import { Type } from '@angular/core'; import { EditionLevelType } from '../app.config'; import { ParseResult } from '../services/xml-parsers/parser-models'; export interface EditorialConvention { element: string; attributes: Attributes; layouts: EditorialConventionLayouts; } export type EditorialConventionLayouts = Partial<{ [key in EditionLevelType]: Partial }>; export interface EditorialConventionLayout { // tslint:disable-next-line: no-any style: { [cssProperty: string]: any; }; // List of CSS properties to be assigned to the output element pre: string; // Text to be shown before the element post: string; // Text to be shown after the element } export interface HighlightData { highlight: boolean; highlightColor: string; } export interface HighlightDataLem { highlightLem: boolean; highlightColorLem: string; } export interface HighlightDataIperlem { highlightIperlem: boolean; highlightColorIperlem: string; } export class GenericElement { // tslint:disable-next-line: no-any type: Type; path?: string; class?: string; attributes: Attributes; content: Array>; } export type XMLElement = HTMLElement; export type OriginalEncodingNodeType = XMLElement; export interface EditionStructure { pages: Page[]; } export type ViewModeId = 'readingText' | 'imageText' | 'textText' | 'collation' | 'textSources' | 'textVersions'; export interface ViewMode { id: ViewModeId; icon: string; iconSet?: 'evt' | 'far' | 'fas'; label: string; disabled?: boolean; } export interface Page { id: string; label: string; facs: string; originalContent: OriginalEncodingNodeType[]; parsedContent: Array>; url: string; facsUrl: string; } export interface NamedEntities { all: { lists: NamedEntitiesList[]; entities: NamedEntity[]; }; persons: { lists: NamedEntitiesList[]; entities: NamedEntity[]; }; places: { lists: NamedEntitiesList[]; entities: NamedEntity[]; }; organizations: { lists: NamedEntitiesList[]; entities: NamedEntity[]; }; relations: Relation[]; events: { lists: NamedEntitiesList[]; entities: NamedEntity[]; }; } // add by FS export interface LemmatizedEntities { all: { lemlists: LemmatizedEntitiesList[]; lementities: LemmatizedEntity[]; }; lemmas: { lemlists: LemmatizedEntitiesList[]; lementities: LemmatizedEntity[]; }; relations: Relation[]; } export interface Attributes { [key: string]: string; } export interface OriginalEncoding { originalEncoding: OriginalEncodingNodeType; } export type NamedEntityType = 'person' | 'place' | 'org' | 'relation' | 'event' | 'generic'; export class NamedEntitiesList extends GenericElement { id: string; label: string; namedEntityType: NamedEntityType; description?: Description; sublists: NamedEntitiesList[]; content: NamedEntity[]; relations: Relation[]; originalEncoding: OriginalEncodingNodeType; } export class NamedEntity extends GenericElement { id: string; sortKey: string; label: NamedEntityLabel; namedEntityType: NamedEntityType | 'personGrp'; content: NamedEntityInfo[]; originalEncoding: OriginalEncodingNodeType; } // add by FS export type LemmatizedEntityType = 'lem' | 'w' | 'list' | 'item' ; export class LemmatizedEntitiesList extends GenericElement { id: string; label: string; lemmatizedEntityType: LemmatizedEntityType; description?: Description; sublists: LemmatizedEntitiesList[]; content: LemmatizedEntity[]; relations: Relation[]; originalEncoding: OriginalEncodingNodeType; } export class LemmatizedEntity extends GenericElement { id: string; sortKey: string; label: LemmatizedEntityLabel; lemmatizedEntityType: LemmatizedEntityType | 'interpGrp'; content: LemmatizedEntityInfo[]; originalEncoding: OriginalEncodingNodeType; } export type LemmatizedEntityLabel = string; export class LemmatizedEntityInfo extends GenericElement { label: string; } export interface LemmatizedEntityOccurrence { pageId: string; pageLabel: string; refsByDoc: LemmatizedEntityOccurrenceRef[]; } export interface LemmatizedEntityOccurrenceRef { docId: string; docLabel: string; refs: GenericElement[]; } export class LemmatizedEntityRef extends GenericElement { entityLemId: string; entityLemType: LemmatizedEntityType; } export type NamedEntityLabel = string; export class NamedEntityInfo extends GenericElement { label: string; } export interface NamedEntityOccurrence { pageId: string; pageLabel: string; refsByDoc: NamedEntityOccurrenceRef[]; } export interface NamedEntityOccurrenceRef { docId: string; docLabel: string; refs: GenericElement[]; } export class Relation extends GenericElement { name?: string; activeParts: string[]; // Pointers to entities involved in relation mutualParts: string[]; // Pointers to entities involved in relation passiveParts: string[]; // Pointers to entities involved in relation description: Description; relationType?: string; } export type Description = Array>; export class NamedEntityRef extends GenericElement { entityId: string; entityType: NamedEntityType; } export interface Witnesses { witnesses: Witness[]; groups: WitnessGroup[]; } export interface Witness { id: string; name: string | Array> | XMLElement; attributes: Attributes; content: Array>; groupId: string; } export interface WitnessGroup { id: string; name: string; attributes: Attributes; witnesses: string[]; groupId: string; } export