import { Component, ElementRef, Input, OnDestroy, OnInit, Output, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { BehaviorSubject, combineLatest, Observable, Subject, Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { delay, distinctUntilChanged, filter, map, shareReplay, take } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { AppConfig, EditionLevel, EditionLevelType, TextFlow } from '../../app.config'; import { EntitiesSelectItem } from '../../components/entities-select/entities-select.component'; import { LemsSelectItem } from '../../components/lems-select/lems-select.component'; import { IperlemsSelectItem } from '../../components/iperlems-select/iperlems-select.component'; import { Page } from '../../models/evt-models'; import { EVTModelService } from '../../services/evt-model.service'; import { EVTStatusService } from '../../services/evt-status.service'; import { EvtIconInfo } from '../../ui-components/icon/icon.component'; @Component({ selector: 'evt-text-panel', templateUrl: './text-panel.component.html', styleUrls: ['./text-panel.component.scss'], }) export class TextPanelComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { @ViewChild('mainContent') mainContent: ElementRef; @Input() hideEditionLevelSelector: boolean; @Input() pageID: string; public currentPage$ = new BehaviorSubject(undefined); public currentPageId$ = this.currentPage$.pipe( map(p => p?.id), ); @Output() pageChange: Observable = this.currentPage$.pipe( filter(p => !!p), distinctUntilChanged(), ); @Input() editionLevelID: EditionLevelType; public currentEdLevel$ = new BehaviorSubject(undefined); public currentEdLevelId$ = this.currentEdLevel$.pipe( map(e => e?.id), ); @Output() editionLevelChange: Observable = this.currentEdLevel$.pipe( filter(e => !!e), distinctUntilChanged(), ); public currentStatus$ = combineLatest([ this.evtModelService.pages$, this.currentPage$, this.currentEdLevel$, this.evtStatus.currentViewMode$, ]).pipe( delay(0), filter(([pages, currentPage, editionLevel, currentViewMode]) => !!pages && !!currentPage && !!editionLevel && !!currentViewMode), map(([pages, currentPage, editionLevel, currentViewMode]) => ({ pages, currentPage, editionLevel, currentViewMode })), distinctUntilChanged((a, b) => JSON.stringify(a) === JSON.stringify(b)), shareReplay(1), ); public itemsToHighlight$ = new Subject(); public itemsLemsToHighlight$ = new Subject(); public itemsIperlemsToHighlight$ = new Subject(); public secondaryContent = ''; private showSecondaryContent = false; public selectedPage; public textFlow: TextFlow = AppConfig.evtSettings.edition.defaultTextFlow || 'prose'; public enableProseVersesToggler = AppConfig.evtSettings.edition.proseVersesToggler; public get proseVersesTogglerIcon(): EvtIconInfo { return { icon: this.textFlow === 'prose' ? 'align-left' : 'align-justify', iconSet: 'fas' }; } public isMultiplePageFlow$ = this.currentStatus$.pipe( map((x) => === 'critical' && !== 'imageText'), shareReplay(1), ); private updatingPageFromScroll = false; private subscriptions: Subscription[] = []; constructor( public evtModelService: EVTModelService, public evtStatus: EVTStatusService, ) { } ngOnInit() { if (this.editionLevelID === 'critical') { this.textFlow = AppConfig.evtSettings.edition.defaultTextFlow || 'verses'; } if (!this.enableProseVersesToggler) { this.textFlow = undefined; } this.subscriptions.push( this.currentStatus$.pipe( map(currentStatus => currentStatus.currentPage), filter(page => !!page), delay(0), // Needed to have the HTML pb el available ).subscribe((page) => this._scrollToPage(, ); } getSecondaryContent(): string { return this.secondaryContent; } isSecondaryContentOpened(): boolean { return this.showSecondaryContent; } toggleSecondaryContent(newContent: string) { if (this.secondaryContent !== newContent) { this.showSecondaryContent = true; this.secondaryContent = newContent; } else { this.showSecondaryContent = false; this.secondaryContent = ''; } } toggleProseVerses() { this.textFlow = this.textFlow === 'prose' ? 'verses' : 'prose'; } ngOnDestroy() { this.subscriptions.forEach(subscription => subscription.unsubscribe()); } updatePage() { if (this.mainContent && this.editionLevelID === 'critical') { const mainContentEl: HTMLElement = this.mainContent.nativeElement; const pbs = mainContentEl.querySelectorAll('evt-page'); let pbCount = 0; let pbVisible = false; let pbId = ''; const docViewTop = mainContentEl.scrollTop; const docViewBottom = docViewTop + mainContentEl.parentElement.clientHeight; while (pbCount < pbs.length && !pbVisible) { pbId = pbs[pbCount].getAttribute('data-id'); const pbElem = mainContentEl.querySelector(`evt-page[data-id="${pbId}"]`); const pbRect = pbElem.getBoundingClientRect(); if ( && ( <= docViewBottom) && ( >= docViewTop)) { pbVisible = true; } else { pbCount++; } } combineLatest([this.evtModelService.pages$, this.currentPageId$]) .pipe(take(1)).subscribe(([pages, currentPageId]) => { if (pbVisible && currentPageId !== pbId) { this.updatingPageFromScroll = true; this.evtStatus.updatePage$.next(pages.find(p => === pbId)); } }); } } private _scrollToPage(pageId: string) { if (this.updatingPageFromScroll) { this.updatingPageFromScroll = false; } else if (this.mainContent) { const mainContentEl: HTMLElement = this.mainContent.nativeElement; const pageEl = mainContentEl.querySelector(`[data-id="${pageId}"]`); if (pageEl) { pageEl.scrollIntoView(); } else { mainContentEl.parentElement.scrollTop = 0; } } } }