ?provenienza . } \
} "
queryLetters = prefixes + " SELECT DISTINCT ?type ?segnatura ?document_uri ?document_name ?time_span ?InfObj \
VALUES ?uri {<" + thisUrlParams.link + ">} \
{?pc crm:P02_has_range ?uri . \
} UNION { \
?group crm:P107_has_current_or_former_member ?uri; \
crm:P2_has_type 'Gruppo scrittura lettera' . \
?pc crm:P02_has_range ?group . \
} \
?ev_move crm:P01_has_domain ?pc ; \
rdfs:label ?type ; \
rdfs:subClassOf ?event . \
?document_uri crm:P25i_moved_by ?event ; \
rdfs:label ?document_name . \
?document_uri crm:P1_is_identified_by ?uriSegnatura . \
?uriSegnatura crm:P2_has_type 'Segnatura' ; \
rdfs:label ?segnatura . \
OPTIONAL {GRAPH {?document_uri crm:P128_carries ?InfObj . \
?InfObj rdf:type crm:E73_Information_Object} }. \
OPTIONAL {?ev_move crm:P4_has_time-span ?uri_ts . \
?uri_ts rdfs:label ?time_span . } \
queryDocuments = prefixes + " SELECT DISTINCT ?role ?document ?label ?id (group_concat(distinct ?time_span ;separator='-') as ?time_span) \
?document ?property ?event ; \
crm:P1_is_identified_by ?uri_id ; \
rdfs:label ?label . \
?uri_id rdfs:label ?id ; \
crm:P2_has_type 'Segnatura' . \
{?event crm:P4_has_time-span ?uri_time_span . \
?uri_time_span rdfs:label ?time_span . \
} UNION { \
?sub_event rdfs:subClassOf ?event ; \
crm:P4_has_time-span ?uri_time_span . \
?uri_time_span rdfs:label ?time_span . } \
} \
?event crm:P01_has_domain ?domain . \
?domain crm:P02_has_range <" + thisUrlParams.link + "> ; \
crm:P14.1_in_the_role_of ?uri_role . \
?uri_role rdfs:label ?role . \
} \
GROUP BY ?document ?label ?id ?role "
queryOtherDoc = prefixes + " SELECT DISTINCT ?document ?label ?id (group_concat(distinct ?time_span ;separator='-') as ?time_span) \
VALUES ?uri {<" + thisUrlParams.link + "> } \
{?domain crm:P02_has_range ?uri . \
?event crm:P01_has_domain ?domain . \
?document crm:P92i_was_brought_into_existence_by ?event ; \
crm:P1_is_identified_by ?uri_id ; \
rdfs:label ?label . \
?uri_id crm:P2_has_type 'Segnatura'; \
rdfs:label ?id . \
} UNION { \
?event crm:P67_refers_to ?uri . \
?document crm:P92i_was_brought_into_existence_by ?event ; \
rdfs:label ?label ; \
crm:P1_is_identified_by ?uri_id . \
?uri_id rdfs:label ?id ; \
crm:P2_has_type 'Segnatura' . \
} UNION { \
?event crm:P67_refers_to ?uri . \
?documentation crm:P67_refers_to ?uri ; \
crm:P141_assigned ?card . \
?document crm:P46_is_composed_of ?card ; \
rdfs:label ?label ; \
crm:P1_is_identified_by ?uri_id . \
?uri_id rdfs:label ?id ; \
crm:P2_has_type 'Segnatura' . \
} \
OPTIONAL {?event crm:P4_has_time-span ?uri_time_span . \
?uri_time_span rdfs:label ?time_span} \
} "
queryOpere = prefixes + " SELECT DISTINCT ?subject ?label ?nct (group_concat(distinct ?time_span ;separator='-') as ?time_span) \
WHERE {?subject rdf:type crm:E22_Man-Made_Object ; \
rdfs:label ?label ; \
crm:P1_is_identified_by ?uri_nct . \
?uri_nct rdfs:label ?nct . \
?production crm:P108_has_produced ?subject . \
OPTIONAL {?production crm:P4_has_time-span ?uri_time_span . \
?uri_time_span rdfs:label ?time_span } \
?pc crm:P01_has_domain ?production ; \
crm:P02_has_range <" + thisUrlParams.link + "> } \
GROUP BY ?subject ?label ?nct "
queryGettatelliEv = prefixes + " SELECT DISTINCT ?event_type ?time_span \
VALUES ?uri {<" + thisUrlParams.link + ">} \
?uri crm:P12i_was_present_at ?event . \
?event crm:P2_has_type ?uri_event_type ; \
crm:P4_has_time-span ?uri_time_span . \
?uri_time_span rdfs:label ?time_span . \
?uri_event_type rdfs:label ?event_type . \
} "
queryEventi = prefixes + " SELECT DISTINCT ?event_type ?role ?time_span ?place ?uri_place ?document ?uri_document \
VALUES ?uri {<" + thisUrlParams.link + ">} \
?domain crm:P02_has_range ?uri ; \
crm:P14.1_in_the_role_of ?uri_role . \
?uri_role rdfs:label ?role . \
?event crm:P01_has_domain ?domain ; \
crm:P2_has_type ?uri_event_type . \
?uri_event_type rdfs:label ?event_type . \
OPTIONAL {?event crm:P4_has_time-span ?uri_time_span . \
?uri_time_span rdfs:label ?time_span .} \
OPTIONAL {?event crm:P7_took_place_at ?uri_location . \
?uri_location rdfs:label ?place . \
OPTIONAL {?uri_place owl:sameAs ?uri_location . \