class ApparatusEntry extends GenericElement { id: string; lemma: Reading; readings: Reading[]; notes: Note[]; originalEncoding: string; nestedAppsIDs: string[]; } /* add LemEntry FS */ export class LemEntry extends GenericElement { id: string; lemma: Reading; readings: Reading[]; notes: Note[]; originalEncoding: string; nestedLemsIDs: string[]; } export class Reading extends GenericElement { id: string; witIDs: string[]; significant: boolean; } export interface GridItem { id: string; url: string; name: string; } export type HTML = GenericElement & { content: OriginalEncodingNodeType[]; }; export class Text extends GenericElement { text: string; } export type NoteLayout = 'popover' | 'plain-text'; export class Note extends GenericElement { noteLayout: NoteLayout; noteType: string; exponent: string; } export class Paragraph extends GenericElement { n: string; } export class Lb extends GenericElement { id: string; n?: string; facs?: string; // Needed to handle ITL rend?: string; } export type Comment = GenericElement; export class Surface extends GenericElement { id: string; corresp: string; graphics: Graphic[]; zones: { lines: ZoneLine[]; hotspots: ZoneHotSpot[]; }; } export type ZoneRendition = 'Line' | 'HotSpot'; // EVT rule to distinguish lines for ITL from HotSpots export interface Point { x: number; y: number; } export class Zone extends GenericElement { id: string; coords: Point[]; rendition?: ZoneRendition; // In lines @corresp points to @xml:id in the main text; in HotSpots it points to @xml:id of element which contains HS description // In Embedded Transcription it is the same as @xml:id of zone itself corresp?: string; rend?: string; rotate?: number; surface?: string; } export class ZoneLine extends Zone { rendition: 'Line'; } export class ZoneHotSpot extends Zone { rendition: 'HotSpot'; } export class Graphic extends GenericElement { url: string; height: string; width: string; } export interface CharMapping { type: string; subtype: string; attributes: Attributes; content: Array>; } export interface CharProp { name: string; value: string; } export interface EncodingProp extends CharProp { version: string; } export class Char extends GenericElement { id: string; name: string; entityName: string; localProps: CharProp[]; mappings: CharMapping[]; unicodeProp?: EncodingProp; unihanProp?: EncodingProp; graphics: Graphic[]; } export class G extends GenericElement { id: string; charId: string; } export type ChoiceType = 'normalization' | 'emendation'; export class Choice extends GenericElement { editorialInterventionType: ChoiceType | ''; originalContent: Array>; normalizedContent: Array>; } export class Verse extends GenericElement { n: string; } export class VersesGroup extends GenericElement { n: string; groupType: string; } export class Supplied extends GenericElement { reason?: string; source?: string; resp?: string; } export type DamageDegree = 'high' | 'medium' | 'low' | 'unknown'; export class Damage extends GenericElement { agent: string; group?: number; degree?: DamageDegree | string; // string representing a number between 0 (undamaged) and 1 (very extensively damaged) } export class Surplus extends GenericElement { reason?: string; } export class Gap extends GenericElement { reason?: string; agent?: string; quantity?: number; unit?: string; extent?: string; } export type PlacementType = 'above' | 'below' | 'inline' | 'left' | 'right' | 'inspace' | 'end' | 'sup' | 'sub' | 'under'; export class Addition extends GenericElement { place: PlacementType; } export type SicType = 'crux'; // sic types supported in specific ways export class Sic extends GenericElement { sicType?: SicType | string; } export class Word extends GenericElement { lemma?: string; } export class Deletion extends GenericElement { rend: string; } export class MsFrag extends GenericElement { additional: Additional; altIdentifier: AltIdentifier; history: History; msContents: MsContents; msIdentifier: MsIdentifier; physDesc: PhysDesc; pEl: Paragraph[]; } export class MsPart extends MsFrag { head: Head; msParts: MsPart[]; } export class MsDesc extends MsPart { id: string; n: string; label: string; msFrags: MsFrag[]; } // TODO: fix classes MsDesc, MsPart and MsFrag export class Identifier extends GenericElement { collection: CollectionEl[]; idnos: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when idno is handled regions: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when region is handled repository: Repository; settlements: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when settlement is handled countries: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when country is handled } export class AltIdentifier extends Identifier { noteEl: Note[]; } export class MsIdentifier extends Identifier { id: string; institution: Institution; altIdentifier: AltIdentifier[]; msName: MsName[]; } export class MsContents extends GenericElement { summary: Summary; msItem: MsItem[]; msItemStruct: MsItemStruct; pEl: Paragraph[]; textLangs: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when textLang is handled } export class PhysDesc extends GenericElement { objectDesc: ObjectDesc; bindingDesc: BindingDesc; decoDesc: