search.js 28 KB

  1. $(document).ready(function () {
  2. //#######################################
  3. const graphArray = [
  4. ["ASPO - Datini", ""],
  5. ["ASPO - Ospedale", ""],
  6. ["ASPO - Marcovaldi", ""],
  7. ["ASPO - Gettatelli", ""],
  8. ["ASPO - Autori ASPO", ""],
  9. ["MPP - Collezione Martini", ""],
  10. ["MPP - Collezione Ospedale", ""],
  11. ["MPP - Collezione Datini", ""],
  12. ["OVI - Lettere", ""],
  13. ["Luoghi", ""]
  14. ];
  15. var graph_selector = document.getElementById("graph_selector");
  16. let x = graphArray.length;
  17. for(var i=0; i<x; i++) {
  18. var opt = document.createElement("option");
  19. opt.value= graphArray[i][1];
  20. opt.innerHTML = graphArray[i][0]; // whatever property it has
  21. // then append it to the select element
  22. graph_selector.add(opt);
  23. }
  24. var search_name = "";
  25. var testo = "";
  26. function results_retrieveData() {
  27. search_name = testo;
  28. var g = document.getElementById("graph_selector");
  29. var graph = g.value;
  30. var search_graph = "?g";
  31. var gg = "?g";
  32. if (graph != "") {
  33. search_graph = '<' + graph + '>';
  34. gg = "";
  35. }
  36. //var query='SELECT DISTINCT ?nome WHERE { ?autore <> <> . ?autore <> ?nomeid. ?nomeid <> ?nome . FILTER regex(?nome, "'+ search_name +'") }' ;
  37. prefixes = "PREFIX rdfs: <> \
  38. PREFIX rdf: <> \
  39. PREFIX crm: <>"
  40. queryMMO = prefixes + " SELECT DISTINCT "+ search_graph +" AS ?graph ?subject ?label (group_concat(distinct ?type ;separator=', ') as ?types) \
  41. WHERE {GRAPH "+ search_graph +" { ?subject ?property ?object } \
  42. ?subject rdf:type crm:E22_Man-Made_Object ; \
  43. rdfs:label ?label ; \
  44. ?property ?object . \
  45. OPTIONAL {?subject crm:P2_has_type ?type } \
  46. ?object bif:contains \"\' "+ search_name + " \'\" . \
  47. } ORDER BY ?type"
  48. queryInfObj = prefixes + " SELECT DISTINCT "+ search_graph +" AS ?graph ?Physical_Object ?subject ?label ?id (group_concat(distinct ?type ;separator=', ') as ?types) (SAMPLE(?object_Label) AS ?text) \
  49. WHERE { \
  50. GRAPH "+ search_graph +" {?subject rdf:type crm:E73_Information_Object ; \
  51. rdfs:label ?label .} \
  52. OPTIONAL {?Physical_Object crm:P128_carries ?subject .} \
  53. OPTIONAL {?subject crm:P1_is_identified_by ?id_subject . \
  54. ?id_subject rdfs:label ?id ; \
  55. rdf:type crm:E42_Identifier . } \
  56. OPTIONAL {?subject crm:P2_has_type ?entity_type . \
  57. ?entity_type rdfs:label ?type .} \
  58. {?subject ?property ?object_Label . \
  59. ?object_Label bif:contains \"\' "+ search_name + " \'\" . \
  60. } UNION { \
  61. VALUES ?object_type {crm:E1_Entity crm:E1_CRM_Entity crm:E41_Appellation crm:E62_String} \
  62. ?subject ?property ?object . \
  63. ?object rdfs:label ?object_Label . \
  64. ?object rdf:type ?object_type . \
  65. ?object_Label bif:contains \"\' "+ search_name + " \'\" . \
  66. } \
  67. FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?property rdfs:label 'label' } \
  68. } ORDER BY ?id ?types"
  69. queryPerson = prefixes + " SELECT DISTINCT "+ search_graph +" AS ?graph ?subject ?name ?label \
  70. WHERE {GRAPH "+ search_graph +" { ?subject ?property ?object } \
  71. ?subject rdfs:label ?label; \