?uri_place crm:P168_place_is_defined_by ?coords }} \
?document_info crm:P70_documents ?event . \
?uri_document crm:P128_carries ?document_info ; \
rdfs:label ?document . \
} "
queryCompagnia = prefixes + " SELECT DISTINCT ?denomination ?occupation ?uri_sede ?uri_place ?sede \
VALUES ?uri {<" + thisUrlParams.link + ">} \
?uri rdf:type crm:E74_Group . \
?uri crm:P2_has_type ?denomination . \
OPTIONAL {?uri schema:hasOccupation ?uri_Occupation . \
?uri_Occupation rdfs:label ?occupation .} \
OPTIONAL {?uri crm:P74_has_current_or_former_residence ?uri_sede . \
?uri_sede rdfs:label ?sede . \
OPTIONAL {?uri_sede owl:sameAs ?uri_place . \
?uri_place crm:P168_place_is_defined_by ?coords .} \
} \
queryContrassegni = prefixes + " SELECT DISTINCT ?contrassegno ?image \
VALUES ?uri {<" + thisUrlParams.link + ">} \
?event crm:P141_assigned ?uri ; \
crm:P140_assigned_attribute_to ?uri_contrassegno . \
?uri_contrassegno crm:P2_has_type 'Contrassegno'; \
rdfs:label ?contrassegno . \
?uri_image crm:P138_represents ?uri_contrassegno ; \
crm:P1_is_identified_by ?uri_id . \
?uri_id rdfs:label ?image . \
} "
queryURL = prepareQueryURL(query);
queryOt = prepareQueryURL(queryOtherDoc);
queryOA = prepareQueryURL(queryOpere);
query = prepareQueryURL(queryInfo);
queryEx = prepareQueryURL(queryLetters);
queryGt = prepareQueryURL(queryGettatelliEv);
queryInfoGt = prepareQueryURL(queryInfoGettatelli);
queryRel = prepareQueryURL(queryRelazioni);
queryRelIn = prepareQueryURL(queryRelazioniInverse);
queryCom = prepareQueryURL(queryCompagnia);
queryEv = prepareQueryURL(queryEventi);
queryCon = prepareQueryURL(queryContrassegni);
response = $.ajax({
url: query,
dataType: "json",
success: function (data){
error: function (e) {}
response = $.ajax({
url: queryURL,
dataType: "json",
success: function (data){
error: function (e) {}
responseLet = $.ajax({
url: queryEx,
dataType: "json",
success: function (data){
error: function (e) {}
responseOA = $.ajax({
url: queryOA,
dataType: "json",
success: function (data){
error: function (e) {}
responseOt = $.ajax({
url: queryOt,
dataType: "json",
success: function (data){
error: function (e) {}
responseGet = $.ajax({
url: queryGt,
dataType: "json",
success: function (data){
error: function (e) {}
responseDoc = $.ajax({
url: queryInfoGt,
dataType: "json",
success: function (data){
error: function (e) {}
responseRel = $.ajax({
url: queryRel,
dataType: "json",
success: function (data){
error: function (e) {}
responseRel = $.ajax({
url: queryRelIn,
dataType: "json",
success: function (data){
error: function (e) {}
responseRel = $.ajax({
url: queryCom,
dataType: "json",
success: function (data){
error: function (e) {}
responseEv = $.ajax({
url: queryEv,
dataType: "json",
success: function (data){
error: function (e) {}
responseEv = $.ajax({
url: queryCon,
dataType: "json",
success: function (data){
error: function (e) {}
var labelName = "";
function handle_data(json) {
var graph = "";
var label = "";
if ("givenName" in json.results.bindings) {
givenName = value['givenName']['value'];
function (index, value) {
var graph = value['graph']['value'];
var uri = value['uri']['value'];
var label = value['label']['value'];
var name = value['name']['value'];
var givenName = "";
var familyName = "";
var alias = "";
var gender = "";
var patronymic = "";
var occupation = "";
var relative2 = "";
var relative3 = "";
var identifier = "";
var id_type = "";
var birth_date = "";
var birth_place = "";
var death_date = "";
var death_place = "";
var qualification = "";
var group = "";
var type = "";
var provenence = "";
var variants = "";
if ((value.hasOwnProperty('identifier')) && (value.hasOwnProperty('id_type'))) {
$("#identifier").css("display", "flex");
identifier = value['identifier']['value'];
id_type = value['id_type']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('givenName')) {
$("#givenName").css("display", "flex");
givenName = value['givenName']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('familyName')) {
$("#familyName").css("display", "flex");
familyName = value['familyName']['value'].toLowerCase();
familyName = familyName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + familyName.slice(1);