DecoDesc; handDesc: HandDesc; accMat: AccMat; additions: Additions; musicNotation: MusicNotation; scriptDesc: ScriptDesc; sealDesc: SealDesc; typeDesc: TypeDesc; pEl: Paragraph[]; } export class History extends GenericElement { acquisition: Acquisition; origin: Origin; provenance: Provenance[]; summary: Summary; pEl: Paragraph[]; } export class Head extends GenericElement { place: string; rend: string; style: string; rendition: string; n: string; facs: string; lbEl: Lb[]; hi: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when hi is handled title: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when title is handled origPlace: OrigPlace; origDate: OrigDate; } export class Institution extends GenericElement { country: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when country is handled region: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when region is handled } export class Repository extends GenericElement { lang: string; } export class MsName extends GenericElement { name: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when idno is handled rs: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when rs is handled gEl: G[]; } export class CollectionEl extends GenericElement { collectionType: string; } export class MsItemStruct extends GenericElement { n: string; defective: boolean; authors: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when author is handled respStmt: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when restStmt is handled titles: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when title is handled rubric: Rubric; incipit: Incipit; quote: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when quote is handled explicit: Explicit; finalRubric: FinalRubric; colophons: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when colophon is handled decoNote: DecoNote; listBibl: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when listBibl is handled bibl: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when bibl is handled filiation: Filiation[]; noteEl: Note[]; textLangs: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when textLang is handled locus: Locus; } export class MsItem extends MsItemStruct { docAuthors: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when docAuthor is handled docTitles: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when docTitle is handled docImprints: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when docImprint is handled docDate: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when docDate is handled locusGrp: LocusGrp; gapEl: Gap[]; msItem: MsItem[]; } export class Summary extends GenericElement { pEl: Paragraph[]; } export class Acquisition extends GenericElement { notBefore: string; notAfter: string; name: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when name is handled } export class Origin extends GenericElement { notBefore: string; notAfter: string; evidence: string; resp: string; origDate: OrigDate; origPlace: OrigPlace; } export class OrigDate extends GenericElement { notBefore: string; notAfter: string; when: string; origDateType: string; } export class OrigPlace extends GenericElement { key: string; origPlaceType: string; } export class Provenance extends GenericElement { when: string; } export class ObjectDesc extends GenericElement { form: string; layoutDesc: LayoutDesc; supportDesc: SupportDesc; pEl: Paragraph[]; } export class LayoutDesc extends GenericElement { pEl: Paragraph[]; ab: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when ab is handled layout: Layout; summary: Summary; } export class Layout extends GenericElement { columns: number; streams: number; ruledLines: number; writtenLines: number; pEl: Paragraph[]; } export type MaterialValues = 'paper' | 'parch' | 'perg' | 'mixes'; export class SupportDesc extends GenericElement { material: MaterialValues; pEl: Paragraph[]; ab: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when ab is handled extents: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when extent is handled collation: Collation; condition: Condition; foliation: Foliation; support: Support; } export class Condition extends GenericElement { pEl: Paragraph[]; } export class Collation extends GenericElement { pEl: Paragraph[]; } export class Foliation extends GenericElement { id: string; pEl: Paragraph[]; } export class Support extends GenericElement { material: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when material is handled watermark: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when watermark is handled } export class BindingDesc extends GenericElement { binding: Binding[]; condition: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when condition is handled decoNote: DecoNote[]; pEl: Paragraph[]; } export class Binding extends GenericElement { contemporary: boolean; condition: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when condition is handled decoNote: DecoNote[]; pEl: Paragraph[]; ab: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when ab is handled } export class DecoDesc extends GenericElement { decoNote: DecoNote; pEl: Paragraph[]; ab: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when ab