  72. rdf:type crm:E21_Person ; \
  73. foaf:name ?name . \
  74. ?label bif:contains \"\' "+ search_name + " \'\" . \
  75. }"
  76. queryPlace = prefixes + " SELECT DISTINCT "+ search_graph +" AS ?graph ?subject ?label \
  77. WHERE {GRAPH "+ search_graph +" { ?subject ?property ?object } \
  78. {?subject rdfs:label ?label ; \
  79. rdf:type crm:E53_Place ; \
  80. crm:P168_place_is_defined_by ?coords . \
  81. ?label bif:contains \"\' "+ search_name + " \'\" . \
  82. } UNION { \
  83. ?subject crm:P1_is_identified_by ?toponimo . \
  84. ?toponimo crm:P2_has_type 'Toponimo' ; \
  85. rdfs:label ?label . \
  86. ?label bif:contains \"\' "+ search_name + " \'\" . \
  87. } \
  88. }"
  89. //query = 'SELECT DISTINCT '+ search_graph +' AS ?graph ?link ?label ?entity ?object ?objLab WHERE { GRAPH '+ search_graph +' { ?link <> ?label ; <> '+ search_entity +' . ?label bif:contains "\'' + search_name + '\'" .} '+ search_entity +' <> ?entity . FILTER (langMatches( lang(?entity), "en" )) OPTIONAL {?link <> ?object } OPTIONAL {?link <> ?link_object . ?link_object <> ?objLab }} limit 100';
  90. var ManMadeObject_url = '' + encodeURIComponent(queryMMO) + '&output=json';
  91. var InformationObject_url = '' + encodeURIComponent(queryInfObj) + '&output=json';
  92. var Persons_url = '' + encodeURIComponent(queryPerson) + '&output=json';
  93. var Places_url = '' + encodeURIComponent(queryPlace) + '&output=json';
  94. $.ajax({
  95. url: ManMadeObject_url + '&callback=?',
  96. dataType: "json",
  97. success: function (data) {
  98. MMO_handle_json(data);
  99. },
  100. error: function (e) {}
  101. });
  102. $.ajax({
  103. url: InformationObject_url + '&callback=?',
  104. dataType: "json",
  105. success: function (data) {
  106. InfObj_handle_json(data);
  107. },
  108. error: function (e) {}
  109. });
  110. $.ajax({
  111. url: Persons_url + '&callback=?',
  112. dataType: "json",
  113. success: function (data) {
  114. Person_handle_json(data);
  115. },
  116. error: function (e) {}
  117. });
  118. $.ajax({
  119. url: Places_url + '&callback=?',
  120. dataType: "json",
  121. success: function (data) {
  122. Place_handle_json(data);
  123. },
  124. error: function (e) {}
  125. });
  126. }
  127. function rewrite_graph(graph) {
  128. var graph_name = ""
  129. if (graph == "") {
  130. graph_name = "Archivio di Stato di Prato";
  131. }
  132. else if (graph == "") {
  133. graph_name = "Archivio di Stato di Prato";
  134. }
  135. else if (graph == "") {
  136. graph_name = "Archivio di Stato di Prato";
  137. }
  138. else if (graph == "") {
  139. graph_name = "Archivio di Stato di Prato";
  140. }
  141. else if (graph == "") {
  142. graph_name = "Archivio di Stato di Prato";
  143. }
  144. else if (graph == "") {
  145. graph_name = "Museo di Palazzo Pretorio di Prato";
  146. }
  147. else if (graph == "") {
  148. graph_name = "Museo di Palazzo Pretorio di Prato";
  149. }
  150. else if (graph == "") {
  151. graph_name = "Museo di Palazzo Pretorio di Prato";
  152. }
  153. else if (graph == "") {
  154. graph_name = "Museo di Palazzo Pretorio di Prato";
  155. }
  156. else if (graph == "") {
  157. graph_name = "Opera del Vocabolario Italiano";
  158. }
  159. else if (graph == "") {