if (value.hasOwnProperty('alias')) {
$("#aliasName").css("display", "flex");
alias = value['alias']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('gender')) {
$("#gender").css("display", "flex");
gender = value['gender']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('patronymic')) {
$("#patronymic").css("display", "flex");
patronymic = value['patronymic']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('provenienza')) {
$("#PlaceProvenence").css("display", "flex");
provenence = value['provenienza']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('occupation')) {
$("#occupation").css("display", "flex");
occupation = value['occupation']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('relative2')) {
relative2 = value['relative2']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('relative3')) {
relative3 = value['relative3']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('qualification')) {
$("#honorific").css("display", "flex");
qualification = value['qualification']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('person_type')) {
$("#type").css("display", "flex");
type = value['person_type']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('Birth_Date')) {
$("#BirthDate").css("display", "flex");
birth_date = value['Birth_Date']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('Birth_Place')) {
$("#BirthPlace").css("display", "flex");
birth_place = value['Birth_Place']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('Death_Date')) {
$("#DeathDate").css("display", "flex");
death_date = value['Death_Date']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('Death_Place')) {
$("#DeathPlace").css("display", "flex");
death_place = value['Death_Place']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('group')) {
$("#groups").css("display", "flex");
group = value['group']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('variants')) {
if (value['variants']['value'] != "| ") {
$("#otherNames").css("display", "flex");
let strings = value['variants']['value'];
variants = strings.split(";");
var dataset = get_dataset_name(graph);
var second_name = patronymic;
if (relative2 != "") {
second_name = second_name + " " + relative2;
if (relative3 != "") {
second_name = second_name + " " + relative3;
if (familyName != "") {
second_name = second_name + " " + familyName;
var first_name = "";
if ((givenName != "") || (second_name != "") || (provenence != "")) {
first_name = givenName + " " + second_name + " " + provenence;
} else {
first_name = name;
first_name = first_name.replace(",", "");
first_name = titleCase(first_name);
name = titleCase(name);
givenName = titleCase(givenName);
var name_string = "";
if (variants.length>0) {
for (var i=0; i" + chunk[1] + " ";
labelName = first_name;
var Buttons = ' \
var id_snippet = "" + id_type + ":
" + identifier + "
document.getElementById("grafo").innerHTML = dataset;
document.getElementById("nome_persona").innerHTML = first_name;
document.getElementById("nome").innerHTML = name;
document.getElementById("genere").innerHTML = gender;
document.getElementById("nome_proprio").innerHTML = givenName;
document.getElementById("nome_famiglia").innerHTML = familyName;
document.getElementById("patronimico").innerHTML = second_name.replace("di ", "");
document.getElementById("provenienza").innerHTML = provenence;
document.getElementById("identifier").innerHTML = id_snippet;
document.getElementById("alias").innerHTML = alias;
document.getElementById("tipologia").innerHTML = type;
document.getElementById("variants").innerHTML = name_string;
document.getElementById("qualifica").innerHTML = qualification;
document.getElementById("occupazione").innerHTML = occupation;
document.getElementById("data_nascita").innerHTML = birth_date;
document.getElementById("data_morte").innerHTML = death_date;
document.getElementById("luogo_nascita").innerHTML = birth_place;
document.getElementById("luogo_morte").innerHTML = death_place;
document.getElementById("gruppi_appartenenza").innerHTML = group;
document.getElementById("link_buttons").innerHTML = Buttons;