is handled summary: Summary; } export class Additions extends GenericElement { pEl: Paragraph[]; } export class HandDesc extends GenericElement { hands: string; handNote: HandNote[]; } export class ScriptDesc extends GenericElement { scriptNote: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when scriptNote is handled summary: Summary; } export class Seal extends GenericElement { contemporary: boolean; sealType: string; n: string; decoNote: DecoNote; pEl: Paragraph[]; ab: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when ab is handled } export class SealDesc extends GenericElement { seal: Seal; } export class TypeDesc extends GenericElement { summary: Summary; typeNote: TypeNote; } export class TypeNote extends GenericElement { id: string; scope: string; } export class MusicNotation extends GenericElement { term: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when term is handled } export class AccMat extends GenericElement { pEl: Paragraph[]; } export class Additional extends GenericElement { listBibls: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when listBibl is handled adminInfo: AdminInfo; surrogates: Surrogates; } export class AdminInfo extends GenericElement { noteEl: Note[]; availabilities: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when listBibl is handled custodialHist: CustodialHist; recordHist: RecordHist; } export class CustodialHist extends GenericElement { pEl: Paragraph[]; ab: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when ab is handled custEvent?: CustEvent[]; } export class CustEvent extends GenericElement { custEventType: string; notBefore: string; notAfter: string; when: string; from: string; to: string; } export class RecordHist extends GenericElement { pEl: Paragraph[]; changes: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when change is handled source: Source[]; ab: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when ab is handled } export class Source extends GenericElement { pEl: Paragraph[]; } export class Surrogates extends GenericElement { bibls: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when bibl is handled pEl: Paragraph[]; } export class Rubric extends GenericElement { lang: string; rend: string; lbEl: Lb[]; locus: Locus; stamp: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when stamp is handled } export class FinalRubric extends GenericElement { lbEl: Lb[]; } export class Incipit extends GenericElement { lang: string; defective: boolean; lbEl: Lb[]; locus: Locus; } export class Explicit extends GenericElement { lang: string; defective: boolean; locus: Locus; } export class Locus extends GenericElement { scheme: string; from: string; to: string; facs: string; target: string; hi: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when hi is handled gEl: G[]; locus: Locus; } export class LocusGrp extends GenericElement { scheme: string; locus: Locus; } export class DecoNote extends GenericElement { decoNoteType: string; watermark: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when watermark is handled } export class Filiation extends GenericElement { filiationType: string; } export class Dimensions extends GenericElement { dimensionsType: string; scope: string; extent: string; unit: string; quantity: number; atLeast: number; atMost: number; min: number; max: number; height: Height; width: Width; depth: Depth; dim: Dim; } export class Height extends GenericElement { scope: string; extent: string; unit: string; quantity: number; atLeast: number; atMost: number; min: number; max: number; gEl: G[]; } export class Width extends GenericElement { scope: string; extent: string; unit: string; quantity: number; atLeast: number; atMost: number; min: number; max: number; gEl: G[]; } export class Depth extends GenericElement { scope: string; extent: string; unit: string; quantity: number; atLeast: number; atMost: number; min: number; max: number; gEl: G[]; } export class Dim extends GenericElement { dimType: string; scope: string; extent: string; unit: string; quantity: number; atLeast: number; atMost: number; min: number; max: number; gEl: G[]; } export class FileDesc extends GenericElement { titleStmt: TitleStmt; publicationStmt: PublicationStmt; sourceDesc: SourceDesc; editionStmt?: EditionStmt; extent?: Extent; seriesStmt?: SeriesStmt; notesStmt?: NotesStmt; } export class TitleStmt extends GenericElement { titles: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when title is handled subtitles: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when subtitle is handled authors: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when author is handled principals: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when principal is handled respStmts: RespStmt[]; editors: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when editor is handled sponsors: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when sponsor is handled funders: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when funder is handled } export class RespStmt extends GenericElement { responsibility: Resp; people: Array>; notes: Note[]; } export class Resp extends GenericElement { normalizedResp: string; date: string; } export