  160. graph_name = "Opera del Vocabolario Italiano";
  161. }
  162. else if (graph == "") {
  163. graph_name = "Luoghi";
  164. }
  165. else if (graph == "") {
  166. graph_name = "Museo di Palazzo Pretorio di Prato";
  167. }
  168. else if (graph == "") {
  169. graph_name = "Toponimi Archivio di Stato di Prato";
  170. }
  171. else if (graph == "") {
  172. graph_name = "Onomastica Datini";
  173. }
  174. else {graph_name = graph;
  175. }
  176. return graph_name;
  177. }
  178. function MMO_handle_json(json) {
  179. console.log(json);
  180. $('#wb_Shape1').text("");
  181. $('#wb_Image1').text("");
  182. $('#Man-Made_Object').text("");
  183. $(".results").css("display", "block");
  184. $('#n_mmo').text("");
  185. var i = 0;
  186. $.each(
  187. json['results']['bindings'],
  188. function (index, value) {
  189. var object = ""; /*Inserisci VALUE TIPOLOGIA*/
  190. var graph = value['graph']['value'];
  191. var graph_name = rewrite_graph(graph);
  192. var mmoType = "";
  193. var object_button = "";
  194. if (value.hasOwnProperty('types')) {
  195. mmoType = value['types']['value'];
  196. }
  197. if (mmoType.includes("Opera d'Arte")) {
  198. object_button += '<button type="button" id="' + value['subject']['value'] +
  199. '" class="artwork btn btn-default" alt="opera d\'arte" title="' + value['label']['value'] +
  200. '"><i class="fas fa-paint-brush"></i><p class="btn-text">Scheda Opera d\'Arte</p></button>';
  201. } else {
  202. object_button += '<button type="button" id="' + value['subject']['value'] +
  203. '" class="object btn btn-default" alt="oggetto" title="' + value['label']['value'] +
  204. '"><i class="fa fa-book"></i><p class="btn-text">Scheda Oggetto</p></button>';
  205. }
  206. object += /*INIZIO DIV*/ '<div class="row res"><div class="col-8">' + graph_name + '<br />' +
  207. '<a href=' + value['subject']['value'] + '>' + value['label']['value'] + '</a><br />' +
  208. '<i>' + mmoType + '</i></div>' +
  209. '<div class="col">' + object_button + '</div>' +
  210. '<div class="col"><button type="button" id="' + value['subject']['value'] + '" class="cit btn btn-default" alt="scheda" title="Info"><i class="fa fa-quote-right"></i><p class="btn-text">Citazione</p></button></div>' +
  211. /*DA QUI HYPERLINK ->*/'<div class="col"><button type="button" id="' + value['subject']['value'] + '" class="hyp btn btn-default" alt="scheda" title="Info"><i class="fa fa-link"></i><p class="btn-text">Hyperlink</p></button></div>' +
  212. /*DA QUI LOD ->*/'<div class="col"><a href="' + value['subject']['value'] + '" target="_blank"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default info" alt="LOD"><i class="fa fa-share-alt"></i><p class="btn-text">Lod</p></button></a></div></div>';
  213. i++;
  214. /*onclick=copy__Text("' + value['link']['value'] + '")*/
  215. $('#Man-Made_Object').append(object);
  216. });
  217. $('#n_mmo').append(i);
  218. if (i==0) {
  219. var message = '<p>Nessun Oggetto Fisico trovato</p>';
  220. $('#Man-Made_Object').append(message);
  221. }
  222. }
  223. function InfObj_handle_json(json) {
  224. console.log(json);
  225. $('#Information_Object').text("");
  226. $('#n_io').text("");
  227. var i = 0;
  228. $.each(