const collection = document.getElementsByClassName("PN");
for (var i=0; iScheda Oggetto
document.getElementById("scheda_anagrafica").innerHTML = card;
document.getElementById("btn_scheda").innerHTML = button_obj;
function handle_Gettatelli(json) {
var generic = "";
var find = "";
var reunite = "";
var adoption = "";
function (index, value) {
var event_type = value['event_type']['value'];
var data = value['time_span']['value'];
if (event_type == "Evento generico") {
$("#generic_event").css("display", "flex");
generic = data;
else if (event_type == "Ritrovamento") {
$("#find_event").css("display", "flex");
find = data;
else if (event_type == "Ricongiungimento") {
$("#reunion_event").css("display", "flex");
reunite = data;
else if (event_type == "Adozione") {
$("#adoption_event").css("display", "flex");
adoption = data;
document.getElementById("anno").innerHTML = generic;
document.getElementById("ritrovamento").innerHTML = find;
document.getElementById("ricongiungimento").innerHTML = reunite;
document.getElementById("adozione").innerHTML = adoption;
function handle_Relazioni(json) {
var Relazioni = "";
const myArray = []
function (index, value) {
var tipo = value['relation_type']['value'];
var uri_person = value['uri_person']['value'];
var nome = value['name']['value'];
var principale = "";
var givenName = "";
var familyName = "";
var patronymic = "";
var provenence = "";
if (value.hasOwnProperty('givenName')) {
givenName = value['givenName']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('note')) {
principale = " principale";
if (value.hasOwnProperty('familyName')) {
familyName = value['familyName']['value'].toLowerCase();
familyName = familyName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + familyName.slice(1)
if (value.hasOwnProperty('patronymic')) {
patronymic = value['patronymic']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('provenienza')) {
provenence = value['provenienza']['value'];
var type = tipo.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + tipo.slice(1) + principale;
if ((type == "Socio") || (type == "Socio principale")) {
type = "Società ";
if (type == "Mano lettera") {
type = "Altre collaborazioni"
var first_name = "";
if ((givenName != "") || (patronymic != "") || (familyName != "") || (provenence != "")) {
first_name = givenName + " " + patronymic + " " + familyName + " " + provenence;
} else {
first_name = nome;
myArray.push([type, first_name, uri_person]);
const checkRel = [];
for (var i=0; i", type).replace("", id);
return htmlCode;
function createColRelazione(text, link) {
htmlCode = '\
Scheda Persona
'.replace("", text).replace("", link);
return htmlCode;
function handle_Events(json) {
const events = [];
function (index, value) {
var event_type = value['event_type']['value'];
var role = value['role']['value'];
var uri_document = value['uri_document']['value'];
var document = value['document']['value'];
var time_span = "";
var uri_place = "";
var place = "";
if (value.hasOwnProperty('time_span')) {
time_span = value['time_span']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('uri_place')) {
uri_place = value['uri_place']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('place')) {
place = value['place']['value'];
place = titleCase(place);
const cells = [event_type, role, time_span, uri_place, place, uri_document, document];
var thead = '' +
'Evento ' +
'Ruolo ' +
'Data ' +
'Luogo ' +
'Documento ' +
' ';
var EventsTable = thead;
EventsTable += '';
for (var i=0; i' +
'' + events[i][0] + ' ' +
'' + events[i][1] + ' ' +
'' + events[i][2] + ' ' +
'' + events[i][4] + ' ' +
'' + events[i][6] + ' ' +
EventsTable += ' ';
if (events.length != 0) {
document.getElementById("res_events").innerHTML = EventsTable;
} else {
var eventIcon = " \
Nessun evento trovato
document.getElementById("res_events_container").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("res_events_no_res").innerHTML = eventIcon;
function handle_Compagnia(json) {
var denominazione = "";
var sede = "";
var uri_sede = "";
var uri_place = "";
function (index, value) {
if (value.hasOwnProperty('denomination')) {