class EditionStmt extends GenericElement { structuredData: boolean; edition: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when edition is handled respStmt: RespStmt[]; } export class PublicationStmt extends GenericElement { structuredData: boolean; publisher: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when publisher is handled distributor: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when distributor is handled authority: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when authority is handled pubPlace: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when pubPlace is handled address: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when address is handled idno: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when idno is handled availability: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when availability is handled date: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when date is handled licence: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when licence is handled } export class SeriesStmt extends GenericElement { structuredData: boolean; title: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when title is handled idno: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when idno is handled respStmt: RespStmt[]; biblScope: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when biblScope is handled editor: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when editor is handled } export class NotesStmt extends GenericElement { notes: Note[]; relatedItems: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when relatedItem is handled } export class SourceDesc extends GenericElement { structuredData: boolean; msDescs: MsDesc[]; bibl: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when bibl is handled biblFull: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when biblFull is handled biblStruct: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when biblStruct is handled recordingStmt: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when recordingStmt is handled scriptStmt: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when scriptStmt is handled } export class Extent extends GenericElement { } export class EncodingDesc extends GenericElement { structuredData: boolean; projectDesc: ProjectDesc[]; samplingDecl: SamplingDecl[]; editorialDecl: EditorialDecl[]; tagsDecl: TagsDecl[]; styleDefDecl: ParseResult; // TODO: Add specific type when styleDefDecl is handled refsDecl: RefsDecl[]; classDecl: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when classDecl is handled geoDecl: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when geoDecl is handled unitDecl: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when unitDecl is handled schemaSpec: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when schemaSpec is handled schemaRef: Array>; // TODO: Add specific type when schemaRef is handled } export class ProjectDesc extends GenericElement { content: Paragraph[]; } export class SamplingDecl extends GenericElement { content: Paragraph[]; } export type CorrectionStatus = 'high' | 'medium' | 'low' | 'unknown'; export type CorrectionMethod = 'silent' | 'markup'; export class Correction extends ProjectDesc { status?: CorrectionStatus; method?: CorrectionMethod; } export type NormalizationMethod = 'silent' | 'markup'; export class Normalization extends ProjectDesc { method: NormalizationMethod; sources: string[]; } export type PunctuationMarks = 'none' | 'some' | 'all'; export type PunctuationPlacement = 'internal' | 'external'; export class Punctuation extends ProjectDesc { marks?: PunctuationMarks; placement?: PunctuationPlacement; } export type QuotationMarks = 'none' | 'some' | 'all'; export class Quotation extends ProjectDesc { marks?: QuotationMarks; } export type HyphenationEol = 'all' | 'some' | 'hard' | 'none'; export class Hyphenation extends ProjectDesc { eol?: HyphenationEol; } export class Segmentation extends GenericElement { content: Paragraph[]; } export class StdVals extends GenericElement { content: Paragraph[]; } export class Interpretation extends GenericElement { content: Paragraph[]; } export class EditorialDecl extends GenericElement { structuredData: boolean; correction: Correction[]; hyphenation: Hyphenation[]; interpretation: Interpretation[]; normalization: Normalization[]; punctuation: Punctuation[]; quotation: Quotation[]; segmentation: Segmentation[]; stdVals: StdVals[]; } export type RenditionScope = 'first-line' | 'first-letter' | 'before' | 'after'; export type Scheme = 'css' | 'xslfo' | 'free' | 'other'; export class Rendition extends GenericElement { id: string; scope?: RenditionScope | string; selector?: string; scheme?: Scheme; schemeVersion?: string; } export class TagUsage extends GenericElement { gi: string; occurs: number; withId?: number; } export class Namespace extends GenericElement { name: string; tagUsage: TagUsage[]; } export class TagsDecl extends GenericElement { rendition: Rendition[]; namespace: Namespace[]; } export class RefsDecl extends GenericElement { structuredData: boolean; cRefPattern: CRefPattern[]; refState: RefState[]; } export class RefState extends