apparatus-entry.component.html 658 B

  1. <!--
  2. Check if the app entry is inside an app detail (nested app). In the app detail it's not necessary to render the entire app but only the lemma.
  3. -->
  4. <span *ngIf="!isInsideAppDetail" class="app-entry" []="variance$ | async" [ngClass]="{ 'app-detail-opened': opened }">
  5. <evt-reading class="app-entry-lem" *ngIf="data?.lemma" [data]="data.lemma" (click)="toggleAppEntryBox($event);"></evt-reading>
  6. <!-- The click event in "evt-apparatus-entry-detail" is used to manage nested apps -->
  7. <evt-apparatus-entry-detail *ngIf="data?.lemma && opened" [data]="data" (click)="stopPropagation($event)"></evt-apparatus-entry-detail>
  8. </span>