$("#type_society").css("display", "flex");
denominazione = value['denomination']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('uri_place')) {
$("#sede").css("display", "flex");
uri_place = value['uri_place']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('uri_sede')) {
$("#sede").css("display", "flex");
uri_sede = value['uri_sede']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('sede')) {
sede = value['sede']['value'];
function handle_Contrassegni(json) {
var id_image = "";
var name_image = "";
function (index, value) {
if (value.hasOwnProperty('image')) {
$("#mark_image").css("display", "block");
id_image = value['image']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('contrassegno')) {
name_image = value['contrassegno']['value'];
var Image = ' '
document.getElementById("contrassegno").innerHTML = Image;
document.getElementById("nome_contrassegno").innerHTML = name_image;
function handle_Letters(json) {
const send = [];
const receive = [];
var i=0;
var j=0;
function (index, value) {
type = value['type']['value'];
uri = value['document_uri']['value'];
title = value['document_name']['value'];
segnatura = value['segnatura']['value'];
var data = "";
var InfObj = "";
if (value.hasOwnProperty('time_span')) {
data = value['time_span']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('InfObj')) {
InfObj = value['InfObj']['value'];
if (type == "Invio") {
send.push([uri, title, segnatura, data, InfObj]);
} else {
receive.push([uri, title, segnatura, data, InfObj]);
var Send_Letters = "";
var Receive_Letters = "";
for (var i=0; i'+ send[i][1] + '';
object_type = "lettera";
infObject_button += 'Scheda Lettera
} else {
letter = ''+ send[i][1] + ' ';
object_type = "object";
infObject_button += 'Scheda Oggetto
if (send[i][2] != "") {
letter = letter + " Segnatura: " + send[i][2];
if (send[i][3] != "") {
letter = letter + " Data: " + send[i][3];
letter = letter + '
Send_Letters += ''+ letter +
' + infObject_button +
' +
' +
for (var i=0; i'+ receive[i][1] + '';
object_type = "lettera";
infObject_button += 'Scheda Lettera
} else {
letter = ''+ receive[i][1] + ' ';
object_type = "object";
infObject_button += 'Scheda Oggetto
if (receive[i][2] != "") {
letter = letter + " Segnatura: " + receive[i][2];
if (receive[i][3] != "") {
letter = letter + " Data: " + receive[i][3];
letter = letter + '
Receive_Letters += ''+ letter +
' + infObject_button +
' +
' +
document.getElementById("l_send").innerHTML = send.length;
document.getElementById("l_receive").innerHTML = receive.length;
document.getElementById("letters_send").innerHTML = Send_Letters;
document.getElementById("letters_receive").innerHTML = Receive_Letters;
if (send.length==0) {
var messaggio = "Nessun risultato trovato
document.getElementById("letters_send").innerHTML = messaggio;
if (receive.length==0) {
var messaggio = "Nessun risultato trovato
document.getElementById("letters_receive").innerHTML = messaggio;
function handle_Artwork(json) {
const oa = [];
function (index, value) {
uri = value['subject']['value'];
label = value['label']['value'];
nct = value['nct']['value'];
var data = "";
if (value.hasOwnProperty('time_span')) {
data = value['time_span']['value'];
oa.push([uri, label, nct, data]);
var Artworks = "";
for (var i=0; i' + oa[i][1] + ' NCT: ' + oa[i][2];
if (oa[i][3] != "") {
artwork = artwork + " Data: " + oa[i][3];
var object_button = 'Scheda Opera d\'Arte
Artworks += '' +
' + object_button +
' +
' +
document.getElementById("n_oa").innerHTML = oa.length;
document.getElementById("object_oa").innerHTML = Artworks;
if (oa.length==0) {
var messaggio = "Nessun risultato trovato
document.getElementById("object_oa").innerHTML = messaggio;
function handle_Other_Documents(json) {
const doc = [];
function (index, value) {
uri = value['document']['value'];
label = value['label']['value'];
var data = "";
var id = "";
if (value.hasOwnProperty('time_span')) {
data = value['time_span']['value'];
if (value.hasOwnProperty('id')) {
id = value['id']['value'];
doc.push([uri, label, id, data]);
var Documents = "";
for (var i=0; i'+ doc[i][1] + '';
var object_button = 'Scheda Oggetto