  229. json['results']['bindings'],
  230. function (index, value) {
  231. var information = ""; /*Inserisci VALUE TIPOLOGIA*/
  232. var graph = value['graph']['value'];
  233. var graph_name = rewrite_graph(graph);
  234. var tipo = "";
  235. var id = "";
  236. var infObject_button = "";
  237. var myString = value['text']['value'];
  238. var str = myString.replace(/<[^>]*>?/gm, '');
  239. let string_text = str.toLowerCase();
  240. let string_len = str.length;
  241. var word = testo;
  242. let ind = string_text.indexOf(word);
  243. let length = word.length;
  244. var wl = ind + length;
  245. /*var start = 0;
  246. var end = 0
  247. var bb = pp - 50;
  248. var ee = pp + length + 150;*/
  249. var pp = ind;
  250. before = str.substring(0, ind);
  251. after = str.substring(wl, string_len);
  252. let bb = before.lastIndexOf(".");
  253. let point = bb + pp;
  254. let ee = str.indexOf(".", point);
  255. console.log(bb, ee);
  256. if (bb < 0) {
  257. start = 0;
  258. } else {
  259. start = bb+1;
  260. }
  261. if (ee < 0) {
  262. end = string_len;
  263. } else {
  264. end = ee;
  265. }
  266. console.log(start, bb, end, ee);
  267. /*if (bb<=0) {
  268. start = 0;
  269. } else {
  270. start = bb;
  271. }
  272. if (ee>=string_len) {
  273. end = string_len;
  274. } else {
  275. end = ee;
  276. }*/
  277. first_chunk = str.substring(start, ind);
  278. highlight = str.substring(ind, wl);
  279. second_chunk = str.substring(wl, end);
  280. var snippet = first_chunk + "<span class='sharp'>" + highlight + "</span>" + second_chunk ;
  281. console.log(snippet);
  282. if (value.hasOwnProperty('types')) {
  283. tipo = value['types']['value'];
  284. }
  285. if (value.hasOwnProperty('id')) {
  286. id = " (" + value['id']['value'] + ")";
  287. }
  288. if (tipo.includes("Testo annotato OVI")) {
  289. infObject_button += '<button type="button" id="' + value['subject']['value'] +
  290. '" class="lettera btn btn-default" alt="lettera" title="' + value['label']['value'] +
  291. '"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i><p class="btn-text">Scheda Lettera</p></button>';
  292. } else {
  293. infObject_button += '<button type="button" id="' + value['Physical_Object']['value'] +
  294. '" class="object btn btn-default" alt="oggetto" title="' + value['label']['value'] +
  295. '"><i class="fa fa-book"></i><p class="btn-text">Scheda Oggetto</p></button>';
  296. }
  297. information += /*INIZIO DIV*/ '<div class="row res"><div class="col-8"><p>'+ snippet+'</p>' +
  298. 'In: ' + graph_name + ';<br />' +
  299. '<a href=' + value['subject']['value'] + '>' + value['label']['value'] + id +
  300. '</a>;<br /><i>' + tipo + '</i><br /></div>' +
  301. '<div class="col">' + infObject_button + '</div>' +
  302. '<div class="col"><button type="button" id="' + value['subject']['value'] + '" class="cit btn btn-default" alt="scheda" title="Info"><i class="fa fa-quote-right"></i><p class="btn-text">Citazione</p></button></div>' +
  303. /*DA QUI HYPERLINK ->*/'<div class="col"><button type="button" id="' + value['subject']['value'] + '" class="hyp btn btn-default" alt="scheda" title="Info"><i class="fa fa-link"></i><p class="btn-text">Hyperlink</p></button></div>' +
