import { XMLElement } from '../models/evt-models'; /** * Counter that takes into account the number of parsed elements with [xpath]{@link DOMUtilsService.html#xpath}, * in order to allow the generation of unique ids when node path is not available. */ let totIdsGenerated = 0; /** * Function to check if an element is nested into another particular element. * @param element The element to be checked * @param parentTagName TagName of the element that does not be a parent of the given element * @param attributes attributes * * @returns Whether the given element is nested in a node with given TagName or not */ export function isNestedInElem(element, parentTagName: string, attributes?: Array<{ key: string, value }>): boolean { return !!element && isNodeNestedInElem(element, parentTagName, false, attributes); } /** * Function to check if an element is directly nested into another particular element. * @param element The element to be checked * @param parentTagName TagName of the element that does not be a parent of the given element * @param attributes attributes * * @returns Whether the given element is nested in a node with given TagName or not */ export function isDirectlyNestedInElem(element, parentTagName: string, attributes?: Array<{ key: string, value }>): boolean { return isNodeNestedInElem(element, parentTagName, true, attributes); } /** * Function to check if an element is nested into another particular element. * @param element The element to be checked * @param parentTagName TagName of the element that does not be a parent of the given element * @param directCheck Whether to check only parentNode or analyize all ancestors * @param attributes attributes * * @returns Whether the given element is nested in a node with given TagName or not */ export function isNodeNestedInElem( element, parentTagName: string, directCheck: boolean, attributes?: Array<{ key: string, value }>, ): boolean { if (element.parentNode !== null) { if (element.parentNode.tagName === 'text') { return false; } if (parentTagName === '' || element.parentNode.tagName === parentTagName || element.parentNode.nodeName === parentTagName) { if (!attributes || attributes.length === 0) { return true; } if (!element.parentNode.attributes || element.parentNode.attributes.length === 0) { return false; } let matchingAttr = 0; attributes.forEach(attr => { if (element.parentNode.attributes[attr.key] && element.parentNode.attributes[attr.key].value === attr.value) { matchingAttr++; } }); if (matchingAttr === attributes.length) { return true; } return directCheck ? false : isNestedInElem(element.parentNode, parentTagName, attributes); } return directCheck ? false : isNestedInElem(element.parentNode, parentTagName, attributes); } return false; } /** * This method will generate a string representing the xpath of the given element. * This string can be use as a unique identifier, since every element as a different xpath. * @param el XML element to analyze * * @returns calculated xpath of the given element */ // tslint:disable-next-line: no-any export function xpath(el: any): string { try { if (typeof el === 'string') { // document.evaluate(xpathExpression, contextNode, namespaceResolver, resultType, result ); return document.evaluate(el, document, undefined, 0, undefined).stringValue; } if (!el || el.nodeType !== 1) { return ''; } let sames = []; if (el.parentNode) { sames = [], (x) => { return x.tagName === el.tagName; }); } let countIndex = sames.length > 1 ? ([], el) + 1) : 1; countIndex = `[${countIndex}]`; const tagName = el.tagName !== 'tei' ? '-' + el.tagName : ''; return `${xpath(el.parentNode)}${tagName}${countIndex}`; } catch (e) { totIdsGenerated++; // TODO: remove side effects return `-id${totIdsGenerated}`; } } /** * This method will an excerpted or truncated XHTML string and returns a well-balanced XHTML string * - It checks for broken tags, e.g. <stro [a < after the last > indicates a broken tag] * - It eventually truncates broken tags * - It checks for broken elements, e.g. <strong>Hello, w * - It gets an array of all tags (start, end, and self-closing) * - It prepares an empty array where to store broken tags (stack) * - It loops over all tags * - when it founds an end tag, it pops it off of the stack * - when it founds a start tag, it push it onto the stack * - then it founds a self-closing tag, it do nothing * - At the end of the loop, stack should contain only the start tags of the broken elements, most deeply-nested at the top * - It loops over stack array * - pops the unmatched tag off the stack * - gets just the tag name * - and appends the end tag * * @param XHTMLstring string to balanced * * @returns well-balanced XHTML string */ export function balanceXHTML(XHTMLstring: string): string { // Check for broken tags, e.g. , indicating a broken tag if (XHTMLstring) { if (XHTMLstring.lastIndexOf('<') > XHTMLstring.lastIndexOf('>')) { // Truncate broken tag XHTMLstring = XHTMLstring.substring(0, XHTMLstring.lastIndexOf('<')); } // Check for broken elements, e.g. Hello, w // Get an array of all tags (start, end, and self-closing) const tags = XHTMLstring.match(/<(?!\!)[^>]+>/g); const stack = []; const tagToOpen = []; for (const tag in tags) { if ('/') === 1) { // // end tag -- pop off of the stack // If the last element of the stack is the corresponding of opening tag const tagName = tag.replace(/[<\/>]/ig, ''); const openTag = stack[stack.length - 1]; if (openTag && ('<' + tagName + ' ') >= 0 ||'<' + tagName + '>') >= 0)) { stack.pop(); } else { // Tag non aperto tagToOpen.push(tagName); } } else if ('/>') <= 0) { // // start tag -- push onto the stack stack.push(tag); } else { // // self-closing tag -- do nothing } } // stack should now contain only the start tags of the broken elements, most deeply-nested at the top while (stack.length > 0) { // pop the unmatched tag off the stack let endTag = stack.pop(); // get just the tag name endTag = endTag.substring(1,[ >]/)); // append the end tag XHTMLstring += ''; } while (tagToOpen.length > 0) { const startTag = tagToOpen.shift(); XHTMLstring = '<' + startTag + '>' + XHTMLstring; } } // Return the well-balanced XHTML string return (XHTMLstring ? XHTMLstring : ''); } /** * Get all DOM elements contained between the node elements * * @param start starting node * @param end ending node * * @returns list of nodes contained between start node and end node */ // tslint:disable-next-line: no-any export function getElementsBetweenTreeNode(start: any, end: any): XMLElement[] { const range = document.createRange(); range.setStart(start, 0); range.setEnd(end, end.length || end.childNodes.length); const commonAncestorChild = Array.from((range.commonAncestorContainer as XMLElement).children); const startIdx = commonAncestorChild.indexOf(start); const endIdx = commonAncestorChild.indexOf(end); const rangeNodes = commonAncestorChild.slice(startIdx, endIdx).filter((c) => c !== start); rangeNodes.forEach((c: XMLElement) => c.setAttribute('xpath', xpath(c).replace(/-/g, '/'))); const fragment = range.cloneContents(); const nodes = Array.from(fragment.childNodes); return nodes as XMLElement[]; } export function getOuterHTML(element): string { let outerHTML: string = element.outerHTML; outerHTML = outerHTML ? outerHTML.replace(/ xmlns="http:\/\/www\.tei-c\.org\/ns\/1\.0"/g, '') : outerHTML; return outerHTML; } export function getCommonAncestor(node1, node2) { const method = 'contains' in node1 ? 'contains' : 'compareDocumentPosition'; const test = method === 'contains' ? 1 : 0x10; node1 = node1.parentNode; while (node1) { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-bitwise if ((node1[method](node2) & test) === test) { return node1; } node1 = node1.parentNode; } return undefined; } export function createNsResolver(doc: Document) { return (prefix: string) => prefix === 'ns' ? doc.documentElement.namespaceURI : undefined; }