if (doc[i][2] != "") {
paper = paper + " Segnatura: " + doc[i][2];
if (doc[i][3] != "") {
paper = paper + " Data: " + doc[i][3];
paper = paper + '
Documents += ''+ paper +
' + object_button +
' +
' +
document.getElementById("n_ass").innerHTML = doc.length;
document.getElementById("other_documents").innerHTML = Documents;
if (doc.length==0) {
var messaggio = "Nessun risultato trovato
document.getElementById("other_documents").innerHTML = messaggio;
function handle_map(json) {
const locations = [];
const place_names = [];
const place_events = [];
const luoghi = [];
var lat = 0;
var long = 0;
var i=0;
var myPlaces = "";
function (index, value) {
const loc = []
var uri = value['place']['value'];
var label = value['label']['value'];
var coord = value['coordinates']['value'];
var evento = value['tipo']['value']
var count = value['count']['value']
place_events.push([uri, evento, count]);
if (!place_names.includes(uri)) {
const coordinates = coord.split(", ");
label = titleCase(label);
myPlaces += "";
lat += parseInt(coordinates[0]);
long += parseInt(coordinates[1].replace(/^(\.)/,"0.").replace("-.", "-0."));
for (var k=0; k";
for (var k=3; k" + dix + " occorrenze ";
var marker = new L.Marker(new L.LatLng(a[1], a[2]), { title: title });
$('.clickPlace').on('click', function(){
// parse lat and lng from the divs data attribute
var latlng = $(this).data().point.split(',');
var lat = latlng[0];
var lng = latlng[1];
var zoom = 10;
// set the view
map.setView([lat, lng], zoom);
$(document).on("click", ".luogo", function (ev) {
var link = this.id;
$(document).on("click", ".persona", function (ev) {
var link = this.id;
$(document).on("click", ".lettera", function (ev) {
var link = this.id;
$(document).on("click", ".object", function (ev) {
var link = this.id;
$(document).on("click", ".hyp", function (ev) {
var baseurl = window.location.origin+window.location.pathname;
let slash = baseurl.lastIndexOf("/");
var type = $(this).val() + '.html';
var link = this.id;
var url = baseurl.substr(0, slash+1) + type + "?link="+link;
var link = this.id;
$("#myModal").css("display", "block");
" +
url + "
Copia ");
$(document).on("click", ".artwork", function (ev) {
var link = this.id;
$(document).on("click", ".close", function (ev) {
var link = this.id;
$("#myModal").css("display", "none");
$(document).on("click", ".back", function (ev) {
$("#myTab").css("display", "none");
$(document).on("click", ".cit", function (ev) {
var author ="RESTORE. smart access to digital heritage and memory"
var year = new Date().getFullYear()
var today = new Date();
var dd = String(today.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
var mm = String(today.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); //January is 0!
var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
today = dd + '/' + mm + '/' + yyyy;
var baseurl = window.location.origin+window.location.pathname;
let slash = baseurl.lastIndexOf("/");
var type = $(this).val() + '.html';
var link = this.id;
var url = baseurl.substr(0, slash+1) + type + "?link="+link;
$("#myModal").css("display", "block");
" +
author + " " + year + ", accesso effettuato: " + today + ", <" + url + ">
Copia ");
function titleCase(str) {
var splitStr = str.toLowerCase().split(' ');
for (var i = 0; i < splitStr.length; i++) {
// You do not need to check if i is larger than splitStr length, as your for does that for you
// Assign it back to the array
splitStr[i] = splitStr[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + splitStr[i].substring(1);
// Directly return the joined string
return splitStr.join(' ');
function copyToClipboard(text) {
var sampleTextarea = document.createElement("textarea");
sampleTextarea.value = text; //save main text in it
sampleTextarea.select(); //select textarea contenrs
function myFunction(){
var copy = document.getElementById("myInput");
copyText = copy.textContent;
function exchangeLetter(tipo, mittente, uri_mittente, destinatario, uri_destinatario) {
var params = tipo + ";" + mittente + ";" + uri_mittente + ";" + destinatario + ";" + uri_destinatario;
window.open("results.html?params="+ params);