  304. /*DA QUI LOD ->*/'<div class="col"><a href="' + value['subject']['value'] + '" target="_blank"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default info" alt="LOD"><i class="fa fa-share-alt"></i><p class="btn-text">Lod</p></button></a></div></div>';
  305. i++;
  306. /*onclick=copy__Text("' + value['link']['value'] + '")*/
  307. $('#Information_Object').append(information);
  308. });
  309. $('#n_io').append(i);
  310. if (i==0) {
  311. var message = '<p>Nessun Oggetto Informativo trovato</p>';
  312. $('#Information_Object').append(message);
  313. }
  314. }
  315. function Person_handle_json(json) {
  316. console.log(json);
  317. $('#Person').text("");
  318. $('#n_ps').text("");
  319. var i = 0;
  320. $.each(
  321. json['results']['bindings'],
  322. function (index, value) {
  323. var person = ""; /*Inserisci VALUE TIPOLOGIA*/
  324. var graph = value['graph']['value'];
  325. var graph_name = rewrite_graph(graph);
  326. person += /*INIZIO DIV*/ '<div class="row res"><div class="col-8">' + graph_name + '<br />' +
  327. '<a href=' + value['subject']['value'] + '>' + value['name']['value'] + '</a></div>' +
  328. '<div class="col"><button type="button" id="' + value['subject']['value'] + '" class="persona btn btn-default" alt="persona" title="' +
  329. value['name']['value'] + '"><i class="fa fa-user"></i><p class="btn-text">Scheda Persona</p></button></div>' +
  330. '<div class="col"><button type="button" id="' + value['subject']['value'] + '" class="cit btn btn-default" alt="scheda" title="Info"><i class="fa fa-quote-right"></i><p class="btn-text">Citazione</p></button></div>' +
  331. /*DA QUI HYPERLINK ->*/'<div class="col"><button type="button" id="' + value['subject']['value'] + '" class="hyp btn btn-default" alt="scheda" title="Info"><i class="fa fa-link"></i><p class="btn-text">Hyperlink</p></button></div>' +
  332. /*DA QUI LOD ->*/'<div class="col"><a href="' + value['subject']['value'] + '" target="_blank"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default info" alt="LOD"><i class="fa fa-share-alt"></i><p class="btn-text">Lod</p></button></a></div></div>';
  333. i++;
  334. /*onclick=copy__Text("' + value['link']['value'] + '")*/
  335. $('#Person').append(person);
  336. });
  337. $('#n_ps').append(i);
  338. if (i==0) {
  339. var message = '<p>Nessuna Persona trovata</p>';
  340. $('#Person').append(message);
  341. }
  342. }
  343. function Place_handle_json(json) {
  344. console.log(json);
  345. $('#Place').text("");
  346. $('#n_pl').text("");
  347. var i = 0;
  348. $.each(
  349. json['results']['bindings'],
  350. function (index, value) {
  351. var place = ""; /*Inserisci VALUE TIPOLOGIA*/
  352. var graph = value['graph']['value'];
  353. var graph_name = rewrite_graph(graph);
  354. place += /*INIZIO DIV*/ '<div class="row res"><div class="col-8">' + graph_name + '<br />' +
  355. '<a href=' + value['subject']['value'] + '>' + value['label']['value'] + '</a></div>' +
  356. '<div class="col"><button type="button" id="' + value['subject']['value'] + '" class="luogo btn btn-default" alt="luogo" title="' +
  357. value['label']['value'] + '"><i class="fa fa-map"></i><p class="btn-text">Scheda Luogo</p></button></div>' +