GenericElement { ed: string; unit: string; length: number; delim?: string; } export class CRefPattern extends GenericElement { matchPattern: string; replacementPattern: string; } export class Abstract extends GenericElement { resp: string; lang: string; } export class Calendar extends GenericElement { id: string; target: string; } export class CalendarDesc extends GenericElement { calendars: Calendar[]; } export type CorrespActionType = 'sent' | 'received' | 'transmitted' | 'redirected' | 'forwarded'; export class CorrespAction extends GenericElement { actionType: CorrespActionType | string; } export class CorrespContext extends GenericElement { } export class CorrespDesc extends GenericElement { content: Array; } export class Creation extends GenericElement { } export class Language extends GenericElement { ident: string; usage?: number; } export class LangUsage extends GenericElement { structuredData: boolean; languages: Language[]; } export class CatRef extends GenericElement { scheme?: string; target?: string; } export class ClassCode extends GenericElement { scheme?: string; } export class Term extends GenericElement { id?: string; ref?: string; rend?: string; } export class Keywords extends GenericElement { scheme?: string; terms: Term[]; } export class TextClass extends GenericElement { catRef: CatRef[]; classCode: ClassCode[]; keywords: Keywords[]; } export type HandNoteScope = 'sole' | 'major' | 'minor'; export class HandNote extends GenericElement { id: string; scribe?: string; scribeRef?: string; script?: string; scriptRef?: string; medium?: string; scope?: HandNoteScope; } export class HandNotes extends GenericElement { content: HandNote[]; } export class Ptr extends GenericElement { id?: string; target?: string; cRef?: string; ptrType?: string; rend?: string; } export class Transpose extends GenericElement { content: Ptr[]; } export class ListTranspose extends GenericElement { description: Description[]; transposes: Transpose[]; } export type ChannelMode = 's' | 'w' | 'sw' | 'ws' | 'm' | 'x'; export class Channel extends GenericElement { mode?: ChannelMode; } export class Constitution extends GenericElement { constitutionType?: string; } export class Derivation extends GenericElement { derivationType?: string; } export class Domain extends GenericElement { domainType?: string; } export class Factuality extends GenericElement { factualityType?: string; } export type ActiveParticipants = 'singular' | 'plural' | 'corporate' | 'unknown'; export type PassiveParticipants = 'self' | 'single' | 'many' | 'group' | 'world'; export class Interaction extends GenericElement { interactionType?: string; active?: ActiveParticipants | string; passive?: PassiveParticipants | string; } export class Preparedness extends GenericElement { preparednessType?: string; } export type Degree = 'high' | 'medium' | 'low' | 'unknown'; export class Purpose extends GenericElement { purposeType?: string; degree?: Degree; } export class TextDesc extends GenericElement { channel: Channel[]; constitution: Constitution[]; derivation: Derivation[]; domain: Domain[]; factuality: Factuality[]; interaction: Interaction[]; preparedness: Preparedness[]; purpose: Purpose[]; } export class ParticDesc extends GenericElement { structuredData: boolean; participants: NamedEntitiesList[]; } export class Setting extends GenericElement { who?: string; name: GenericElement[]; // TODO: Add specific type when name is handled date: GenericElement[]; // TODO: Add specific type when date is handled time: GenericElement[]; // TODO: Add specific type when time is handled locale: GenericElement[]; // TODO: Add specific type when locale is handled activity: GenericElement[]; // TODO: Add specific type when activity is handled } export class SettingDesc extends GenericElement { structuredData: boolean; settings: Setting[]; places: NamedEntitiesList[]; } export class ProfileDesc extends GenericElement { abstract: Abstract[]; calendarDesc: CalendarDesc[]; correspDesc: CorrespDesc[]; creation: Creation[]; handNotes: HandNotes[]; langUsage: LangUsage[]; listTranspose: ListTranspose[]; particDesc: ParticDesc[]; settingDesc: SettingDesc[]; textClass: TextClass[]; textDesc: TextDesc[]; } export type Status = 'approved' | 'candidate' | 'cleared' | 'deprecated' | 'draft' | 'embargoed' | 'expired' | 'frozen' | 'galley' | 'proposed' | 'published' | 'recommendation' | 'submitted' | 'unfinished' | 'withdrawn'; export class Change extends GenericElement { id?: string; who?: string; status?: Status | string; when?: string; notBefore?: string; notAfter?: string; targets?: string[]; } export class ListChange extends GenericElement { content: Array; id?: string; description?: Description; ordered?: boolean; } export class RevisionDesc extends GenericElement { content: Array; status?: Status | string; } export class ProjectInfo { fileDesc: FileDesc; encodingDesc: EncodingDesc; profileDesc: ProfileDesc; revisionDesc: RevisionDesc; } export interface ViewerDataValue { manifestURL?: string; xmlImages?: XMLImagesValues[]; } export interface XMLImagesValues { url: string; width?: number; height?: number; } export interface ViewerDataType { type: string; value: ViewerDataValue; }