import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; import { BehaviorSubject, Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { distinctUntilChanged, filter, map, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { AppConfig } from '../app.config'; import { isUrl } from '../utils/js-utils'; import { Surface, ViewerDataType, XMLImagesValues } from './evt-models'; export interface OsdTileSource { type?: string; '@context'?: string; '@id'?: string; profile?: []; protocol?: string; url?: string; height: string; width: string; } export type ViewerDataInput = string | XMLImagesValues[]; interface ViewerSource { getDataType(key: string, data?: Surface[]): ViewerDataType; getSource(source: ViewerDataType): ViewerDataInput; getTileSource(change: BehaviorSubject, http?: HttpClient): Observable; } type ViewerConstructors = { [K in keyof T]: new () => T[K]; }; class ViewerController> { private factories: T; constructor(classes: ViewerConstructors) { this.factories = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(classes).map( ([key, value]) => ([key, new value()]), ), ) as T; } getSource(source: ViewerDataType, type: string | K): ReturnType { return this.factories[type].getSource(source) as ReturnType; } getTileSource(change: BehaviorSubject, type: string | K, http?: HttpClient): ReturnType { return this.factories[type].getTileSource(change, http) as ReturnType; } getDataType(type: string, data?: Surface[]): ReturnType { return this.factories[type].getDataType(type, data) as ReturnType; } } class ManifestSource { getDataType(key: string): ViewerDataType { return { type: key, value: { manifestURL: AppConfig.evtSettings.files.editionImagesSource[key].value, }, }; } getSource(source: ViewerDataType): string { return source.value.manifestURL; } getTileSource(change: BehaviorSubject, http: HttpClient): Observable { return ( change .pipe( filter((url) => !!url), distinctUntilChanged(), switchMap((url) => http.get<{ sequences: Partial> }>(url)), map((manifest) => manifest // get the resource fields in the manifest json structure => => canv.images).reduce((x, y) => x.concat(y), [])) .reduce((x, y) => x.concat(y), []).map((res) => res.resource) .map(this.buildTileSource), ), ) ); } buildTileSource(manifestResource) { return { '@context': manifestResource.service['@context'], '@id': manifestResource.service['@id'], profile: [manifestResource.service['@profile']], protocol: '', height: manifestResource.height, width: manifestResource.width, }; } } class XMLSource { getDataType(key: string, data: Surface[]): ViewerDataType { const localImagesFolder = AppConfig.evtSettings.files.imagesFolderUrl; const xmlImages: XMLImagesValues[] = => s[AppConfig.evtSettings.files.editionImagesSource[key].value] ? { url: isUrl(s.corresp) ? s.corresp : localImagesFolder + s.corresp, } : { width: s[key][0].width, height: s[key][0].height, url: isUrl(s[key][0].url) ? s[key][0].url : localImagesFolder + s[key][0].url, }); return { type: key, value: { xmlImages } }; } getSource(source: ViewerDataType): XMLImagesValues[] { return source.value.xmlImages; } getTileSource(change: BehaviorSubject): Observable { return ( change .pipe( map((value) =>, ) ); } buildTileSource(resource) { return { type: 'image', url: resource.url, width: resource.width, height: resource.height, }; } } const ViewerModels = Object.freeze({ manifest: ManifestSource, graphics: XMLSource, default: XMLSource, }); export const ViewerSource = new ViewerController(ViewerModels);