  358. '<div class="col"><button type="button" id="' + value['subject']['value'] + '" class="cit btn btn-default" alt="scheda" title="Info"><i class="fa fa-quote-right"></i><p class="btn-text">Citazione</p></button></div>' +
  359. /*DA QUI HYPERLINK ->*/'<div class="col"><button type="button" id="' + value['subject']['value'] + '" class="hyp btn btn-default" alt="scheda" title="Info"><i class="fa fa-link"></i><p class="btn-text">Hyperlink</p></button></div>' +
  360. /*DA QUI LOD ->*/'<div class="col"><a href="' + value['subject']['value'] + '" target="_blank"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default info" alt="LOD"><i class="fa fa-share-alt"></i><p class="btn-text">Lod</p></button></a></div></div>';
  361. i++;
  362. /*onclick=copy__Text("' + value['link']['value'] + '")*/
  363. $('#Place').append(place);
  364. });
  365. $('#n_pl').append(i);
  366. if (i==0) {
  367. var message = '<p>Nessun Luogo trovato</p>';
  368. $('#Place').append(message);
  369. }
  370. }
  371. $('#ClipArt1').click(function () {
  372. testo = $('input#TextArea1').val();
  373. results_retrieveData();
  374. search_name = "";
  375. });
  376. $('input#TextArea1').keypress(function(e) {
  377. var key = e.which;
  378. if (key == 13) // the enter key code
  379. {
  380. $('#ClipArt1').click();
  381. return false;
  382. }
  383. });
  384. //onlick hyperlink button
  385. $(document).on("click", ".hyp", function (ev) {
  386. var link =;
  387. //alert(nome_autore);
  388. //$('#myModal').text("");
  389. $("#myModal").empty();
  390. $("#myModal").css("display", "block");
  391. $('#myModal').append("<div class='modal-content'><span class='close'>&times;</span><div id='myInput'>" +
  392. link + "</div><button id='copy_btn' class='btn btn-primary btn-lg' onclick='myFunction()'>Copia</button>");
  393. });
  394. $(document).on("click", ".lettera", function (ev) {
  395. var link =;
  396. //alert(nome_autore);
  397. //$('#myModal').text("");
  399. });
  400. $(document).on("click", ".object", function (ev) {
  401. var link =;
  402. //alert(nome_autore);
  403. //$('#myModal').text("");
  405. });
  406. $(document).on("click", ".artwork", function (ev) {
  407. var link =;
  408. //alert(nome_autore);
  409. //$('#myModal').text("");
  411. });
  412. $(document).on("click", ".persona", function (ev) {
  413. var link =;
  414. //alert(nome_autore);
  415. //$('#myModal').text("");
  417. });
  418. $(document).on("click", ".luogo", function (ev) {
  419. var link =;
  420. //alert(nome_autore);
  421. //$('#myModal').text("");
  423. });
  424. $(document).on("click", ".close", function (ev) {
  425. var link =;
  426. //alert(nome_autore);
  427. //$('#myModal').text("");
  428. $("#myModal").css("display", "none");
  429. });
  430. $(document).on("click", ".back", function (ev) {
  431. $("#myTab").css("display", "none");
  432. });
  433. $(document).on("click", ".cit", function (ev) {
  434. var author ="RESTORE. smart access to digital heritage and memory"
  435. var year = new Date().getFullYear()
  436. var today = new Date();
  437. var dd = String(today.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
  438. var mm = String(today.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); //January is 0!
  439. var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
  440. today = dd + '/' + mm + '/' + yyyy;
  441. var link =;
  442. //alert(nome_autore);
  443. //$('#myModal').text("");
  444. $("#myModal").empty();
  445. $("#myModal").css("display", "block");
  446. $('#myModal').append("<div class='modal-content'><span class='close'>&times;</span><div id='myInput'>" +
  447. author + " " + year + ", accesso effettuato: " + today + ", &lt;" + link + "&gt;</div><button id='copy_btn' class='btn btn-primary btn-lg' onclick='myFunction()'>Copia</button>");
  448. });
  449. $(document).on("click", ".scheda", function (ev) {
  450. var link =;
  451. var title = this.title;
  452. //alert(nome_autore);
  453. $("#myTab").empty();
  454. $("#myTab").css("display", "block");
  455. $('#myTab').append("<div class='tab-content'><span class='back'>&lt; Indietro</span><br /><h2><a href='" + link + "' target='_blank'>" + title + "</a></h2><div id='tab_container'><h3>Relazioni dirette</h3><br /><table id='info_link' class='table table-hover'></table><br /><table id='info_ico' class='table table-hover'></table><br /><h3>Relazioni inverse</h3><br /><table id='info_obj' class='table table-hover'></table></div></div>");
  456. /*var query_a = 'SELECT DISTINCT ?label WHERE { {<' + link +
  457. '> ?p ?object. OPTIONAL {?object ?property ?label . FILTER(?property = <> || ?property = <>) FILTER (langMatches( lang(?label), "en" )) } } UNION {<'+ link +
  458. '> ?p ?object. OPTIONAL {?p <> ?propertyLabel .?object <> ?label } FILTER (?p != <>) FILTER (langMatches( lang(?propertyLabel), "en" )) }}';
  459. */
  460. var query_a = 'SELECT DISTINCT ?propLab ?object ?label WHERE {{<' + link +
  461. '> ?property ?object. ?property <> ?propLab . OPTIONAL {?object <> ?label . } FILTER (?property != <> && ?property != <>) FILTER (langMatches( lang(?propLab), "en" ))} UNION {<' + link +
  462. '> ?property ?object. ?property <> ?propLab . OPTIONAL {?object <> ?label . } FILTER (?property != <> && ?property != <>) FILTER(!regex(?property, "cidoc"))}}';
  463. var object_url_a = '' + encodeURIComponent(query_a) + '&output=json';
  464. var query_b = 'SELECT DISTINCT ?subject ?label ?property ?propertyLabel WHERE {?subject ?property <' + link +
  465. '> ; <> ?label . ?property <> ?propertyLabel . FILTER (langMatches( lang(?propertyLabel), "en" ))}';
  466. var object_url_b = '' + encodeURIComponent(query_b) + '&output=json';
  467. var query_c = 'SELECT DISTINCT ?object ?label WHERE {{<' + link + '> <> ?object . ?object <> ?label .} UNION {<' + link +
  468. '> <> ?object . ?object <> ?label . FILTER (langMatches(lang(?label), "it" )) }}';
  469. var object_url_c = '' + encodeURIComponent(query_c) + '&output=json';
  470. $.ajax({//SOGGETTO
  471. url: object_url_a + '&callback=?',
  472. dataType: "json",
  473. success: function (data_a) {
  474. object_info_a(data_a);
  475. },
  476. error: function (e) {}
  477. });
  478. $.ajax({//OGGETTO
  479. url: object_url_b + '&callback=?',
  480. dataType: "json",
  481. success: function (data_b) {
  482. object_info_b(data_b);
  483. },
  484. error: function (e) {}
  485. });
  486. $.ajax({//ICONCLASS
  487. url: object_url_c + '&callback=?',
  488. dataType: "json",
  489. success: function (data_c) {
  490. object_info_c(data_c);
  491. },
  492. error: function (e) {}
  493. });
  494. });
  495. function object_info_a(json) {
  496. console.log(json);
  497. var j = 0;
  498. $('#info_link').text("");
  499. $.each(
  500. json['results']['bindings'],
  501. function (index, value) {
  502. var autore_a = "";
  503. var object = "";
  504. var object_type = value['object']['type'];
  505. if (object_type == "typed-literal" || object_type == "literal"){
  506. object = '<td>'+ value['object']['value'] + '</td>';
  507. }
  508. else{
  509. object = '<td style="width:60%;"><a href="'+ value['object']['value'] +'" target="_blank">'+ value['label']['value'] +'</a></td><td>' +
  510. '<button type="button" id="' + value['object']['value'] + '" class="scheda btn btn-default" alt="scheda" title="' + value['label']['value'] + '"><i class="fa fa-bars"></i><p class="btn-text">Scheda</p></button></td><td>' +
  511. '<a href="' + value['object']['value'] + '" target="_blank"><button type="button" id="lod " class="btn btn-default info" alt="scheda" title="Info"><i class="fa fa-share-alt"></i><p class="btn-text">Lod</p></button></a></td>';
  512. }
  513. autore_a += /*INIZIO DIV*/ '<tr><td style="width:25%;">' + value['propLab']['value'] + '</td>' + object + '</tr>';/*FINE DIV*/
  514. /*onclick=copy__Text("' + value['link']['value'] + '")*/
  515. j++;
  516. $('#info_link').append(autore_a);
  517. });
  518. if (j==0) {
  519. var message_a = '<tr id="error"><td><p>Non sono presenti relazioni dirette per questa risorsa</p></td></tr>';
  520. $('#info_link').append(message_a);
  521. }
  522. }
  523. function object_info_b(json) {
  524. console.log(json);
  525. var k = 0;
  526. $('#info_obj').text("");
  527. $.each(
  528. json['results']['bindings'],
  529. function (index, value) {
  530. var autore_b = "";
  531. autore_b += /*INIZIO DIV*/ '<tr><td style="width:60%;"><a href="' + value['subject']['value'] + '" target="_blank">' + value['label']['value'] + '</a></td><td style="width:25%;">' + value['propertyLabel']['value'] + '</td><td>' +
  532. '<button type="button" id="' + value['subject']['value'] + '" class="scheda btn btn-default" alt="scheda" title="' + value['label']['value'] + '"><i class="fa fa-bars"></i><p class="btn-text">Scheda</p></button></td><td>' +
  533. '<a href="' + value['subject']['value'] + '" target="_blank"><button type="button" id="lod " class="btn btn-default info" alt="scheda" title="Info"><i class="fa fa-share-alt"></i><p class="btn-text">Lod</p></button></a></td></tr>';
  534. /*FINE DIV*/
  535. k++;
  536. /*onclick=copy__Text("' + value['link']['value'] + '")*/
  537. $('#info_obj').append(autore_b);
  538. });
  539. if (k==0) {
  540. var message_b = '<tr id="error"><td><p>Non sono presenti relazioni inverse per questa risorsa</p></td></tr>';
  541. $('#info_obj').append(message_b);
  542. }
  543. }
  544. function object_info_c(json) {
  545. console.log(json);
  546. $('#info_ico').text("");
  547. $.each(
  548. json['results']['bindings'],
  549. function (index, value) {
  550. var autore_c = "";
  551. autore_c += /*INIZIO DIV*/ '<tr><td style="width:25%;">depicts</td><td style="width:60%;"><a href="' + value['object']['value'] + '">' + value['label']['value'] + '</a></td><td>' +
  552. '<button type="button" id="' + value['object']['value'] + '" class="scheda btn btn-default" alt="scheda" title="' + value['label']['value'] + '"><i class="fa fa-bars"></i><p class="btn-text">Scheda</p></button></td><td>' +
  553. '<a href="' + value['object']['value'] + '" target="_blank"><button type="button" id="lod " class="btn btn-default info" alt="scheda" title="Info"><i class="fa fa-share-alt"></i><p class="btn-text">Lod</p></button></a></td></tr>';
  554. /*FINE DIV*/
  555. /*onclick=copy__Text("' + value['link']['value'] + '")*/
  556. $('#info_ico').append(autore_c);
  557. });
  558. }
  561. /*
  562. function objLength(obj){
  563. var i=0;
  564. for (var x in obj){
  565. if(obj.hasOwnProperty(x)){
  566. i++;
  567. }
  568. }
  569. return i;
  570. }
  571. */
  572. //#######################################
  573. });
  574. function copyToClipboard(text) {
  575. var sampleTextarea = document.createElement("textarea");
  576. document.body.appendChild(sampleTextarea);
  577. sampleTextarea.value = text; //save main text in it
  578.; //select textarea contenrs
  579. document.execCommand("copy");
  580. document.body.removeChild(sampleTextarea);
  581. }
  582. function myFunction(){
  583. var copy = document.getElementById("myInput");
  584. copyText = copy.textContent;
  585. copyToClipboard(copyText);
  586. //copyToClipboard(copyText.value);
  587. }